they had full njuraent; then by cd by which what has to remain of machine which bids fair w revolun. the growth of religion and philo- theta will be regarded as the dis- tionise the initinl stages of printing
ply they began in primis of appearing vestigis of n-dend reality Trochach hitherto known to the
tiety such as the mining of apd without any further violent best mechanical engineers of the the christian OR in Europe to coerciou be transformed slowly and of world. The machine, called the M parily placed. jurtly put steadily out of existenco.
"Bhisotype" after his nane, not under control. A is the law of
only casts type at a far grester rat such things, they are always A
AFFRAY IN CALCUTTA. than any existing machine, but redagun with greater or less innlenen
produces finispod type, which reThree Men wilt with more
quires no after-trimming.
A rint of n inost serious charncter les se totalish thein
an ordinary type-onsting machine Ylves. Finally in the nineteenth broke out on Wednesday vight in
casts about 80 to 100 types 4 minturn it m uned for time ng Burtollith Street, resulting in three
uto and power-driven machine, of some of the forec hrul, for a time -countrymen being seriously
about 800 to 1,000 per minute, the at 1241. xlinusted then los sind wunded anti they are reported to
"Bhisotype" castey 2,400 types per the hour for Nanynma and graduale in dying condition. The riot sinisal from
minute. The types, turnod out by the volution had took place between two factions.
the. "Bhipotype," The leader of one of which is Heera
Are cant Hally arrived. Such hou always
hard Gowallah of Burtollah Street, and Per ind in the end they are
motnland, 09 delivered
from the machine, Are as we have Hly to bring about their own the lender of the other is Bilutoo of
said, a finished product, requiring himent, but before that happens Machua Bazar street. For year's past
no subseqnent trimming. They are of other T
ill-feeling had existed between the inesitable. We
excellent quality and are suitable for pilnty signs of it in the members of the two factions who. i ling back into the beast which it is said, wete constantly quarrel
high class book-printing, or news; 14 III progy
paper work. Moreover, tho inachine in Europo and Ameling anong themselves. The rien Schind the fair outside of strained relationship between the
being excoedingly compact and
simple in its constructional details, Scieer, b, civilisation and two fictions culminated on WedTrumanitarin
occupies the smallest amount of , and we are likely newday night in a fight of 1 most
Hoor space, and can be worked 4. 7ine mersiyny of it in the wanguinary charter. Abotti 10-30
both by hand and by power as the w that is coming upon us. A p. m. the Machun Bazar Str.t facwimular law holds in jolitica uud tion, headed by Bilutoo, armed with
CABC may be. Professor Bhiscy has
further added to the utility of the city. The political evolution virious wenpons including large
Type-casting in chine by.connecting of the human race follows certain knives nud" daog" innrehel to Bur.
with it a battery of type-composing Icon of which the most rcent formuln Lolinh strout and provoked:1 quarrel lan been given in the watch words
machines, and he has succeeded in with the llcera Gowallah faction.
effecting Auch sinooth working of the of the French Revolution, fraun, Inn few minute the two factions
two that the compositor at each of quality and brotherhood. Put cach numbering about fifteen inen,
the eight or the forces of the old world, the began attacking unch other in a
ten counected
inchines will receive typo at the threes of despotism, the forces of truh stvage manner with their knives
rate of 150 to 200 per minute. Lonal privilege and relfish explui- and dilus." A man named Buijor,
Professor Bhisey has also inventition, the fore of unfrnternal strife (belonging to Bilates faction, had und passionate self-regarding compe his right hand completely ent away
ed among other things an adver. (11n are always truggling
tising lamp, which only add to the twent ! besides sustaining other sovero themselves on the thronmuf the euth.wounds about his body and legs.
glory of his inventive genius. Fur
ther, some ten yenra ngo he A dermined movement of reactions The local Police on receipt of the
coinpeted against virlent in many part of the world news hastened to the scene which
inventory for prize offered by and nowhere perhaps her than in w:14 also visited by Superintendent England which was one
an English paper for an original of the Crungan and Mr. Tegart, Deputy styled champions of press and Commissioner of Policu. The light
weighing and delivering machine liberty. The attempt t o brick to listed about twenty minutes. The
suitable for sugar, rice, coffee, etc.,
11.10 won the prize, being the first the old spirit 14 one of those nec mob then dispersed though not be ily returns without which it can. fore several arents had been made
Indian to succued n n nodern Tot le soutterly exhanstelu bu by the Police. "
prize-taker in the West. But to blowted out from the
trace the progress of his inventive solution. It 'The wounded man. Bijnath, rionly to be definato anrl crusher charged one Hurria and his father
genius, it is his extraordinary keen. min. On the other hand the foreSew Pal, with wounding him with
ness for mechanical work from *
school-boy and his independence of of the l ocatie tunduncy is not a knives and " On" while lurrin,
character (ns is evident from the Pre which in pont but one which has whe MAN wounded severely.com mit Ihn . i fire which plained against Binto and his
menns he adopted from his bryhodli Thul the rout out b rite. Fazeb. Bijnath, it is sail
to support himself and an is essen
tint to the fru culture of genius) j ent but one which is still
and pronuly committed a violent W elcher for finalitult illi teer of mother
that have made him # world-re
TRITI inventot, His work is not 1. tempt to coere it in the fact for which he WAS Chleted c t ually on the
only appreciated in Europe, but in
went to jail. During the height * 1 bronchi back the
In also we have the warin np. of the riot an I:lian myser-by
preciation of his worth in the fo7. ti m fiere, lungty and being toistaken for one of the gang g to it fur motto
lowing lines from i
the Presidential was surely stabbed, nexessitating Listy. Enality and Frater his removal to the Medical College
Adulrusy of Mr. R. N. Mudholkar at The te tille nilition "wr Hospital, where the other two
the last Industrial Conference held i t ! It likely thit the
at Muiras. Mr. Mudholkar snid, wounded men were also admitted. atellitude of the letnocratic
"We have a J. C. Bone and a T. K. All the three inen are reported to will tinfy the utmost be in a dying condition.
Gajjar, trien, of whom the scientifie
Tho "I those of norty who
world must feel proud. But we Police are making further enquiri. ** a c fextom, or of
want more Boses and more Gajjars.
es with a view to Arrosting the T arolity who tricy to
And here, gentlemen, I would on othpripen implicated in the riot. blish welistic derud lavel or
behalf of vou all offer congratulavoru fraternity who dreams A GREAT MARATHI INVENTOR AND I
tions to A countrymon-Professor worldlinbrucine communism. HIS BPOCH-MAKING INVENTION.
Bhisey of Bombay, who has just renisation of this
turned from England after having Meal is undoubtedly the
l'infortor S. A. Bhiscy of Bombny perfected a new machine which prola . of the human who had been carrying on his ine- Thises to revolutionise the art of
...) the oltre depot- chanical oxperunonts and original printing through the novel and ... pag inbrid o om- researchpe in London for some years
original procesues invented by him Bit), after has been once past hns returned to his mother. Sonor.hrww, a jeg otgrn cointry with the world-wide renown in regard to type casting anil type
isinyaula will be perform of the inventor of a type-casting e ting" .