tight harother of wkening their wall not touch they had to do. Only to Bal.. 60 always in this Bengal which Harts and benadering their intelliget once inore to utter the mored marine of God had chosen there would always be They havet net for that of their Bande Mataram.mee more to declare that wveral thirch who would be true ... www w a tting in India with lifelon, that Bengal was to the faith and nover how the name
b il under the roof der faithful to the nw she had maile. He to falno kode. If tle volcca that pr I. Matn the trening of an ili wait toen what would happen on that claimed it were wiloncel, if the organisern at b
l h A-wili kumar date in Bengal, whetever they would attend were taken away, others would rise in Puttu hinh Mutter and in their hundreds or in their thousands their place, if those were taken, still W 19
not rre in their time of thousands. It was others would onde, if few, yet faithful. Nu linaftinn Pengal on which the burden of the trug. Setne would always le loft who woull ... wh i m while thin xle fell lwn who first w preached the Bw. be afraid to utter the name of their Toen. We Cil, and the first lnlll the courage
in ther. Some would till preserve the utrust it will
to bear Muffering for the inspel. There faith and preach the gospel "Theirs THE T IT
foreid had give them the privilege to was the blood of Kokoubij. (Liugliter Letthet
at they luule
her the greater met of the suffering. By and cheers") For their action prank Gittle when they declare the list
doing, he w whown a great love to from no P INK or nisterial interest The ult ime to ride the pati
wir in Bengal. Tne fate of India wa but from whething that was imperialw of Bengal le putiti still remain
with the Bengale. A they answered xble and prennial. It was something - Na bags that neel, the
the question put to them, the which the fire could not burn and the they lintritt bebine in Shrel
fure will be determined. It was not word could not kill the winds of se thrive the letter won the
the past time the question hul been preexion ould not wither and all the Fury ! this hulle nina tri
put up the fourt time it would be put waters could not drown. For all that the industrof their intry. They for it we not the TINH of a magent there wat great inspurtance in Ite Internetowa thel muntrymen mm
but a proteinrikle. The question nation's response on the 7th of August. F luvataan,"lout that hul not yet
Will with them always and very moment On our action now it depended whether m el. Sul they lease
their wponsibility for answering it in salvation comme swifty or were put of the i r waken the layerett while
the right heuse retnined with them. And the struggle and suffering prolonged it mul polished? Woull the But en cinlly on such Ny the for decaden. Tror 9 the muntry from that
eventh of August the twonnibility On their tidelity to Swalehi, to Bay. bronti arvaton! When famine waa kuvat. They waited to U ltrutt, sive mitance rented the bu the internet Wet WK would be the Answer to the question. apiceful and spiritual salvation. On it itu beliriale con loring thein
that it dependel whether India woukl w Unknowledge that the Willy
But ren if there
give the example unprecedented in hintuity
were I tum b ulThat mer than lan expected, even if tho demore
of a revolution worked out by mann forve of lives. but it is not wave 14 from the limation he
and p
heard of worn real and 4, the totality, the thout of
eful presure. For on thu ithe run
there were "That dit net strike at the
August the strength of the natiou woull whrinkage in the m an that attended that would not limange
Interrel, not the numerical strength, 1 oftlerin tarvation and famine; hiin. .
laut the inoral miength which was greater withiul luotta lose wul strik
than any physical at the tot. Salong the reputation
lle appealed to the N ong in this country there were
bilience to see that no one ex of the
the uw who haul the source of their titre la foreign trail runnin
thousands 14emlilerl remained abonentit would they injust their vuntry hy giving faith,
there were even
that day. per la, krning the lyett? Would uw who were way to prelaim their
They must remember that it was a day of to fnithful to the county if iter faith and live it, thoro mas no fear for
worship and consecration, when Or t ance they wer y to
the the milf triungh of the faithful.
mother looked upon her an chubled chil le to the thing will they did It is
in the Christian Biblr
dren. She will ask on this ith of that, it would be they could not how the cult if the tre faith was almost
August how many wore faithful to her ar the wuty and pay the profextinguished by perccution and all time
and whether after hice centuries hafie Talling up their untry and they would turned from Jehovah to foreign idol
tion she had will year of suffering to prow themselves un murthy of the freedom
endur, or by the lovo and strength of to which they aspirect. The time was a thought himself alone and hid his bel.
her children might expert the apprach leben when tho Wentin MAR Cient called to his to go forth and trive
ing hour of ber felicity. If they were Une to put to them they must always with the purient of Harl. "Always"
unfaithful now let them remember to He said, "the nation I Le traly to imewer.
VA chun
what they would l there are on who confonds me and THE PAST.
unfaithful --
thousalves to their vows, to the future Theth of August .4 very near It now to in this nation them are woven war thr eat of the layout, the birth thosuand who havo not bowed the knen
of their country, to ciod, to their day of their spirit in ludia.
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