un methode na
honey.kungering erilgtson of the W .. GULAB BANO.CASE ón methods and for them to mtidly To me puber they're the step
Y When the Wamponat Galab Bano che ti
t betagluwa and not to the culpesulle promontorice which set out from
bility of the tubordinata. It w
me up at the Lahore Chiel Court the level enitent of
day tropia 16 while
over sectory for ve to make our own before Jution, Robertson and Rattigan, round them, & weir by bail rolle Mr. BeynyPodtan made gutteneat in
proitlon clear, and we thought in fuation and eddig the turbid wall of modem which he outlinecPhe Local Bovernment's
to the police that they were entitled to civilization with its mad thirst for money position.
hate it on woord bere that their own and comfort ita savage luat of power and
Mr. Fuation Robertoon then read
Toponible superior considind them Jominion.
free from blame lengthy order, in which be bid that he But this bring me to the one funda
and Mr. Justice fattigan desintoxpro miental misconception which seems to
-theft onbe of the door thay to His Honor underlie the whole tenour of Mr. Haldar's
the Lioytenant-Governor for anthorjailig criticism. What is that we mean by West
the Government Advocate to make that ern civilization? Obviously we mean this by
statement. They fully term the type of eivilization which actuals
position of Local Government in the 14 prevnils in the West as the present time
On 91st instant Mr. Roobanlal, defence -a civilization which in theory reata upon matter, and they had not the slightest
counsel for the Patiala secured, filed desire to enter into a controversy on the the basis that the individual is the contre
petition to the Maharaja of Patiala comof the world and that the body in the subjeet. He pointed out that he and his
plaining of illegalities and irregularities Gel of the individual, and which in brother Judge approached this case in not
alleged to have been committed by the Juretice inues in social strije, in nggraine
the slightest spirit of controversy. The last thing they wanted to do wanto trenh
State police and making other gravu wwrfor, ad infierne commercial compari
charges againat the police. No orders yet tion. It would lead to endent confu. on the privileges of the Executive in any
have been passed on the application. ion if we were to identify Western way whatever. There will no controver
The Patiala sedition tasca canion before civilization with Christinity with Hello
kial spirit in the action the Court wu taking in the matter. It was simply be
* special tribunal on 22nd Novey:ber, Mr. ht, with Calvinism with the culture
Pestonji Dadabhal, Barrister, appeared of the Renascence or with any of the can they had been looking very care
for the prosecution while Ma Rouablalal, various types of thought and wentiment fully into this case, and they considered
Harrintar, appeared for the defenen. Mr. which have prevailed and spread their that in the interests of the public it was
Roushanlal insisted on the production of sway in Europe from time to tine. And desirable that they should look into it
the complaint and the unction under yet this is precisely what Prof, Haldar little further. They were not going to
which the complaint had trepo Med. It has dones I may tell him, therefore, that direuw the correctness or incorrectness of
transpired that not a single complaint hail I do not quartel with that bright, vivid, the Atatotuents of the Rasolution. What
been fled against any of the accused. limone Wellenjam which bod Goethe for
they proposed to do wsa to state clearly Mr. Pestonji/ when asked by the Court, its fruit or that rigid Austere menitie cul. why they thought it necondary to go into
could not rqs, aud took time to consult ture which gave Spinoza to the world. I the case and what they wanted to do.
with Mr Croy, Nis senier, on the point. do not quarrel with that deep-toned They were very jealous of their own pri
As many asbortionda of books and Handa spiritualiam, wbich, in to nyetevileger, but the last thing they wanted to
other locemente cohtaining among other r Ways of Providence claimed Emer. do was to trench on the privileges of other
things copies of the Bible, the Ramayana, * for its own in the far off wavannahs people.
Political Economy and student's text. of unquiet, buy Ameri; nor do I
They lo added the following rider to books and papers of the Eugineeporter, yostel with that joyous humanity of
their judgment: No enquiry such as was
quiry such as were brought to the Court, however, ask.
suggested by Un M culture which born with the Renascence
desirable in our judg. Ied the list of documenta alleged to lin
ment of the End December and with re- lead its crown and cousummatiop in the
seditious Hand and universal genius of Shaker
gard to the conduct of the police in regard The 1st of December has been fixed by
to this eneo hine been minde by the execuwere the civilization which I
the court for the production of the lint tive authorities; but His lieve sucht weritteize is that hungry,
Honour the
and the hearing of the towtion of romand Lieutenant-Governor ho called for money-loving, material civilization which
and bail. donate Western life at the present
Inemorandum from the Superintendent Mr. Chiranjih, Superintendent of the dry, and of which we nay say that Mam
of Police concerned, and has considered A cenuntant-General Offio, Patiala, who
that and the Bova is infud; mills, factories and coal
forwarding note in spite of his wil being granted on 1Rth
of the mines are ila teinples and stately pathe
D. I. 6. the medical October, remained in custody o long
opinionny Colonel Cunninghain and the hae at last been releed on bail. ul.61 Worsh; while the blare of the
papera submitted to hin, and after him, to whistle and the rur of the dyna
The Patiala medition CRM me up noite are its timbrels and harps of gold it
and after ennwidering thene paper and before the pedal Tribunal on the 20the has been well wid Ly Prof. Halder that
those of the incompleto enquiry niade after hearing both wides the Court decided We must respect others if we respect
before the trial has enme to the conclu to remind the Ch till 18th proxim. relvex But we that
sion that "The injurine froin which Mur the thing
Application fup air on behalf of the root is worthy of respect sumat (ulab Bana WA muffering on Juno accured were rele
1 5th were not caused by the polirn, and and even shoye all that the divinity
leo that the ominion to call the head on. u worship does not turn ont to be
stable, Abdulla, as witnen, was bot te grinnings and gbantly skeleton,
1199 one with any intention to Hupprean evl. ne painted and whited nepulsbre
dence." To this nucli we think the we phantoni-image like that of NA buchadnis wifrost of bread
police are entitled. Pecoguining to the
fall the great difficulties under which Svetelny."
the police Inbour, the good work which RAMPURHAT JITENLAALAL BANNER
they do in the protection of life and pro17th Normbar, 1902.
perty And the peculiar liability to hlas
aceup Fons & this kind, we could gially SWADESHLOQMS.
hate added our own convietfun to.ch Fijnhuttle Looink bespent the most Lieutenant-corerner that no impleien 5 prochable without iron pigs Working mained it could have done ; but on finór counts without bockage. For sfter all the persons concerned not ternu apply to D. B. & Co
our subandy and were not prodaond . AKOLA,
before nk hod we fully reengnise that it 0.1. Ry.. was for their own superiors to chose their
ridico ?? illa