lisee r gelatenttitor patterns and reprobation MTAKT op those who oberish great as- if applied under the same cir i lyo hidhe foon en nomike ...Ds, for their race apdicoun- cumstancen in another country. But in our web paper who was otpayBat. two bastapoes have on wo cherish little hope of rodrers, prement and would no doubt bave cured recently which compel at The prison system of the Earopan been glad to sato' delay and Tom tention. One is the death of the nutions is only a refined and by stating the priate ante convicted prisoner Ashok Nandi systematised savagery perpetua sedenie It was not likely that he of consumption brought ou ting the mothods of Ancient and would conoal A conviction that by o ponure and neglect during todiaeval barbarity in forms that would breathing impontble to fever in the undertrial period of tho do not at, once shock the eye. suppress. But then, if officialchem. Alipur Case. We exonerate from Bosides, the account of the recent were to nequire #common wome blame the jail authorities who were starvation strike of the Suffragettos the laws of Nature would be study exceptionally humano men fund ha Bhown what callous and contravened and it is better to inwonld have been glad to deal
brutal treatment can be inflicted Bict loss on individuals than to upuot humanely with the prisonors. But
by English officials in England itself a law of Nature.. their blameleteness only brings ont
even on women and women of educa Sohom oita. the barbarity of a system which
tion, good birth, position and culture. Every Bengalee is familiar with Allows of the confinement of a deli
guiiiy only of political obstruction the name or Shyamakanta Banerji cate siling lad in a plenishment cell
and disorderliners. Yet this is the famous athlete and tigertamer
the civilisation for which we are exponod night after night to the
but it may not be known to all asked t) Hicrifice the inheritance dews and cold of an unhealthy Ben
that after leaving tho wurldly life of our forefathers! Ron, and that without his having
- and turning to the life of the isAn Official Freak committed any fault or shown any.
cetic, this pioneer of the cpit of thing but the mildest and most
We suppose in a buroaucracy it physical strength and bourage in docile of characters. The other
is inevitable that oficials should be bengal has taken the name of raise is that of Mr. Achyutrao
mastors and be able to inflict incon- Soham Swami and is dwelling in a venience and loss on the citizen
herinitage in Kohlntkar of Nagpur, editor of the
the Himalayan at Deshaevak, gentleman of distinwithout any means of rodreas. Last
Nainital. The Swami has now Monday the publication of new l published a philosophical pour in guished education, ability and character, who was convicted for the
weekly named Dharma, edited by his mother tongue oulled the Soham publication in his.paper of the roports
Aurobindo Ghose, was dug and hard
Gitar. The deep truths of the been widely announced. The issue
Vodants viewed from the standof Sj. Aurobindo Ghone's specehen delivered at a time when Mr. WAM ready and the printer duly
point of the Adwaitavadin und Kohlatkar was absent from Nagpur. attended the Police Court to declure
the spiritual experience of the The Sessions Judge of Alipur de. his responsibility for printing and
Jnani who ho haul roalination of clared on the police reports of these publishing the periodical. Except
dhyan and sundhi are herede speeches that so far from being under very unusual circumstances
veloped in simple one. And.Innseditious or violent they told in this is a mere formality and one
guage. Wo shall deal with the fuvont of the speaker and not against would have thought no diffoulty
work in a more detailed review in him. We find it difficult to believo could intervene, but nothing could
a later issue, that the newspaper report of speech- persuade the Court Official to e from which the police could refrain froin delaying the acceptance
BENGAL AND THE CONGRESS. extract nothing that was not in the
till tho next day. It wils pointed speaker's favour, could be at all
out that this would entail unnecce. The dissensions in the Congress seditious Be that as it may, Mr.
sary inconvenionce and perhaps have been a severe tont of the cap. Kohlatkar was convicted and per
considerable financial fons, but that city of the Indian people to act hapa, according to the strong man" naturally did not concern him as he politically under inoder conditions edo of cthics, forfeited claim was tho manter of the public and The first nocerenry element of homo. to generous treatinent hy his refusal not thoir servant. The next day cratic politics is diffiaren of to apologise. We have heard ru. variation of the samo vex opinion; robust, frank, Avowed, firma mnours of treatmont boing motedatioun procedure was ropoated. ly and prsionately hold, and the out to him which can only It was whispored, we do first tast of political capacity in a be described as studied brutality not know with what truth, Wornocrtic' nation and the evidence of eye-witnesses that the first delay was for the differences of' opinion, however who have soon the condition Criminal Investigation Department strong and eveh vehement, with to which he was reduced, do not to have time to find out whether out disruption. In monarchy encourage us to reject these roports the printer had bous convicted in differences of spinion are either an fabrications, Finally, the refusal any, sedition case., If no it was stilled by an all-powerful- buolute of the Central Provinou Govern- futile. delay. There is no concuW; will or Anbordinated wach ment, to face indepondent medicalment of the Coponsibilty with chock: by the supreme king inspection and no dispose of the regard to this papor. The name arbiter; in an aristocraty thr jen serious allegations publioly proferred of the editor and proprietor was lousy of a low body discount put very ugly aspect on this apeply given and the printer free opinion and its free expre Case. If the allegations are true, was there to adopet bis responsibility, ion; in bureaucracy. Mboroty they, amount to treatment, which. This doon not look like, intended tabits of action and method ) would evoke.be ļoudast indigny- edition. I hop wore any doabt i to u fud and t aste ways: