JANUARY, 1907.1
Madad méri lund ķhudja hajúr.
Bat, see, comes Bâlâ's turn. 'Twas Bâla's soul Tad pani të jam gaya phir shnd bir
Addressed the water. Ages thirty-six Balê pir hak chhinkiya dhard bhar púr I worshipped God. You are my witness. Speak, Tad Bald pir gayd dargah gabúr.
Was there a time when I lacked faithfulness o Chélé ainda jorida nahin koi gusúr.
Come help me now, O Khwaja. Sudden then K dlak Das gdo kháké, ha baitha dilgir
The pinch of dust all in the water clear Iksé mdi dd chungiyd si bah gốdi nir,
Took shape - the water surface clothed itself Duniya té kće ne basé óasé amir te faqir. in green.
Yes, Bâlâ, priest, cast forth the pinch of dust. And lo! the earth appeared. So Bala, priest, Was high exalted in the court of heaven. Disciples wrote these storier true. Now turn To Kalak Das, who ate the cow. He sat A part in sadness. I have sucked the breast Of her who was their mother dear and mine. Her bosom was my rest as theirs. Many rich
And many poor have been, but never ono Kisi nahin ral Dandiyd karmda dd shar Has borne the consequences of the deeds Allah Kalak Dás aún phir de dileri,
That others wrought.' Bat God thus comforts Duniyd avd gaur hai, rára! di phéri.
him, Aggé paindú konthin hai chaliá rdt hanéri, The world is fleeting : like a fortune told Ummat téri bakhshdigd gal man leti té mérí. It comes and goes. The way to heaven Kalak Das akh& Rabb nun, mérd ki sarband. rough, Vasdedi ghardi vichon nikaldi phér khair tê And in the darkling night you travel. Still Rhirand,
Thy followers I will save - my word is sure. Mérá kaun dan liga, main ko baithe ar band. Then Kälak Das addressed the Lord, Alas! Adlak Das galida kilidi Rabb nd! ldké mas Provision now for me there's none. A man land,
Cast ont am I. From me none alms will take, Ti karfn Allah da nam, têra sir mukh laggé. For only they give alms who houses own.' Aides vekh na bhulid koi rauad baggé
Such speech had Kalak Das with God. ConTérd buk milli då maniyé, dargah de aggé. fess Tehrd manne sido ndl, har shakhe pha! laggé. The Lord, e'en to the sacrifice of life. Kalak Dás ráji hôké, laggá jag richái,
Be not deceived ---the white-wasbed tomb is Sard man sốend kale da dan.
vain Hird, ial, jawhir bhi kóf na ant bayán. While thy hands fall of dust adored will be Chabbé lagge chandhê nû kînari té shán Within the court of heaven. The righteous Kalak Das látd dan té laggd shnd thda
man Alije Chélé ndi phír idm bandi
Is like a tree whose every branch bears fruit.' Alife du'd dkki jó Rabb dd farmán,
So Kalak Das in gladness offered gifts, Of gold be gave a mauad and one-fourth more To top the flag, and diamonds rare so bright With rabies red, and jewels rich in tale Innumerable. Tassels hung in state Adown the flag, embroidered rich with gold. So rich a gift gave Kalak Das, wherewith He beatified the place of prayer. The priest Was Alif Chels. Alif prayed the prayer
Appointed thus by God. Disciples sang Chalé diftdi joridi sad khol bayan
These songs, compiling them in full. The Alifa la dil ndi du'd & kahdnf.
The story, Alif heartily recites. (To be continued.)