Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 176
________________ KARMAYOGIN. to adhere to the decision arrived at first clause of the location Roso- concessions, -and when it is practiby us at Pabnn to clear our politic# lution of the same ren98 wbich cally 4 inducernent for cuentof all that Inw and huigilinting inative dita exclusion at l'abna and ting to the permanent mutilation in tones and substance it to take N ily be we look with of the buly politic and sitten! - relianci, sf-mpct and i Busi on solution entirely without unesty, Ceration of IPmanly prson of opinion the undir til control. If primary presive H UT or release of the Get of war public revolution. inc l ud under free larteek it is bimiling the "There innttory in which Dintre Bu , there will be 10 Natti VRLA and or bernatecision rest with the path objection; otherwise we fall by the rejection of the west. ramot and yet in which the m i neral to the office! In the matter of an inital Colper bound to pare their tie sion of Nation Exluct! We have intel out that it ren, but he long its they live 110 trunt. the primary King H im tives Decesary to pro instrument through totally tho utwn the vide meny by which the le which they can bring their weight it out which to Bengalirul minion can be brought not. bear in these matter all they confirm ought to A fter Th. lithculture in thu way of runch is to place their opininn on the mech of the Lieutenant union two, the creed the noril and law to the vertoont Ginvernor which still stands on - Constitution. The Constitution of the ro o f ignoring the core and has not been withdrwn. the buy now calling if the opinion of province. The Sir Edward Baker distinctly cleclum Cong has been framed and ini. pression I Wired! that the Governent has no farther posed! on it without consulting Ins plant this prince and of use for more denunciations of the even that body and it is well known :'. lo u ntry; it in their hyu- outrages however forvently worded that many members of the Mexler. 14. I am up we and he has thrown on the wholo ate perty refuse to join body k W do not wish to country the responsibility for the constituteil by it means which, even ippeal to an authority which Chution of the F inations or if it were not ultra vires, would ut o d to listen to or their continuano. The suitable bei arbitrary As the most arbitrary der our site and protests course for the Conference IH to nction of which even Lord Curz' with whom ven the reeption dissociate itself in a dignified man- Government will ever guilty. The publierulution by greitt boli. ner from all forins of violence and Nationalists on their part insist 4 niprementing whole populations qnietly retnind the authorities thnt that they cannot be called on ta i multor of rar condescension the atmosphere in which the worst accept A Constitution of and fuwur. When we have direct any forins of political crime can alone uw active share in administra- exist is of their crention and the Church of which they disapprove and son.then will be the time to submit means of eradicating them in their which was inoposud on a boly • prontation and protest to hands. The people are helpen spee- from which they were specially exSininent which will be partly tators of this miscruble strife imel 11. In our draft resolutione overy. cludel. The call on them to join the Conforence hry no right to push thing expressing this attitude any rewolution which will even by 1 body which insists on their for. apped and havniling objurga implication alimit their responsibi- swearing their fundamentul princiIn his burn rigorously excluded lity. and in only one instancu We ples beforo they entor, is still more There remain the questions of have follower the precedent of Reform and the Congress. absurd. 'Therefore ifruoly clected On the the labna Conference in making 4 forinur we have alrewly stated the Congress constituod on the old lines demand, not boc une Wo uxpect it attitude of the Nationalist party is the only solution and thu Confernb fruitful but to mark A which is not ir veneilable on the wrong one of the serious brunch ence must decide that point if it pint but refitsee to countenance i definit promise with which wny return which does not begin the is serions in its desire. Our dratt concesion of Nolf-government. En resolution provides means by nurol and the nonfulfilment of an pecially is it impossible for us to limentary obligation binding on all which negotiations can be carried accept n mesure which introclucos comments popular or democratic permanent cleinen of discord and / on by Bengal with the other provin whuhrnky along with the pre- mninn thu knowing national sonti- cial leaders and the organisers of Tvation of order and the defence Inent by perfwtunting Vinion, to what is called the Lahoro Congr's out the country from foreign in Nily Dething of the file and vicious Yusion. We wero somewhat opp and, in ce of unanimity proving principles, destructive of de Hith the making even of this mocratic mocratic development on which devu lopment on which impossible, for the resembling of a mand at the time of the Pabna it is based. The reformenbures real united Congress on tho initia conferences but now th: the us nothing but in increase in the authoriti profese tive of Bongn! in co-operation willing number of thminated and elected T4 to retorm the minin with all who desireunion. members and a lon-othcial, not an Inition Audi claim Co-opiration olectivas minority. It ) hold.! Went that the sum of the our part, it is advisable to m- out to linn promise of ampler din plan depends on its phasize the serious failinge which acceptcussion, interpellation and division. mak co-operation under present ance by the Bengal Moslerates, but But the rules for formation of elecwww.itions impossiblo and to indicate torates cloction and the conduct the condition We believe it was substantially this which can alono of business is well ns tbe miss- idea which the deported Modumt. make o peration of a real kind! ibility of particular cet end p ible to the pople. The draft lewer Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra ution inqualified power of voto are on in Councils Reform. Inenl self-government and the im all in the hands of the inthorities was trying to get curricel out when There might be an increase of he was arrested. We see no reason procoment of judicial administration ve the Intter purpose in view. morul weight behind n popular why Bongal Moderatus should object Paroly becal resolutions we promise opinion or protest, but equally to it. At any neto this is the t.) omit. We hrve rostored in our there weight be an increase of moral drait the Pabna resolution on the in our weight behind the Government Nationalist proposal, if thoy can Roycutt; we do not see any sufficient anti-national inenauros by a majority succed in passing In addition to those amendments A for departing froin the Pabna of members, and substitutions we have append official, nominated yling whether to lower the tone ed two additional rosolutions to ur to enter into an and elected from convenient clec. innocentary Jotsification of the legitimate chame toratoa, 19 approved by a majority which thore ought to bo na objecte of the Boycott which a body in A reformed Council. In any tion. One of them is in the Pabna like the Conference lon; committed LANC we would not think so doubtful list and we do not know why it and trival a concession worth acto the movement ought to take for cepting for gratitude for conces- should be omitted 1919. led. We havermitted the sious implied acceptance of the


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