Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 223
________________ KARMAYOGIN. THE BENGAL PROVINCIAL CBXFERENCE. non excitement and it is no wonder that benent of the National Coucil of Eduen the ment Assination in Engladly an ting at Chleufta. The country hou soch Tholunnot A. Bengali ) Was wught to high regard and attachment for him that have been connerted with the agitation he in popularly called Rajah Subodh which is going on in British India though Chanika Mullik. Let every man, Hindu, you all know the surgention or rather | M aman or belonging to any other THE PRESIDENTIAL the insinuation has been officinlly and creed in Bengal and East Bengal and authoritatively negativec. ADDRESS. Annan be examined he is sure to speak in DEPORTES one voice of the innocence of the depor Now let us consider about the necessity tees, who have got a very large credit in 1 do not forget the tremendous prion of the deportation. Are the deporteer the bank of pallie opinion. After the wy, on all operations of this sort in the rebele- litioninta? Did they by their deportation and with facts which the Teaction and excitement which they pro. con lurt or act or speeches or writings Government must now be in polnion of, voke. But there are Rituation in which furninh renans to unpact that they were how can the further detention and a responsible Government is und to run doing anything to diminate revolu. incarceration of the deporteca be juatiThese rinks and pay this posible price. Tt tjonary or anarenin ideas, or to create fied ? It is to be gathered from answers I like war hateful thing. The only or encourage disloyalty or dinaffection to viven to Hon'ble member of the British Iratinn for un in whether there is much a Giovernment or anything else for the Parliament by the Secretary of Stato or situntion in India today to justify tho wubversion of Government or can any. the Master of Elibank on his behalf, that nawing of this Act of the other day, and to thing be imputed to them as having the matter han leon left entirely in inatify resort to AIR. I cannot imagine brought into existence the unreat that the hand of His Excellency the that any one reading the lint of crimes prevails in 'nited Bengal! Can the Viceroy who is to report every sit month, given the other day, and remembering Government on reasonable grounds fairly about the deportees. What de patch all that they stand for, rau have any conceive for a moment that the deportees His Excellency nende is not known to donbt that summary procedure in justified had it in their power, even if they were the public and we are quite in the dark and called for.... And we must Ro inclined, to bring alout a revolution as to the future of our beloved and resprotect the peaceful inhabitants both or a rebellion ? Who does not kunw that pected deportcon. If His Excellency Indian and European from bloodshed." Babu Aswini Kumar Dutt is an well the Vicery now shows his magnanimity His Lerdahip was entent with remark. educated pious gentleman of high moral by ordering the restoration of liberty to ing that the Anarchista are few but what character, who is the proprietor of an the deportoer, he would be doing bare if the anarchista be only a dozen then cicient College, affiliated to the Calcutta act of justice and would rise high in about the list of crimes ? I only with Univerwity, for giving high education to the entiration of the public and earn the his Lordship would revise the lint, now his fellow countrymen and which he affection and gratitude of the wbole of that the state trials are almost over. I maintained at a considerable personal of the Bengalee speaking population of venture to think that the conclusion Hacrifice Who does not koow that he the two province. arrived at hy His Lord hip is not a sound WAR the life and soul of every public HI MAJESTY KINU EMPOR'S NARAHI, ano and it is based simply a very movement in Barisal? And who doen Amidst the turmoil, troubles, crimes strong desire for not workoning the not know that when only the other day of heinous nature, murder, Atteropta hands of H. E. the Viceroy. When along famine appeared in Barinal, without at murder) prosecution of Criminale with repressive measures certain import. getting any financial aid from the tovorn and innocenti deportations without ant reforms are going to be introduced, ment he moved about the whole District trial, in our hour of affliction, Ninety We may fairly indulge in the hope And raised wufficiently large fund, I dojection and whanie, comes from that the retention of the regulation believe, over a la of rupees, for relieving his Majesty the King Emperor A 1# Attributable to the excitement thousands of famine-stricken people, Tenage of wympathy, kindness and which prevails in the higher circles Mahomedans alike,from their good will, reaffirning in clualan! of lovernment and no rooner dintres, nay saved many lives from death Holom way the proclamatio Aquanimity in restored the laudable efforts from starvation ? of our late beloved Queen Bri of friends and sympathivers like the Hon'. Who does not know that Balu Krishna our Magna (haria. The mencuge kare le Mr. Mackernes 11. P. will meet with Kumar Mitter the well-known Editor of a furrcnt of reforms intended to be sucres. It is extremely to lo regretted the "Sanjibani" from the very first time intrucel. aw in a batter of great surprise that in that unrest made its apprarance in united RKOK SCHEME thunequence of a few dainations by Bengal advocated and preached loyalty to Tuen under the shadow of recirttalle me yngths of unwanced mind and the the throne, respect for law and order, and event and unront in Indun Heform manufacture of a few bomba the Governo abhorence of disloyalty and lawless Scheme was announced by laid Morley megt whould have got so much excited na In his speechre also lie omplained when making statement in the horne and there should bave been such a panic what pared in his paper and be like of Lords on Indian Policy. He waid Amoneet some officiala. This reminds me Babu Aswini Kumar Datu www respected "Now the three injortant question tha of a couplet from our well known poet. and loved by all law abiding sulyjects arison is that of reform and I would sub “প্রস্তুনিধি আন্দোলিত শুশুক ফুৎকারে Kalu subodh Chandra Mullick who doon your lordships w kive close attention A9 * 187 AVCA" not appar to have taken any prominent to it for a moruunt because I am LONDON ABEASAINATION. part in any pulitical nioeting or agitation, sure that bere and elsewhere it wil A portion of the Anglo-Indian Prer in the donor of the princely sum of a Inc in the donor of the princely sum of be argued that the nocownity an! in chiedy responsible for the panic and of rupees which has been endowed for the the fact that cause strong roprunei mca uren nhould arront our policy on fortu. That has already been watel, ar.' Many people agree that the Governme. of India and wayaelf have, from the begu. ning, never variod in our determinati. to persevere in our policy of refox tr ESTALBISHED 1887. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS. THE PREMIER HOMEOPATHIC Sorare Prompt work & excellent rates ESTABLISHMENT IN INDIA. From B. MUKERJLL & CO., If you want reliable and genuine Homoeopathic medicines, take care Diploded Accountanta Aediters that you get them from RINGER'S. (LOW DON * ('LIVESTXT, CALAUTTA C. RINGER & Co. 4 DALHOUSIE SQUARE EAST, CALCUTTA.


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