Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 222
________________ "KARMA YOGIN. NEWS. NEWS. NEWS. L POLICE NEEARCH AT DACEA. - The Binapani Studentu "mess way searched on the 14th instant in connection with the Maranganj revolver find. Sitanath Day, okler brother of Brojnballav Dax, whe is hecol yerlr student of the Dacei Colloge, lives in this iners. The police were not allowed to enter till Mr. Turner Principal, Dace College arrived who was present for the most of the time. Nothing incriminating was found among the belongings of Sitanath. In course of teaching the boxes of other inmates the police seized Home private letters containing national poems, dinry of student written in 1905 in which the writer says he took active part in Sankirtan jarty held on the 30th Aswin, il copy of the "Karmnjogin, photos of Bubu Bepin Pal, Liakat Ilmain and a book nained "Bandaval" containing a collectien of national songs. The police behaved courteously thronghout the search. MLARLA MORTALITY - A SWADESHI STEAMER Whegh itul trader withe A Swadeshi steniner has been lying in extent u t, IM 11. l'ute n te in the for some monthy from Jhikargacha talatt tents I, IMITU, a kipimony in spite of the aut ut which is in to the tanquloomaton of the foreign C NY total Waislamiyet which has fixed its fare at linna 14 Atli tel Che tall water Ingkel i Muthia Nude it was full only for 2 mles, where All'ut, bruhuwing Horathuwing 16 nas formerly. "The above com1. ht the rainfall In Civa, pany is pan cluing in benting nk to the final total rejt, the lown the Sunucleshi one which has lehet 1 .118 is due in sustained its struit of the churt total in intence in the ution, and in the path to the struggle by the inunificent patron cm Kolate to the place and sucrifice of the gentry. The ... large catchment IMTM Pujals are coming and we have every vel where to in the menty innfall. The rain to lepe that the gentlemen it, therefore, in Wir kunent: they tutt long the haitakshi will not fail wter treate their e nd to take the pride of travelling by this borin festa il train. The their own Swuleshi kamner while Alytus .which their lealth AD 1. going to visit their homes. I would been t he the UN 4 of quinine. But in HOUSE SCARGILAT PATINA1:4 the l ly Mall quantity of !!, of the drug (och A culpondent writes. The timing 1 Avanginn preparket) hu1144 of Bahu Dinamuth Biswil, In auld I ll Bengal, Lleuling pleler of the lexon Bar. VY M 24 X with the malen Wily surrounded on the 12th instant .. the porceling Venr. There it be 9. energy whown in puting the role at about 11-30 n. mn. by the police ..! yumine to lar dintrets if any who commenced treh minedinte trict in to lowerHI; and it is ly, which lasted for about half-anMALN y tor that this year's hour. It conducted by the 1-01 lave taken polarimit locul Insper of Police accompanihy rowing the price and by in 11 10 tallet fra The local el by almost all the officer nilinvernment should hay br- able in the Sudder and 1 Sub-Ins. Hapa it the rt of ' Furter, pertor from Tngail. Dina Babu IMS, when a p hiry into The malenes of inalan Wn4way at the time on e in t prufos and Maridalad dinni Thu might bional mall at Tangnil. The senreh Well l umitul to the Malaria Confor Wil nade with a view to arrest a At Niwala, nit euklotin the raton of his named Surendrat latent infortun t uleet of high Nitth Ry, who came one to visit tality from f 1 . - him about 3 weeks ago. The TUE JEWIRE TRWEDY, Sud Surenem Nath is said to be The District Marysite of J impliciter in "Swadeshi " che Mare, Mr. S . Augusty has just at Tangail and will absconding med the preliminary enquiry But the attempt of the Police into the in which it any wil fruitless they went away Horted, Surjit Chin Im Mukerja, without being able to find out the Khir Mohi, and Bhuha Mohan llegibsconder. Mukerje ( r.attached to the Xaldangi Raj Estilte, and Mulher MEMIKIAI. 1KANALAL Dutr. tahun Sen, it local Sub-Inspector of It is alleged that Mr. Shynmaji with connet.on Krishn Varma is rending to India 1:11h the death of Haday Nath burst of Kamilal Dutt whenunter be, it will remembro el the approver Gowain. It will be in the Calcuttit Melical College installed in handenagore, the Hospital saking locations house of Kandilu: instertain ins with relorHe to the injuries herived and the tu of which he him. vidence in the set " lasting but found westk. * Magistrate his cli-charge him. the first and the third re14 have been control to the (wirt under IS 325 101 3:10 of the Indien l'enul Cath THE LATE MR. GOKHALE. It is i d misforture that we have to announce the sudden death of Mr. Keshavro Gokhale M. A. H. L. of Nagpur. Mr. (okhalo was a leading inember of the Nagpur Bar, and one of the foremost Nationalist public workers in that province. In all the recent state prosecutions against the Denhanrenk he worked disinterestedly for the accused in the law Courts, and it is too well known how ably he conducted the defence. It will only a short while after he concluded his work as a defence-counsel in the last Dexhesevak prosecution thnt he fell an unexpected viction to plagne. In him the Central Provinces have lost i distinguished member of the bur. in ardent Votionalist, and young and enthusiastic public worker. We tender our condolence to his bereay. od reintives and to the Afflicted people of the Province, and hope that the lainentable loss of public lenler like Mr. Gokhale, instead of disheartening the public workels will only stitnunte them the more in their work and add to their ear. nesthes --Jahruttu. cewe have bewu comutohto to DO YOU USE O Any Hair Oil the bust. VARSA the NANIK SEDITION CASE. MrJackson, District Magistrate ik de judginent on the Then use the one that is M. Britis (Jagiriar of the th ) H. "KUNTAL-KAUNOD The accused with xicted under section 124A, I.P bort hair-oil by virtue of its c. Mented to six months wonderful brain-cooling, nnd ple imprimant. The Magis. hair re-nowing properties. Its 1. hold that the seditions loutlet mild aromit is very pleasing to . .:mil were sent by Mr. Barve ull. Price only 12 ans. lør Ir distribuiton to excite lisaffec 17 >z. Itin, "Mr. Burve knew their mean. in n. The expert's opinion SOLD EVERYWHERE OR DIRECT FROM Lout the identity of the consedis R.C.SEN & CO. dw.iting : COLOC a16 Cornwallis Street. CALCUTTA.. SELF-OILING COMB Grandest invention OFFSPRING OF TRDE SWADESHISH Avoid deterioration of hair by friction with hand. Our comb will oil for yon overy thread of your hair and will carry medicated oils to their very roots. The beloved sou of "MOTHER INDIA" Srijukta Aurobindo Gihove writes :-- *** The idea ++is a very in genious one and has been ingen pusly carreid out *** The comb serves ita purpose well Prion---1-12 pdth 4 phial of well modicated and Hotel Matrol D. D. Gupta, To Nimtolla Chat Htreet


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