Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 130
________________ KARMAYOGIN. began to cut the leaves of treen, and many have been very success makes it a pasive instrument for they began to ent gre, they ful in catching up his less valuable utteranou the tull meaning of wbioh tregan to eat wearin. The lower mannerisms of style and vorse, as the brain is unable at the moment rastes and the forest men began is the manner of imitators all the to grasp. This in the divine manis devouring dogs, nice and cata. world wer. But the poignant and enthusiasm which the subtle Many Arl, but those who fled wweutne, pussion and spiritual wpiritual discornment of Plato dia. only reached some foreign land to depth and mystery of n poem liku covered to be the rent meaning of dir of starvittion. Those who me this, the haunting olences subtle what we call inspiration. And of mind te nentables or sub- with nibtlety which is not of this unattainable force the best wiste without for till dism took teenique but of the soul, and the lyrics of Rabindranath are full so holl of thein and they dicil. honcyludlen felicity of the expression, overflowing. Diese hoolits dny ----ver, chol. these are the cruentin Rabindra The article Shantiniketade cm, consumption, smallpox. l'he nnth and cannot be imitatod, be- Rabindranath by Sj Jitendranath virulence of smallpox wite e cially CALLING they are things of the spirit Banerji is another fontare of great ktent. In every house nin hegan and one must have the saing sweet interest. The writer has a good to wrish of the disease. There nes and depth of soul beforo one descriptive gift and the passages was none to give water to his fol. can hope to entch any of these de which describe the Shantiniketan low, none who woull touch hiin, sirable qualities. We emphasize are nimirable, but the chief intertonttrt the sick. Men this inimitablene because the ont naturally centres in the conterwould not turn to care for onch legion of imitators we inention aru sation with the poot which is recordnther's sufferings nur was there duing harm to the progress of our ed with grent fulness. The private any to take up the core from poetry in well in to the reputation talk of a rich and gifted nature with where it Iny. Bonutiful bien of their model and we would suggest a power of conversational expression lay rotting in Walthy inansions. to them w study this poem and is always suggestive and we await here once the smallpox made realise the folly of their persistent with interest the future isane of this its entry, the dwellery Hled from attempt. One of the most remark article. We hope Jitendra Babu will the house and abandoned the sick able poculiarities of Rabin give us a fullor view of the remark. man in their foar. dra Babu's genis is the happi- able educational experiment which Mohon in Singha WA man of news and originality with which this original mind is developing in kreat wealth in the village of Pad- he has absorbed the whole spirit of the quiet shades of Bolpur. The hinhw, but to-day rich and por Vaishnav poetry and turned it into brief hints given of the moral were on one level. In this time of something essentially the same and trnining and the method of oducation crowding afflictions his relativos, yet new and modern. He has given followed point to A system far in frianda, nervants, maidservants had the old #weet spirit of emotional advance of the National Council of ull buen seized by disease and gone and passionate religion an oxprv:9- Elucation which is still tyrannisfrom him. Sume had died, sine sion of more delicate and complex cd over by a trudition and method had Hel. In that once people richness voiceful of subtler und not only European but unpro household there was only himself, more penetratingly spiritual shades gressively European. A brief inhis wife and one infiint girl. This of feeling than the deep-hearted but stalinent of Sj. Aurobindo Ghose's was the couple of whom I spoke. simple enrly age of Bongal could Karakahini is also given which Tum continued know. The old Vaishnav bhav- describes the identification parades AURORINDO GHONE. there is no English word for it,-- of the Bomb Cnse, gives some SUPRABHAT. was easily seizable, brond and glimpses of the approver Noren A REVIEW strong. The bhuvu of these poems Gossain and deals with the personal is not translatuable in any other character of some of the jail officials. The paper Suprabhatt, Bengali language than that the poet hos Nanak Charit by Si. Krishna monthly cited by Kumari Kimudini umed. -- striking proof is the un. Kuinar Mitra, the first instalment Mitra, daughter of Sj. Krishna satistictory attempt of the poet of which is given in this issue, Kumar Mitr, enter this month himself, recorded in another article commande interest both by its voita third year. The first issue in this issue, to explain in prose subject and the name of its writer. of the new year is before 19. We his own poern, Sonar Turi. But The two chapters given aro full notic grout advancu in the in- while the intelloct tries in vain to of interesting details of Nanak's torust and variety of the articles, and other intellectual wyrabols for birth and childhood and promien the calibru of the writers and th the poot's meaning, the poetry an attractive biography of one of the quality of the writing. From the on the heart and convinces greatest names in religious history. literary point of view the chief the ingination. The o poetas aru An article of minor importance is ornament of the number in the the snow of poetry and vfuso the continuation of Sj. Jadunath brief poem Dukhtabhirur, by Sj to be maderud in any prout equi- Chakrabarti'. Ekannabarti PariRabitlranath Tagore. It is one of valeat Poetry is created not froin bar o Strisikaha, wbich is of 002thosu poeins in which the preculiar the intellect or the outor imagine siderable terit. The author bu inimitable quality of our greatest . tion but conies from a deoper source seized on two of the grout ad. lyric pous conies out with suprom within to which men bave no means vantages of the joint family aystein, fource, besuty and weetness. Robin of Acress excapt when the divine its ideal of a wider brotherhood dra Bate has l a fisit torx part within weizes on the brin Add and unity and it'ample train . . he Fengal soaps are the cheapest and best in the market." 000


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