Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 147
________________ chief warder, but that worthy did not believe him and sent the nafortunate toy back to his work. What followed is thus stated by his fellowprisoner: When I returned at 12 o,clock Nagap pan told me that he had been struck a fearful blow about the body with a jambok by Johannes and that he was very ill. The next day (Sunday) he could not take any food, On monday Nagappan looked as if he would die, and supporting him, I took him to the chief warder, whom I informed that the loy had not had any food for two days that he was very ill, and that he could not work. The chief warder then aakod me for how long the boy was sentenced and when I replied that his term was for 10 days, and that he would be released on Wednesday, he exclaimed Let him die like the other."Address ing the boy, he said, "Take a pick and shovel and go with the others on the boy then went with us to rond." The boy work, we carrying his tools and support ing him all the way. Theso sickening facts were carroborat by another Indian prisoner Moodalay in his statement before the Justice of the Pence. Dr Godfrey's certificate is quoted below: This is to certify that I attended Nagappan during his last illness since July 1, 1909. He had just come out of the goal. From the first I saw that he had no hope. If If the history that ho gave me prior to his death be true, I am of opinion that the Register of Deaths ahould hold some sort of an inquest. Aud the Attorney-General should be notified as to the treatment. the sick prisoners receive at the different gaol compounds. In my opinion, the boy's deth has been accelerated by the conduct of the goal officials, if all is true. Cause of death: Primary, acute double pneumonia; second, heart failure. Duration of disease nine days. BRUIRES ALL OVER THE BODY. THE RAMKRISHNA HOME OF SERVICE, BENARES. The Eighth Annual Report of the Ramkrishna Home of Service, Benares, In a record of afforded to the suffer ing poor of the City. It is a highly philanthropic work, done silently and nobly, and the spirit, the method and the KARA AGIN organisation are unique in their kind. Whoever goes through the report will be struck with the noble principle ac tuating the whole organisation-that of serving humanity as an act of worship. The accounts of the Home bear eloquent testimony to the disinterested motive and self-sacrifice of the workers, an every farthing collected in the name of the poor went to relieve their distress. of The total number of persons, consisting men, women and childron belonging to every province of India and of all castes and creeds, who were served during the year under report, WBR 3044. It indicates the catholic character of the charitable work which the Ramkrishna Home of Service is carrying on. The number of patients treated in the Home Hospital during the year was 1406. Mr. E. C. Radice I. C. S. C. 1. E just sufficient to cover the construcetion of the out-door dispensary, the office room, five general wards and Let believors in the "Empire' idea three infectious wards. But one small take note! The Panjabee. Ni like Magistrate of Benares, in his annual presidential address, truly remarked that the institution although limited in nceommodation, relieved canes for which accommodation is made in no other place. Mr Arundale, vice-principal the Central Hindu College, Benares, spoke of this institution as the noblest of all charitable works Benares has to show." Any one visiting Benares woul would, we are sure, bear similar testimony to the good work done by the Home of Service. We are glad to notice that the institution has, during the last year received generous support in aid of its Hospital fund from several kindhearted gentleman. The Home of Service is in urgent need of the Hospital which it buiding for the accommodation of its daily increasing discussed and homeless poor but has been obliged to discontinue the work owing want of funds. The whole cost of the building was estimated at Rs 38000-. Funds already promised and subscribed general ward, workers quarters, kitchen, servants quarters, privies, bath room the gate, the gateway and the morgue are still unprovided for. The Home appeals to the public for the sum of Rs. 14000 which is still necessary for the completion of the Hospital Buildings. An institution so noble and humanitarian and so urgently needed in a place like Benares should not be allowed to be hampered in its bonevolent work. for want of necessary funda. The gener ous public would find that every farthing contributed towards this charitable work would be none worthily spent. We join the Home in its appeal to the sympathetic public to strengthen its hand in this hour of need. N. R All contributions should be sent to the Assistant Secretary R K. Home of Service, Ramapura, Benat city. NEWS. COTTON GOODS TRADE The Monthly Recardd of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce has published the the statistics of cotton exports of yaru and cloth to the East during the months ensing 31st May 1909 and in the corres ponding twelve mouths ending May 1906, We give soure figures below, which will be interesting, from the standpoint of Swadeabi-boycott. The gu figures are in millions of lbs. and millions of yards. 1907, 1906 Bombay Calcutta Plain Cottons--yards. 1909 1908 1907 1906 2700 3970 4160 422 9200 10750 10590 11740 132-0 2290 1760 1500 Dyed and Coloured Cottons-yards Bombay Karachi 58.7 60-2 81-7 83.5 Calcutta Karachi "APPEARANCE IS HALF THE MAN.' It is a fact that personal appearance goes a long way in the estimation of Public. You can not have a good appearance unless you have a head of nice hair. fine hair and a good complexion is yours if you regularly, use 46.7 610 57:4 701 29-9 46-9 39.4 412 Printed Cottons-yards. Bombay Calcutta Karachi 86-0 1200 125-8 1255 49-5 730 480 €6.5 47-9 64.8 67-1 63:4 These figures will show that the imports into India of foreign cotton goods have decreased during the last four years. The imports in Ceylon and Madras show very sight increase but that does not go to make up the heavey deficit in other parts. might be contended by anti-SwadeshBoycott-ers that this deficit in the imports is due solely the general depression everywhere. But it is a remarkable thing that the depression did not affect the imports of Twist; on the other hand they have been growing. Besides in the years of general depression of trade, the Indian milla did not materially sutter, but increased in number and in their output. That is the result of the Swadeshi-boycott movement. The move ment created a large demand for Indian goods; and it was owing to this demand that the mills were working steadily and escapod collapse owing to the general depression-Mahratta. 7. n.en by the A head H. Bose's KUNTALINE It has been pleasing raillions of its users and will please you. Sold in 5 oz. Lily, Rose and Jasmine Scented. H. BOSE, Mfg. PEREUMER DELKHOSE HOUSE, 6-k Bowbazar, CALCUTTA. bottles-Sweat


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