Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 288
________________ 12 KARMAYOGIN. referred the Lingayat and Juin com article and that he bad on kaowlodge | Mr. Haptista aid it the contents were munities, who, the speaker wid, did no that the article contained roditious not read by the person who in longer winh to be recognized as an inte matter. would not be pab Heation within the grul portion of the great Hindu contou- Chandravarkar,J.: Your argument thon meaning of the Booties... The ground on nity: And be muinmed op the matter by to that pablication required intention. which the Magistrata beld the article to maying that if there was one thing which Accused had sold them but had not road be published was tle notice which ar ** prominently furring itsell on their the content, and therefore there was no cused admitted he bad read.. tention it will the fact that this sec- publication in law Heaton, J.: The meaning of the III. Hemed to be the order of the Mr. Baptista mid the Magistrate had pronouncement in the notice was clear Iny, hold that there was no evidence to show and it reforred to spread of wedition. Contitting, thu lorturer haid, ther: WAK any person to whom they were sold had Chandravarkor, J : The whole question * Ideal of doubt in what was happen. ral the contente. That, the Magistrato was whether the article was voditious or ng amongst then to damp their wpirit held, was not necesary under Section not. to make them feel di-appointed and to 125A. But the Magistrate thought, that Mr. Baptista said the important ques think that for all ww maid and done would be necessary for charge of dofama. tion the Court bad to decide was the in it was not progress but retrogression tion. tuntion of the person who sent the article. With which they were fel. Seclarinin The jury would not be bound to my that Chandra varkar, J.: Having regard to Will no doubt a mark of regression. it was the intention of the accused to all the wurrounding circumstances and But I student of history, 44 one who excite hatred against the Government. the titues of unrost under which this row his faith ftuan Cixl, from humanity Mr. Baptista showed country was passing, why should we not distinction ami lam belief in progress being the between "calculated to oxcite batred and infer that the persons in whose handa are of tho day . tl.u kingdom of pro intention" and cited canes in support of they came had read them ? videner, I felt that the signs which they Mr. Baptista: The jury would in that bir arguments. wore witnessing wu far from being deprest caso only come to this inforence. Tu The Advocate-Goneral having repli% High were thulunelvow that nignu thoy ad thoir Lord lips reserved judgment. order contitute publication three we wi thu path of progress. The oventa things ought to be established according het happening before them noumed to the well-known authority of Odgern. to the rather ILNgn of dark but still TRAVANCORE POLICE. Tho per must have read thom, le It w darkness before down. Whutber just have read and delivered them to The whee of tive policemen, who were however it would be darkness continued others, and the party to whom they convicted of offences of torture, unlawful ur Wetter it would be down that fol. were delivered must have read them. detention in custody, ute, in connection lowe darkness on then upon biru and Mr. Raptista added, accused had re with the arrest made in June last year upon every onu. ceived advance copies by put and the Hoon after the riot h4 already been re consigoment was with the Collector of purted. The convicted policetien appealCu tomur. When his client received the od before the District and Seunions "SWARAJ" SEDITION. ¡ books from the Collector after being ap Judge who quashed the conviction of JUIXUMENT RESERVED). provel, Accured sold them and they were the Magistrate, acquitted the three policeall diaponed of in two hours and not men und ordered thu retrial of Justics Chandravarkar and Heaton single copy was left with his client. wo others. It is reported that som heard arguments on the rule takon out Heaton, J.: I. there any evidence after their conviction by the MagisLycianush Bulwant Modak to wet aside when they were received ? trato orders were invuod by the Superin the order of Mr. Anton, Chief Presidency te dout of Police to an Inspector to ren Mr. Strangwan said they were received Maritrate. Acused Modak was charged der all nocessary help to on July 22nd, the policeLofore the Magistrate under Section 124A. tuen convicted, engage & vakil and pre Ilonton, J.: Ilow did he receive ad. of the Indian Penal Code with having fer an appeal. This order of the SuperinVance cupios tendent way, it is alleged, followed by u publinbul in India a fortnightly magazine, Mr. Baptinta : By post. contidential circular to all the Inspectors called "Swaraj," which contained an ar. Hoxton, J, What is your cliont! tacle "Etiology of Homb in Bengal" Aud asking them to give certain percentage wan sentenced to one month'wimplo Mr. Baptista: He is the manager of of their pay sad also realise the same mprisonment. the "Rashtramat" and in lao manager percentage from their subordinater Mr. J. Baptinta appeared in support Hartama Agoney. The circular was signed by the Police of the rulo. Mr. Strongman, Advocate Huston, J.: If it is admitted that he Inspector in charge of the Superinten Cheneral, instructed by the Public l'rose- diaposed of all the copies the inevitable deut's Office. A good deal of protest cutor, appeared to show CHUNU Against the inference is that they must havo beou was toado by the local Prens against this extraordinary procedure, the attenrule. road by the people who received them. tion of Government being called. Not Mr. Haptinta naid, the only question the Mr. Justice Chandravarkar said the withstanding the strong adverse critiCourt had to decide was whether the facta promocutiou could not prove by direct proved constituted publication. His client ovidence who had real the article, but ciemn in the Prout about the circular received advance copies of the "wanj." taking all the surrounding circumstances no official contradiction has so far ap They were sent to the Collector who read into consideration and the time of unrest peared. and and thou and they were then sold during which they were sent, presump by the accused. What the accused vaid tion did arise that they must have been was that be had no time to read the read by the persons who had received then. BENGAL ART STUDIO. Gold 80, MUKTARAN BABU'S STREET. FOR GENUINE SWADESHI GOODS. ARTISTIC CHROMO Silver LITHOGRAPHER, POR CHHATRA BA ANDR L. PRINTER, ENGRAVER, ownmake POOTBALLS. 4.1 College Square, CALCUTTA. Trade Lables, Cheques, Certificates, Agents wanted everywhere. Half-tones and Line-Blocks etc. Lists free on Application. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERA are the Special Studies. CRARGES MODERATRA Trial is Solicited. FOR PROSPRCTOS or C-JPERATIVS POR SEN & SEN DWIJENDRA NATH DHAR, CITARING STATKY AND PRICR 1, Chowringhee CALCUTTA. Proprietor a Manager. WENDA SANA. Medals The


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