ment to redeem the solemn pledges given by the Queen's Proclamation of 1858, the policy of the Government was then
to exclude Indians frora higher appointments under Government, the failure to get even handed justice as between Indians and Europeans, specially in Criminal cases had already given birth to a sense of insecurity and unrest and discontentment. The Partition demonstrating utter and contemptnous disregard for public opinion accentuated the feeling already generated and developed a deeper and far reaching sentiment and accelerated the growth of a feeling which is of an universal character and which has affected the classes as well as the masses. The subsequent events and repressive measures have intensified the unrest and the people have become disconted and unhappy and excited to a degree.
The reactionary policy of Lord Curzon gave a severe shock to Bengal and stimulated the national sentiment. Wide-spread exitement and unrest followed when a whole community was in a state of excitement, some were found to lose their heads; and it is the younger and the impulsive section of the community who are most apt to be carried away by the surging tide of excitement. What has happened in Bengal has happened in every part of the world under similar conditions. This is an explanation and not a justification, for we deplore lawlessness and violence. We condemn it with all the emphasis at our command. Righteousness is the royal road to national re-generation. History says this through every line of her golden record and in the great work of national re-generation let us recognize this truth and scrupulously adhere to it. Let it however be said to the lasting credit of the Indian character that in the midst of all this excitement and unrest, the community as a whole remained steadfast to those
proposal was discussed in the Press and on the platform and thousands of meetings were held protesting against the Partition as proposed. It is not necessary to enter into further details about the excite inent and agitation at the time for it is well known to you all. Then there was a lull for a time after which the Partition in its existing form was declared by the Government of Lord Curzon on the 16th October 1905. This form of PartiLion was conceived in secret, discussed and formulated in Camera, was never placed be ore the public for criticism or expression of opinion and was hurled down as a bolt from the blue against the emphatic protest and the declared wishes of the the people against orginally proposed Partition which was of mischievous less Every one of you know that the Districts in the Raj Shahye Division were not included in the ori ginal proposal but they were also severed from Bengal Proper by the final order for Partition..
This contemptuous and utter disregard of public opinion, the dismembering of the Districts which were considered as component parts of one whole integral Province, the sense of separation amongst people who considered each other as brothers and above all, the introduction of racial feeling between Hindus and Mahomedans gave a rude shock to the people of Bengal, and the Bengalee population in both the Provinces and throughout India took to their heart. measure as inflicting a severe blow and causing injury of the first magnitude to their national cause and to their future progress and development. There are several factors for the present unrest. The contemptuous treatment of Indians by many Europeans, official and non-official; the unfriendly attitude of a powerful section of the AngloIndian Press believed to possess great influence with the Government disinclination shown by the Govern
peaceful and constitutional means which alone can bring us nearer to the goal of our aspiration. Selfgovernment un colonial lines under British Government to our goal, and this goal is to be reached by perconstitutional feetly legal and means. The new spirit which was evoked gave birth to the Pengul National Council of Education, the Bengal Technical Institute, the Cotton Mills, the factories for manufacturing articles of all sorts and the swadeshi movement, which are giving employment and affording means of livelihood, to millions of artisans and laborers.
SWADESHI BOYCOTT MOVEMENT. As an influential section of the Anglo-Indian Press criticise in very hostile way, in bitter language and condemn in strong terms the Swadeshi Boycott movement and яs Government is beleived by some not to be with us, I deem it my duty te offer a few remarks and make a few observations in justification of the movement. It was the courage of despair emboldened my country
men to adopt a resolution on the 7th August, 1905 in consequence of which the people at large have solemnly pledged themselves to indigenous articles in preference to foreign articles of a similar nature, even at a sacrifice. This movement was never intended to be one of hostility towards (overnment of hatred and racial antipathy and I venture to urge and I believe you. will agree with ine that as a matter of fact it is not so. To those whose mother tongue is English, the expression Boycott conveys with it an idea of hatred and I regret that the expression has been made use of in connection with our Swadeshi movement. What we really mean by Swadeshi is exclusion of Bideshi
and use of Swadeshi articles as far as practicable. If you please 1 would omit the word "Boycott" in connection with the movement, the word has no charm in it and I may say in the words of the poet "what in a name? The rose will scent as
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