thinking and difference of opinjon, due much more to the people them- mitten. I! that we need when tolerated, is kept by the selven than to the leaders on either the Bingal Peovir eial Conferenee exigoncios of administration private side, and thin itself in the healthiest would bocome a Moderate organiseand largely inffective. It is sign of all and the guarantee of tinn al, while inmercial Swademocracy alone that demanda denincmtic development. Whendesbi would be pwrved, the Buy. from divergence of opinion in polithe prople Amwisor than their cott would disappear from the tice and prin propagandinn and leaders and wine men, the domo- Avowed programme of Benkul debnte m the very broath of its cratic future of a country is assured. But we do not think anyone will nostrils. The tendency to domo. Men of great gifts and wrong charac have the hardihood to make this cracy createn freedom of speech and ter are often carried away by their proposal in so many terms and if thought and these in their tom enger perceptions and at auch any ventured so far, it would be hasten the wvent of democracy. All momento it is the sound common without any chance of popular attempts to silence by force or evasion ACDR of a capable demneracy that acceptance. A more probable course important differences of opinion Wit right, the balance. It was this is for this minority to agree to a are Anti-democratic and though common sense that saved the sitna common sense that saved th
vaguo and oily evaded rosolathey do not necessarily show an tion after Surat. The people had tion which they will have no inincapacity for government, do show the instinct to desire unity and the tention of accepting as a guide to an incapacity for democratic politics. good sense to noo that nnity was not conduct and to opposo the prasing The domoerotic tendency in human- ible or, if pomible, WM not of any more definite resolution on ity in and has long boen' press'ng worth having by the acrifice of the the ground that Bengal ou ght to forward victorionsly to self-fulfil- movemont which Bengal had ini- preserve its own integrity and leave incnt and the modern attempt oftiated. That such an unthinkable the rest of India to the divisions. the bandod fordes of autocracy, repudiation would have been the The object they would aim at in bureaucracy, plutocracy and theo- the first result of nurrender to the to leave the Convention and its cracy to thin ito march can only Convention leader of Bombay And
Committees to figure as the real Fault in its growing stronger by the Madras, has been sufficiently proved Congross and Congress Committees check and urging forward with hy the determined rejection of the and themselves be free to join them kroater impetuourity to its goal. Boyontt resolution at the meeting
without popular disapproval. But It is therefore the democratic ten- of the Convention Inst December. tho inevitable consequenoo would dency and the domocratic capacity The Pabna resolution for An United
bo that the Nationalists will be which must be accepted and shown
Congress was therefore o framed compelled to crect another body by any nation which aspire to go n to leave the Convention Com
which would represent their interforward and be among the lenders mittno a door open for reconcilia
cata. Tho erection of a rival Natio of the world. In the matter of thu tion. They rejected the opportu
nal Congres at Nagpur lant year Congrew it is only Bengal, no fear,
nity on a constitutional technical was prevented by the Government, that has shown the democratic
ity of a purely vorhal character and fortunately, we think, for no such capacity of being able to meet and of doubtfal validity and proceeded
body could really claim to be discum and to cortain ustunt
to show the honesty of thin andden National Assembly any toore than work togother in epito of grave and panrion for Acrupulour onnititutional
the Convention can justly chim even fundamental differenem. To
proordure when they imposed a that charcter. But if An United a large extent this is due to the fact
cnostitution on the body they chose Chogome proves imposible, the that all parties in Bengal have to call the Congress without allow.
Nationalista cannot allow the Home common ground. Just as the ing it to be submitted for accept
Convention unchallenged to doludifferent parties in a well-organised
Ance or amendment by that body. do the world by pretending to country, even when they differ in The reanIntion at Hughly ought to
voice authoritatively the sense of everything else, have this founda
he differently framed O M not only the Indian bation. tion of union and common toleranou
to make an United Congress pon- A second section of opinion in that all nure desirottayf the freedom,
mille lont to briny it about so far as that of advanced Moderates and greatness and wind internal con
Bengal can holp towards that among then we find two ways of dition and developnjent of their consumiration.
thinking. Some lay tress outbe mation, wo in Boagal arall
In Bengal there are three Bliss unconstitutional conduct of the agreed in holding the development
en of opinion na tn the heat way of Convention Committee in furcing of well-organisel, self-sufficient
menting the difficulty. There is their constitution on the Madrus axl wolf-goterning peoplo us the
small section of the Moderate party Convention without submitting it imenediate and ultimate object of
which dosire the Convention to discussion and seem to think that all our polition. This is only to say
Congres to stand and the National by passing is through the next sitbat Bengal bw attained varlier
into to bo exoladed. There aroting the conat.tut'onal defoct will be than other proviq es to political
two courtes open to this minori cared. They sem to forget that it pororption and sound polition
ty. They may insist on the Ben- will be Congress elected under instincts. Thers are forces of dis
gal Provincial Conference and the this unoonstitutional constitution ruption in Bengal everywhere
District Committee acoopting the to which the question will be sub else; but it says tu h for the capa
body created by the Congress Com- mitted. In effect, therefore body city and insight of the mass of the Imitte e tha mal Can
mittee the roal Congram
and unoonstitutionally elected wilt utta educated law that these forces on their loyally following the validate the unlawfal law under have been ovorbone and Bengal rules and the instructions of this which it was born and so cur ita preserved her unity. The crpdit in Congrow and it provincial Com.'own uncopotitutional charr poor with