to find the most modemte of be. If it is the idea that finally logy has led us to modify onr view Bengnl Modernte lenders support- exproses itself in all material forms, on that hend. Man is not by ing and justifying it in a carefully actions, institutions and consumma- Datare a silent animal nor in the prepared and responsible utterance tions, it in the imagination that man is he capable of work without on an occasion of the utmost public draw the idea out, anggota the frequent interchange of speech.
shape and gives the creative importance.
Talk is necesary to him, emotion National or Anti-national.
impulse. Hence the importante of is necessary to him, 'imagination . We have long noticed with the celebrtions like the Seventh ofis celebrations like the Seventh .
Decessary to him; without deepest dispprobation and indig. Augnst, onpocially in the first move- theso he cannot be induced to tation the equivocal conduct of ments of a great national resur- action. This constitutes the the National Council authorities gence. A time may come when the supreme importance of the right of with regard to inntters of great living menning may pass out of a free speech and free meeting; this national importance, but we have solemnity or anniversary and leave also constitutos the justifiontion of held our fine from unwillingness it n dend form which only the symbolical holidays and festivals. to hurt in institution establish- persistence of habit preserves, but Speech and writing aro neomary to nd with such high hopes and that cannot happen until the the acceptance and sprond of the apparently destined to play an underlying idea is realised and the iden without which there can be no important part in the development imaginative inpulse towards cres- incentive to action. Ceremonies w the nation. W. can hold our tion has victoriously justified it help the imagination and oncourage pece no longer. The notion of thomolf and exhausted its sourcon of it to see in the concrete that authorities in forbidding their antinfaction. The idons which the which cannot be immedintely realtudents to attend a national fonti
boycott celebrntion holds as its isod. It was out of the gurge and val commemornting the inception roots and the imaginations to which weltor of an infinito oratory, thonsof the movement by which the Cul- it appeals are not yet even parti- and-throated journalism, endlers lege and Council were created, ally satisfied and, until they have ceremonics, processions, national prohibition extended by them to the confirmed themselves in victorious festivals that the appallingly mofusil schools is only the crown- action and are perpetuated in last- strenuous action of the Revolutioning act of policy by which they ing forms and institutions, it is of ary and Napoleonic age in France are betraying the trust reporod in the first importance that this arose to reconstitute society and them by the nntion, contradioting
prent festival should be celebratod transform Europe. Let us not the very object of the institution and in some form or other and, as for therefore dospiso these mighty inutterly ruining a gront and salutary As possible, in the fortn it originally struments. God has created them movement. They imagine that by took. There is a meaning in and the natural human love for being more nervilo than the most the imaginntive conservatism which them for very great and abiding servile of the ordinary institutions refuses to part with the cherished purposes. Even in these few years and Anunting their high Academi- pornps and even the little details the Ganpati and Sivaji festivals,
al purpo they will save them of how and brightness which have institutod by the far-seeing human selves from official repression and always been nssociated with this sympathy and dotnocratic instinct yot keep the support of the penple. day, the procesion, the places, the
of the people. I day, the corsion, the places, the of Mr. Tilak, have done much to They are wrong. Already there is meeting, tho flags, music, songs, reawaken and solidify the national such deep dissatisfaction with the
tion with the the vow.. the resolution. Any feeling of Maharashtra, and we can Council that the mofussil schools laxness in these minutiae would all feel what stimulus to the are dying of innnition and people show a fainting of the imagination growth and permanence of the are turning away from the new edu- which cling to the festival and novement we have found in the cation 19 differing in-no essential its underlying ideas and a cnreless celebrations of the 7th August and from the old. If the nuthoritiesness in tho heart about thoso the 16th October. They are to us forsist in their ovil course, the emotions without which the idea what sacred days are to the ordipublic mind will write Anti-national by itself is always inoperativo. nary religions. The individual instead of National over their sign. This appeal to the imagination religious men can do without them, brud in Bow Bazur and their schools, and nourishing of the emotions collective religion cannot. These he left empty of students. Wo shall wpecially necessary when the are the sacred days in the religion return to this subject in a future outward circumstances are widely of Nationalism, the worship of God issue. different from the cherished hopes
the Mother. and imaginations and tho speedy The 16th October is the idea of THE BOYCOTT CELEBRATION. advent of the longed-for future unity, the worship of the Mother
seems to the reason distant or one and indivisible. The 7th of A natioonl festival is the symbol of improbable. That is why impor- August is the idea of separateness, the national vitality. All outward tance is attached in all countries the worship of the Mother free, action depunde eventually on the to ceremonies and festivals. There strong and glorious. Both these accepto ideas and imaginations of are many of us who are inclined to ideas are as yet ideas merely, the door. As thuse are, so is his speak with contempt of speeches realitod in our faith and aspiration Aspiration; and although it is not and shows, rud thoro was a time by the shaping imagination, not yet true that as is his nspiration, so when we w in our impatience of materialized in the world of is his action, yet it is true that the more babbler were inclined to concrete fact. Thin, sooording
is his aspiration, 60 will echo the ery for silent work. A to our Vedantic iden, in his action moto and more tend to justor krowledge of huren pyeho how the world and things whether