the chan thirty two years ago, but 14.
who have preached the creed that all in or them
The buyrant, and
and they for tobody." IXN) h a l thu (HAYA CONFERENCK
frantie cries of Mahomedian, would never Being well
will , The fourth w in of the Beharee have rent the air and disturbed the calme und well officerrel. Students' Conference began its sitting at of national progr Weru it not for thn
want of that political study of men and I ll. fotbw the writer 19 nov 30 October, when the President.
manners which gives grace and dignity to into his rep oflm firrmany let ( Mr. Syed HAMA (man), aceom the movement of people. The Agita kelp the Turk on the subject of panied by M r. Deep Narayan Singh,
tion of mild Bengal at the irritation of
the stern Punjali, Mr. Han Imani went I ' m in II, am Mohamed Yunos, Parmeulwar Lall, and
on, the nettled glem of the l'utel the final WT tistem the Hon. Rabu Krishna Sahay were re- l'rivinces and the declarations of peid rum to went and rived with prolonged cheers. The proced.
Bombay, over the all columing demand
of tbe Muslim League, bring convienam ht
y of in began with a bewutiful ang Babu
to my mind that the neel is mnt urgent ... Matinha
r a hwari rad , President to the B u le Bulgarith licens . N. Remption Counmittee, welcomed the dele
dont would be traineil, while it in yht
receptive, to develop ohitnon ideal of uten in it suitable wech. He deplored
butional life and weningent. Ihlul fart , br . that the legary of educational facilities in Referring to the disgraceful incidents
which have taken place in the county Bhar, nu dvornted the establishment
within recent times, Mr. Han Tun Tittar), Mitilir ( HIV, but tule wifi mullege in finya. Bahu Sebeshwar
Maid that the need was all the greater Tiran
yel proped, and Babu Prahnarayan
that young men's patriotic sentiment lil thar Tuuh 111
would be guidel on proper linux Meranded, the election of Mr. Nyed Han
new spirit utilized in the interest of orde in po , but it was all for the wel Imam lrr-i lunt in a nice M h . pence and progress. Nobody will ha..
Mr. Nyed! Han Iman, who was re
the unwisdom, at the President, to mily dieniany, fall,
that student will be advancing the not the b e ach with Int e , then clelivered
interests of their country if they rute this, the whether hinninguriladi.
into netive politics. “But I hold stronglah tu. Tako s u her military
to the view," wrid Mr. III. In 11),
lle complemented the Conference on it Intuile the
many Ariel haarte, in which Beharee
that it will be a sit on our part to students, loncus and Mahomedans met
lenses you without guidance tu ro ' the .eful, anti militarist natin
on platform to dil mesures
code of political morals out of the per .. Bur l ent Turkey An a l for their commendancement. It is from
plexities of the present situntinn." Iles in order
t o the member of the conference, the Presi.
with Mr. Arundle of the Bentre Ilindu de tash the animation dnt mail, the historie province of Behar
College, advented the imparting of toupily dier where of neuleus
political edurntson to the College students. The whole olles in They'inchility workers in the AUHG of the Motherlanel
lle next referred to the condition of Centrally to admite r santlle ebarted the twent to preserle
women and the depressed classes. Serial thing Butan na imitary fli.
Tov un hurator and spirit of obligation, low weid, prudled politics un y, au lithin just at this 10mutual p e inturt when they
not politice al conditions, et under the mito . Huer enter the world: it in then that they where mihi p lan important Will he thew Wilength of
ANTIODEA DACITY. ' that it to be the hiyu
t er te lase them from the infams 11- C 144.
which attaches the whole p hel | Siк \' тнҹ AirHESTE.», Turkey band to love, and lar!
or priuilen practised ahother. Information of wlutt apa tu le tan t o meet the letter to be in the Motherland be the first in our well-plannel anity immitted in the with
the 110 gm" i wtortions or privite thir d and Nudler Distit Iefuhed on Thursday the rinnel, of course, I t hang wercomminnity hereafter.
Government Railway Police Seuldah. It indy that military charter which! STUDENTS AND POLITIN.
is reported that a large body of young the damanli have been l inea Speaking on the question of Mtudents met armed with endly weapon inelu. the first w erel in history
and witin Mr. Hann nam declared he Itroly Approve of alustrierte n W int of there who would shut
ding kuns suudenly appenrel on Weil
en from the study of liter. In hewlay night in Haludari Bazar ching the Young TukhVe N far, lo he tent that prevails in the Tooted the whop carrying out aband I am proud to be alle tancum emelih, tek the student community test
i tu ..f the Committee
leted in to
Uruments of considerable value. nature to alter ty
The As I y
la Edwatial authorities may for Duwliitper Police on receipt of the W* in lut I think that their intenselymulate their lisciplinary rulent they
pued an investigation. On Thurly mutual spirit is an historien fame that I' d wrth young min to cancer hmld be unted even by
i trate it elfu thing othereul when the the place arred is youtlm where
mere frietul. Ihn and at the village gates pro- alleged to be implicated in the decvity: European olervers have shut their limnd the cunun of the people for jili.
Further particular which rechel the 1. It so far, but that does not in prove
u mchat He referred to the ne
I o n Mr. rulle for his political Ciuvenement Railway Police at Seallal matters in the lvant.
W ofendation and companion Friday, went to whow that the Ni u to the dinit of the one trusted levlet of the Muslim League, Mr. Ali
Hoguli youth who have been arrested in Imani, " cause he refuse to uge, in connection with the daonity committee ther e
the unrightestinan Waleslav nicht in Haludari Bila pretentiof lind of political jumpers
in the Nadea District are residents of ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA
ulutta and had proceeded to the Nuclo Founders of Steel Trunk Industry
Distriet. Some of them, it is said, u in India.
tudents, and their respective you ale ESTABLISHED IN.
from 18 to 25 years. They are also sail Rent Mahine ninde, Stuive painted
tu le respectably connected. On the STEEL TRUNKS & CASH BOXES.
murning following the dacoity the Police FACTORY :
found the young men in a field near th+ 11. Manikt in Street, (Ramlagan.)
the Mairwah Station, and they were HEAD OFFICE
unable to render satisfactory account 7/1, Cornwallis Street, (Kalitel)
of themselves they were arrestre. No BRANCH
stulon property was found in their AEN. 19 Bowbazar Street, (Baitakklana)
Nion, neither have they made any state
ments yet of an incriminating character. Cror CHHATHA BHASDAR LIEL
The Policy decline to dinclue their -1 College Square.
neruos at present. Further enquirius are CALCUTTA WHOLESALE & RETAIL
3 পুরাত