ly to come
un and gain to the platform and the S
table ww not thing be Whed Xumar Mr.
Therefore he preferred to me what lie .. .
bountrymen did. !
Bobo Aurobindo Ghou A mocky Recieto of National
Another Annidat
on wu that unfortunately loud choone and wid that
he ww unable to addrew them bopha con
in their Roligion Literature, Science, noated to attend the meeting, he pover
mother language and therefore he always Philosophy, dc. thought that he would make my peecb.
felt arene to inflict an English Apresch
on a Bengalee audience. PUBLISHED ON EVERY In foothe was wkod by the organiders of the moeting simply to be present there.
PERROSAL EXPLANATIONS SATURDAY. He was told that it would be suficient if
That evening he wished to peak only
few words hecne he owed an explana. Lustributors :-SRIJUT AURO- he came and took hiasat there. Now he
tion to his friends. The form that his BINDO GHOSH AND
found his nere among the speakers. The (hairman of the meeting whose invita
activities had taken nfter he had come OTHERS. tion wus Always on order, had called upon
from fail had disappointed a great many. Rates of subscription (both
There was first grent friend of his in
Two REASONS FOR SILENCE. Town & Mofusil inHe had two TERRONA on to why he onght
own and India's who lived in Hare clusive of Postage), not to speak. The first was that wince he
Stroet-(laughter )--and he WnM very Rs. Ar P. was agnin at liberty to addrews his
much disappointed by the forta of his
(the speaker's) Activitien. So great wa Yearly
... 500 onuntrymen he bad made good many
Apeacher and he had Hall-yearly
thin friend's Anxiety for the Indians that exhausted every
that anglety had cost him Rr. 10,000 thing that he lad to say and he did not FOREIGN, like to he alway# repeating the name
voice: Another Rx 7,200 4 X 100 thing from the platform. He was not an
his anxiety to help the Indiana he follow
od the ancient maxim that truth meant Yearly
... 0 9
orator and what he spoke we only in the 0 hope that some of the things he night way
only whatever wna for the goal of others. Half-yearly ...050 might go to the hearts of his countrynien
Unfortunately the Judge would not take
that large view of the matter. And * SINGLE COPY TWO ANNAS. and that he might noe some offoct of his
our friend was kilently Huffering. (A Subscriptions are payable strictly
voice." Prasivo resistance.") (laugh:in advance.
er.) His friend said that he had been
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