at wenns NW -lost, what bww.tlu oluyo.. bus wind b rough the prophet passing in the artint to my and recond only, i. hin the lens of the amen ur of the It is of pure brue, that the artigital daving weidid felly writt But eye. In traditional art, we have merhotywaturo in dn dy driving lacurtaloly nnt intell desirable, auch meiery picture 'aryutalled into stallied traditions get long nor good drawing A mialer one; but convotional phrive handed on from thn art to living, the tradhtian
trange it niny hem, it hu lwayo generation to generation, and those renginn slo pluath, apdo mukti happened in the history of it, that ly phras are the language in which the impentily by Accoin geden . the time perfortion of technique has been Artinta of one race or generation wpeak to the force of Ita Appel is strengthened by attained, inspiration has declined. It another. To an lion the language in the m ixtion of idea-articional wam in inwer, and in Europe after the sonetimes wtrange: u tho child of the and religiour. .
. . Ranser . It alinnat some so IP O'
R euntry himself, it is a mother tongue Traditional for have thon guticentration tapon technique Irindered the Take Indian jewellery sa an illustration nee nog nierely foreign to say itative free working of the imagination Netle : of idealism in decorative art. The tra- art, but depends on the fact that they if , however inach we desire both,
c ditional Porto have distinctive Danes represent rather race conceptions, than not let us make any rintako mi to which just 1 A curb-brarlet' a 'gipay ring' the idea of one artist or a single peril. in Art:
may lepken of in England. In India They are vital expression the rart Also duracy' in not alwayn oven the natuen are usually those of special mind to reject them, and expect great dunirable. It has been shown by the flowers or fruita, or generio torms for art to live on se before, would be to MOTOR graphy that the galloping horwe believer flowers or needs a 'r-Rower thread,' the roots of a formet troe, and still looks he accurately drawn in art: lot na bope n ennut-lower garland,''petal garland,' for flowers and fruita npon its branchen it never will be. For art line to take in wring of millet-gira, ''ear-flower,'hair. It is the same with the kind of Art otabatirations and meniory pleturer, not flower. These nanies are reminiscent of sometimes called high or fine. Consider
photographe: It wynthen the Kerlands of real lower, and the I for example the well know rated Bad. sad not an Ailynin the flowers in the hair, that play o importaha. Oonvention and traditon are in much, hale guestion of ourMy H ante part in Indian fetal dress. Three, I can hold to often futter Artistic imagine halve d the last wund was waid by i with the flowers and fruits word as talie- tion Indian art le vomotion condemned
bando da Vinci: The Ayure in bent, mans or as religious synalolx are the proto for showing no derslopment because which by its action best expressew the types of the Aowers forns of Indinn
there is, or in opposed to be, no difference passion that animaton it." Thin in the
Jewellery, which thu, like all other in artistie conception between Buldhe The impresionism of the East, # very Indian art, redacta the thought, the life of the Arst contury and one of the nineMerent thing from ituprvunion A DUW and the history of the people by and for teenth It is, of course, not quite true understood in the Wort. whom it is so beautifuly made.
that there is no development, in the sanne This view of art is the natural wone The traditional furnus, ther, are named that the work of each period is altogether
the philosohy which regards After flowers, but it is higbly characteristic uncharacterived for those who know patur not M ruvelation, but that the garlands and flowers are in design something Indian Art are able to veil of waya, illusion, concraling purely suggestive, not at all fruitativa estimate with noise condence the coutwy Divinity, Reality, behind. Appearance of the prototyper. The realism which in to which statue belongs But it is true ve at the most thought-forms: Art in characteristic of nearly all modern that the conception is really the same; the concerned not with the appearance, It Western Art, in jewellery producing the mistake lion in thinking this an artistic with the lea (rup) in it. This Iden
animaginative imitations of flower, lokven weakness. It is an expression of the is attainable only by wing behind the and animals of the school of Lalique, is set that the Indian ideal ho not changed. vall of mature. An in religion, the method never found in Indian design.
What is that ideal to passionately desired? ul attainment is the cultivation of the The pasion for initation may be it iw one pointedness, Mto-sighteducar intuition or imagination, by meditation; taken as direct evidence of the control : little by little to control the fickle for reality is all within. The imager is to lack of true artintie impule, which is al sud unsteady wind, little by little to win vienaline bis conception, as the Hindu waye desire, conning or wub-oniour, stilleer, to rein in, sot merely the senten worshipper repeating the short pernic to express or manifest Iden. Why indeed but the mind, that is a hard th mantrum vinualines daily the lohta imitate, where you can never rovonl zor the mennes is the wind. As Lamp Dewata. Truly, success will be in priper. in it by a conscioun intellectual effort that that lekure not in A window spot, tion, to meditation and not depend upon Mower is to the conventionalined and so is the mind to be treat. Only by reeing the object itsell.
tome into applied ornament. No true constant labour au pasiolewens is Even In decurative art, the same princi. Indian craftsman seta Bowar before him this pose to be allowed. What the ples bold good. The craftaman dos nut
and worries out of it sme sort of Urna attitude w wind and buly of one that take dower, wet it before him and doli.
ment by taking thought ; hin art in works it? llo shall lowed like this lentely onnventionalise, he is taught
more deeply muted in the national life image for that postura ouce sequired, is to do in School of Art, he his or than that. If the fowor Is not meant one of perbuet bodily equipoins le rather the race-enory picture of a fami. No much to hini that he has already shall . llar Mower; and we nee in the
clear memory picture of it cutential char! "With thwght intent and the working impresentation, not the tower wenly, but
cters, he may as well ignore it in luie of wind and sende instrumentu tbe nan Aod the penple. When the decoration for decorative art net ruined, lor pucitiation of spirit
Bony to very keen we get a kind of intimately related to his own experience, laborun the yoga naturalium yet this is never Imitative and to that of his follow men, would have "Pirm boldling body, bond, and neck but always lootive, conventional and no intrinse vitality, nor ment with that in wupoving equipoin, gring - rhythmie; it in nature seen in the mirror immediate reponne which rewarde on the end of his non, sad looking LARGEST IN ODA
pot round about him in Awd India at the Indian Industrial de ton of 1800-07
"Calm of spirit void fonc, abiding V
O d 1948 CHEMISTS, PUBLISHERS Special Report on Industrial
45 Wellesley Broot 107, MACEDA BAZAR ROAD, Calcutta Tal Add. :-"TRUNKS,
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