TRE KATHA UPANISHAD. 18. An ordinary un cannot tell Mr Hotely print the "Indian
you of Gol; for thus told thon " . . nt to four FIRST PART. SECOND CHAPTER
cannot truly know Hin when t! in oth print in the Fint! 1. Ynin sid. One thing in the
thought of in many spects. Unless gowl and quite another thing is
told of Him by i super inic the pleasant, yot both to ditterent
there is 110 why into Hix intry: Kuals bind men to rution. Of thes
for He is subtler thun subtlety and he that taketh the pool it is well
logic cannot reach Him. for him, who choseth the plant T ! Pilt : 1 ...ly at
. This wind is not to be hael talleth frim i licity.
by T iny, belovel Naclucite.
2. Bith the god nad the ple only when take thee ly other . T. u. t as Nint to man at the losing the real wwerget Wis
strust soul linketh carefully at dun which thou hitst gotuin. Truly .. . . . .. THE
then and distingensheth them in . h
art the fiuithful to stwist.t ..
n 1 ......
his trength and wision he chowth . !! !. I
such a question such ou
is thus it that I W rit what is good rather than what is
1 eet with always. pleasant : but the foolehoth the
10. Nachicitas hid. I . u ris.
Put for his getting and for his IS
I print
grat litusure time it in it huving
-wer: for not by thing think 3. And then, Nachicatus, hout
shall one attain the one certain that lowhul on it the objects of desire enditreth. Therefore I read the it pleant things arx beutiful, and
spiritual fins, the fire Narbietis 1. .'
is way ly thon but cast there from thee; and with perishabbthul perecht
thou hast not taken the path of sol the Itupriadable. mation into t he
riches which leads tuny mento II, Yet wil. When the
Hendition. htl.. tu dr lans!
linst scen in thy grip ( Nacht Itt lit the latt. Tilik,
1. Fort ure these, opposite, catus, the power of chsir and 4 l . De for the mother divergent, one called the Ignorance foundation in the lists, you f Swilahi and the other the knowlelge. But
endliness of power unt the bar ! T with their life and
Nischiatus, I doom truly desirons T.1 lets Wrb
shore of security and gnat when ung in of the knowledge whom many
and wide scopatul firm found delightful things could not make I W WI4 Ignat which it.
tion, strong in it-mastery those "1", il
WIM w lust after them.
didat ciht them from thee. 11114
ing ngrum 5. They who dwell in the ignoFot
uttaltuerit o t el fingelhar mulakan PRIC, Wise in their own cyon and
12. Renting by s 01 forth blay, and with levned, font they that wander
through spiritual yoga the secret bili anlarity, and a round in a circle like blin
ancient and inscrossible deity whe
tuen .. th: l f th: kimat
in the means of life is body , ked by the Wind. Imben j u lle w In m! mall.. the entry " 6.
the heat of things in the even
The childish wit bewildkrud 1
of being the wine man must ll in loving the
and denken with the illusion of that it had taht the great riches ethnot open its eye
from him joy and sorrow.
to see I will puting with peanum the path to heaven; for he thout
13. When it mottal man hatli The team that he water for thinks that this work! is and there
heard, when he uthull U !) man who is ongel
IN Tether, filloth again and again when he lunch Crated the high to h alt unter
into death at tik plum for them the
teous One from his body and was Tayl de ultime innlene.
7. ( H is not wisy even to be
It subtle Sport, th ... lah 11. lut
. tchy but to her of by why, int of those that realjny, for then he hath got some klor lleucht
her of God many can really thing to glory in. Widel ,
kunw lliu. A miracle is he that can think, is the house of Colt NATilak the
1 st Is thin what 144 of hue love
puk of God wisely or attain him, chiontus". this tylius meting theu dit
Lid when one is found, a miracle i 14. Vrhnutes wrid. Til p . I I . with rif
the listener who can kuow God even of that which thou hast een otherDan Mata
Tak Malujki 'il tught of Hin by the wisent where than in virtue at uthue JN" Master.
where than in unrighteousne
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