Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 243
________________ worried to death by the patient and in the different provnices. When really of modern, culture and bup'odiling ways of the implacable these are collectod, walu Auld have manity. This distrust is not only Taytive resister. nod enger to get the Reg'ster we want" and the characteristic of 'those that are through the whole business as quick- Register will practically form our called Extremists, but equally ly as possible. And we want a Association. All that will be necess- also of those that are landed strong organisation to fight this ary after this will us for the as moderates. Mr. Gokhale and strange dual Alliance. Executivo Comittee to send out his party have no more confiBut there is an internal need of it Circulnrs pointing out the dutydence in the larger humanity and also. Without an organisation able of the party, in reference to parti- civilisation of our time, than the to guide and control the general cular monsures or situation, as crude politician who calls political body of Nationalist in the country, these arise from time to time. This murder as natural justico. It is and lond all our activities along is, it seems to me, our immediate therefore that both these classes are peaceful and lawful lines, the whole work at home. equally mongod against thoren! movement will inevitably split up The necond part of our work as Nationalist programe of penceful into small and eccentric groups suggested in my last letter should and lawful self-reliant activities. working frequently at cross pur- be the organisation of a Bureau The truth however lies between poses. authorisd to represent onr Party the old unreasonable trust and the How to bring about such an or- in England. At present we are present equally unronsonablo disnisation, is not, perhaps a very ensy not a party, but only a school of trust. The appeal of old Congress question now. But we are in a thought. The compilation of the WOH to whnt they called tho. difficult position, and we shall have Register suggested above will give British Conscionce. Unfortunately to work against terrible odds, what 18 the status of a party; and then however, the British conscience to ever we may have to do. Nor is it our British Bureau will have which our Moderate friends neceswtry to have an elaborate or- authority of our party behind it. have so long appesured is not ganisntion. All that is noodod now, Till then it must content to speak the real thing, but only an is havon Register of all nationalists nd not on behalf of the Nation- abstraction borrowed from schoolwho aro willing to pledge them- alist School only. only. There is at There is at standards on Ethica. They igselves to the line of lawful activities presont, I un fruid, a consider- nored tho real British Conucilaid down in Srijut Aurovinda able amount of silent opposition able amount of silen ence, and wanted really, to create (thosho's Open Letter, and submit among our people, to any work one for England -endow the to the discipline of their own mun, of this kind. It is largely due to British people, through the magie electod by thom, to form a Centraln very natural reaction against of their specches, with a new or Executivo Comittee. No itonnry, the mendicant policy of the old gan, that coming into being or conno taeetings, no public demonstra- Congress school, and people do sciousness, would give them. tions, nothing of an olnborate da not soon to understand how 'our liko a fairy God Mother, all they turu is nocessary to complete such work can be different from thnt longed for-high appointments ena Register and elect ench Com- of the British Congress Committee. larged Councils, Colonial Institumoittoo. We know who are the At one time we had an excessive and tions and all. This way their leuling Nationalists in difforent unressonabla faith in British character: mistako. But because the British centros, and they may well collloct. we honestly believod that England have not exuct organ that would thu names of the Nationalists in was in India primarily for our and a suit us most, it is not reasonable to think that they are entirely their own localities. The organish not for her own good, That idon has devoid of the mural faculty. tion of the Contral Comittee also been completely killed now. Even barlton)) will not be difficult after those Englishmon themselves do no longregisters are collected. All that is er profuss any such ultruistic needed is for two or throu men, motives. And tho pendulum has commanding the confidence of the consequently ywung to tho other people, to set to work about it, to extreme. A deep and unreasondraw up a well-considerul Memoran- able distrust has replaced the daom of Association, and then circu- old unquestioning trust in British late it among leading Nationaliste character and policy, in tho popua Tone piotadagdag lar mind in India. This distrust THE CALOUTTA HOX COPATHIC 81 bas not only a fusted people's csPHARMACY timates of the British po ples, but Then use the onu that is the best. 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