his mane; the sake with lowurod wafa BT: Cannot my music is based palpubly upon - hind sunting and dragging his coilal
Bonance and alliteration which he
gefa ugfarma: Tatry labours over the blazing dust of the
USEs with extraordinary brilliance rond the wild boars are digging प्रारतिवणमधे। सबहिः पवन
and builds into the most enchantin the drivil mud with their tong न्चपति मगवर्ग पातलम्बो दवाग्निः । ing melolies, but without delicacy. nouts as if they would burrow their
"Srizing the woodland edges the
restraint or disguise. If there weru Any into the cool earth: the bisforest fire increnges with the wind
any real cause for unubt of the wander cvorywhore dumbly and burns in the glons of the monn
authorship, the vorso would clently leiring water. The forests are
vindicate the Sensons for Kalidasa. tnins; it crackles with shrill shouting rim and parched, brown and sere; in the bamboo renches; it upruals
Such is this remarkable poern mnd before long they are in the wide in the grassos gathering huge
which some, led awny by its unutch of fire... But the ruins come,
doubted splendour, have put in the ness in a moment and harrace the me what inay be sonder writhing line bensts of the wilderness."
first rank of Kalidasa's work. Its Hell on the wlopus? It is the An ngxin for honeyed sweetness
artistic defects and its compara tive young water of the ruins, new
crudity forbid 11 to follow them. It and buoyancy what can be moru born rivulet, grey and full of insects Kalidasian than this ?
is uncertain in plan, ill-fused, some aud dust and weeds, cuiling like a
times raw in its imagery, unequal funk down the hillside. We wntch पुस्खोकिलयतरसासन
in its execution. But for all that the besuuty of the mountains streak
मत्तःप्रियो चुम्वति रागाष्टः। it must have come upon its converywhere with waterfalls, their high rock kind by the stoopगुलन्हिरेफोयमम्वुअस्थः
temporries like the lawning of a
new sun in the skies. Its splendid ing clouds and their sides a gorgeous प्रियं प्रियायाः प्रकरोति चादु।
diction and versificntion, its vigour, chuo of peacocks : on the horizon "Thu male cukoo, drunken with fire and force, its sweetness of spirit the great clous blue as lotus-petals the wine of the mango juice, kisses and ith general promise and to chumb hugely into tho sky and move his beloved, glail of the weet soinu extent actual presentation of cruss it in slow procossion buforo
attruction, and yonder bee in the A first-rato poetical genius must a sluggish breeze. Or look at yonder
lotin-blown murmuring hums havo malo it a literary ovent of cavidara tret, its branches trouble
Hattury's sweetness to his sweet." the first importancu. Especially softly with wind, warming with
There are other stanzas which is it siguificant in itu daring gift honuy-drunken beus and its leavos
anticipnto momething of the ripest of sonsuousness. The prophet of lenler with littlo opening buds. The
Kalidasian movements by their hedonistic civilisation hero scizen n at night gruzes down at un
gravity, suavity and strength. with no uncertain hand on the liko an unveiled face in the skies,
matorials of his work. A vivid anıt the rucing treatm
प्राकम्पयन् कुसुमिताः सहकारशाखाः show its ripples
virile interpretation of sense-life on the wild-duck's face, tho wind fagier Ura ewife for in Nntire, A similur interpretation sounes trembling through the bur- | वागर्विभाविदयानि हरबराणां of all clements of human life donol rico-tuulklancing with the मीहारपातविगमात् सभगो क्सन्ते।।
capable of greatness or beauty. crowding courlouch, making one
seen under the light of the senses Ho wory ripple of the lotits-wooder "Setting the flowering branches of
and oxpressed in the terms of an Isho Huru theru enn bu no longer the mango-tree muivoring, spread Aosthetic approciation,--this is the inny husitation. Thomu doscriptions ing abroul tho cry of the cuckou to
spirit of Kalidasa's first work as which remain perpetually with the the region thu wind faren furth it is of his last. At present he is "ye viwiblo concreto in like a lover ravishing tho hoarta of
concerned only with the outward actual printing, bulong, in tho force mortals, by the passing of the body of Nature, the physical aspects with which they are visualised and dowfalls gracious in tho springtide." of thing, the vital pleasures and the magnitioent architucturo of If we taku Kalidasa anywhore in omotions, the joy and beauty of phrow with which thoy are present his lighter motres we shall at onco the human body; but it is the first Hill, to Kulidur alonc among perceive their carential kinship
necessary step on the long roar! Saucrit pouts. Othor poots, his with the verse of the Seasons.
of sensuous and poetic experience XCO or imitators, such as Band
इदमसलभवस्तुप्रार्थनादुर्निवारं and expression he has to trvel even Bhavabhuti, overload their description with words and dutails; TAFA RAV417: forfai
before he renches his goal in his
crowning work, tho Birth of the they havo utten lucish colour-- किमतमलयवातीचोलित पानुवर्ष
wargod, where the Supreme Himang but never an equal powur of tim, thuir figures du aut appear
उपवनसहकार विशेष करेषु। self and the mystery of spiritual to stand out of the canvas and
It is the same suavu and skilful fulfilinent are approached through management, thu saino oxquisite
the portal of the senses. and unobtrusivo woaving of labial,
AUROBINDO GHOSE. And though we do not find here dontal and liquid AOPATICUS with THE KENA UPANISHAD. yuito the trarvellous harmonies of recurring sibilant noto, the same SECOND PART. FIRST CHAPTER. vurse and diction we find in the soft and perfoct footing of the sylla.
1. Yamà said. "The Self-born
hath set the doon of the body to Haghou, yet we do come across bles. Only the language is richer tace outward, therefore the soul of plonty of proparation for them. and more developed. We do not a man gazoth outward and not at Here for instance is a verse whose find this poouliar kind of perfeption tho Self within; bardlywise man rapidity and lightness rostrainod by in any other master of classical hero and there desiring immortality * certain half-hidden gravity is verde. Bhavabhuti's manger is tutooth his eyes inward and seet distinctly Kalidasa's.
| bold. atreuuous, external, Jayadeva's the Self within. bimi ...