onlinnted to the Merthotit kerusid, but in life it is 'ham pored by Newton and Leibnitz, Darwin and Spa it must behutiful and delightful; the dermar.ds'of the bydy and the
cer, artyle and Eruer on, and the list er to that extent it censes én, he vital pasions Here eomes in the might be indefinitely prolonged, "lak, vood." The object of existence is 104 first mighty, utility, the triumphant
CORT, Barrent and laramur" in its the pactise of virtue for its own
inner significance, activity of the mi cuergetie fonins
is--- --well,
what whall. My Language of this sort wake but ananda, relight, and of art and poetry. They provide a in the stock in trade of the
progress consiste not in rjócting field in which these prossing 'enim bor kind of journals in this A ty and delight, but in rining of the animal cim be excluded and country, but in quite unworthy of a man from the lower to the higher, the the ainotions working disinterest
if culturn like Prof. Bannerji. I partiless complete to the more complete edly for the entisfaction of the heart
cularly object to Prof. Bannerji's language
becouse of the infinite mischief which beauty and delight.
And the imagination alone, can do nunc
the sentiment it exprewex is doing in this 'The third activity of nesthetic
the work of katharsis, emotional country is the many side of the faculty, higher than the two alrenily purification, of which Aristotlo nationalist movement in Tengal and is
Hure, if unchecked, ultimately to dentny described, tho highest activity of spoke. Chittasuddhi, the purification of the heart is the nppointed
whatever good has come out of it. A the artistic sense before it rises to
mian who reperta himself repeta other the plane of the intellect, is the mad by which man arrives at his
Rempet for uthers is the correlative of direct purifying of the emotions.
higher fulfilment, and, if it can be self-respect." Be person and pert This is the katharsis of which
shown that poetry and art are thers A peron" ix, aceording to Aristotlo spoke. The sense of
powerful agents towards that ond, great philosopher, fundamental prin easure and delight in the emotiontheir supreme importance is cHta
ciple of practical life. What is true of
individual life is also true of national al aspects of lifo
blished. They are that, and more and action, this
life. A self-respeting nation repres In the poetry of life, just as the
than that. It is only one of the channnt. 15 INony one
other nations and a nitiu that does not regulating and beautiful arrangegrent uses of these things which
respect other nations, des not in reality ment of character and action is the
men nowolnys are inclined to re- respect itsell, in spite of Throneen to it of life. We have seen how the
gard as mere ornaments of life and the entrary. It is expecially nocory latter purifies, but the purifying therefore of secondary importance.
for us, at the present stage of our pro
1 , bet to allow the faculty of ad. forve of thó former is Ntill moro
miration to grow weak. It is undeniablo potent for good. Our life is largely | COMMENT AND CRITI.
that we have still touch to learn from the made up of the eight rasas. The
Went. Such a behef tay unfashion movements of the heart in its enjoy
Prof. Jitendra Lal Bannerji on able and unpopular at the present day, ment of action, its own and that
Western Civilisation. but, bevertheless, it is absolutely true. If 0o--
We are unable to appreciate all that is of others, may either be directed
In his interesting and readable Article great and good in the civilisation of the downwards, as is the crusc with the
on "Aravinda (ihoxh- atudy." Prol Wunt, the Iron shall le weand not the animals and animal men, to the Jitendra Lal Bannerji makes remarka
West. The oliward march of Western intre satisfaction of the tan sense which, 1 ani mure, will be deplored by civilisation will not be arrewted by uus nyans, and the vital desires every right-thinking man in the country. failure to appreciate it, but the cause of
I, which muke instruments of the
of course, do not find
progress in this country will suffer au
fault with him for oulagining Mr.
irreparable low ses in the average sensual Arabina che in the manner he does.
Let us not bate other and overstimate man, or they may work for the
Every man kue the right to worship in ourwolven. The feeling of uverestimation Nitisfaction of the heart itself in a hero. To speak the truth 1 wiocerely and contempt, Spluoza truly miy, are al predominatingly cmotional enjoy- respect Prof. Kannerji for being no grod
way evil. No trating good ever mine ment of life, or they may be direct- A lero worshipper. He evidently does out of lintred. It is love alone that Availe not belong to the class of men who find
th in the long run, whatever the app! ed upwards through the medium of
none to admire in this wide well. What Ances may be. It is greatly tu le textet the intellect rational and intuitional
I greatly deplore in the langungo her ted that gifted metalike Prof. Bannerji, tuntuinment of delight through Linea in characteriring Western civilisation.
instead of combating the salopant mi the seizing on the source of all de- "Wertern civilisatiou" we are informed chief of the prornlent race-lintu, whould light, the Spirit, the satyam, sun- "had lost its gloss and glamour for hun.
bowever unwittingly, foruent it. If the He had penetrated behind its glittering
18e feeling displayed by Anglo-Indian daram, anandam who is beyond and outer shell of painted hrilliance and had
is bad, the rice feeling displayed by Into round, the source and the basis of
sounded to the depth all its baldness, co- ahs cannot lie goud. Let us buvo faith, :ll this worldwide activity, evolution
arenos, barrennens and the barbarist surrounded though we are ly circuts and progress.. When the heatt
of it# inner significance. Now it is tancce that sorely try it, in the all-comworks for itself, then it enjoys the unnecekry to NAY anything in bruinel quaring power of love and reinenbet time poetry of life, the delight of emo.
of Wontorn civilistion. It is not on it higher than nationalities, embracing them #719, the wonder, pathos, beauty,
trial and royuires no defence. Even the all and a tho Organic Unity of thein,
greatest detractor of it pay homage though, M yet, only idealiy, i. Humanity njoyableness, loveableness, calm,
to it in the daily acts of their life.. BARAMUR HIRALAL HALDAK. serenity, clarity and also the gran
Suffice it to my that if it had been Norenber, 6 1903. deur, heroinen, passion, fury, terror anything like what Prof. Bannerji paita "Western Civilization, and horror of life, of man, of it to be, it would not have dominated While thanking Prof. Haldar for the Nature of the phenomenal mani. tho Vorld and been in the scendant. courtpoun tone of his comments I cannot festation of God. This is bot the
No shan ever edpdures in Cod's world. y that this tritician has been very
To call civilisation which han produc- helpful or I kam tuting to me. Apparently highest, but it is higher than the
ed Shakes and and Milton, Wordsworth he objects to the diaparaging nature of animal, vital and externaly Aesthe
and Coleridge, Shelly and Byron, Goethe my remarks of Western Civilization; tic developments. The large part and Schiller, Tonnyhon and Browning, and from that I buy infer that he has it plays in life is obvious, but Descartes ind 'Spinoza, Kant And Hegel, preferences or at any rate high
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