Kam vékhin Rabb dé, máid, Allah dế bể shumar The incarnations ten. O mother mine, Pahila autár dvéga phir nál ri na! Rabb Baba Adam sajjiyd Amma Havva bi nál Na zamin dsman si, hai si jal pani
Behold God's works innumerable are. The first incarnate comes, and with him God Makes father Adam, and our mother Eve. There was no earth, no sky, but only then A pool of water. Angels were there none, Nor heaven's court, nor father Adam, nor A lady Eve. This is the story true Of the Original. Disciple read.
Na ós vélé firishté san na dargah rabbani Na tadón Baba Adam si, na Hawwa sódni. Té sifat hai Awwalin, di chélé sunání
Ih traé dévté Rabb é ap bandé.
2. The One True God.
Trédn dévtédn nun Rabb shabd sikhdé Apô apné din dé kalmé parháé. Faktú parhé Allah ilá, Ishar wah guru Pandhé, Kalma ôhi ék dd Bald pir sundé, Siftán chêlé jôrián parh nam sunde. Déôtédi kalma parhdeán jug gujré chhatti, Na tadón san majlisda Khuda di sathin Na os vélé lô si, na divá batti. Té sahdsan bandyd bailhké Rabb é apné
Ishar Faqtú dévté nú Allah Ta'ala gal ih akhs Ik triyd dévta banaya tuhaḍda sathi Dharti déô banaké gal iho je bagi Othé howé shoala vékhán chalak Fagtů té Ishar hié Allah de ani
Oh kéhṛa triyú dévtá hî bandyd saḍda hani. Chhatti jug heiti si bhagati téré namit parhké
Tainan khabardi, Qadira, tuen hain júní Allah léké dévtéán nûn Bald pir kol jään Bald pir vlhké chhai sada buldi Allah midi di; Khair Bálé pir sundt
Traé dévté Rabb né kité ikatthé, Dharti des bandké kull álam vassé, Ambar khub tikduna na sanga! rassé Táré nag vich launé nûr ilahi vassé. Chutki chutki khak di Rabb hath pharaî Mohammad té Baba Nanak dôdn héthan vaga P&hi gahrd hô gayd nishân ra l Na ós vélé Granth si na Quran kitab bandi. Kam dekh Rabb dé, vári Bálé pir di di Gallán karda jal dé ná! Balé pír dá nûr. Chhatti jug kiti bhagat, tú gavah hai jarur. Óhô mainûn das dé khan jo bhagat vich péyd gusûr.
[JANUARY, 1907.
Repeat. The Lord Himself these three saints made.
He taught them songs, He gave thus each a creed.
So Faktû said, 'Allah Ila,' and Ishwar said, 'Wah Guru save'! only Bâlâ priest believed In one true God, and worshipped him. These
Disciples have compiled. They sing his name. For six and thirty ages long the creeds These three divinities repeated. Then There were no great assemblages with God. There was no light, no lamp, no wick; God sat And made with His own hands His throne. He said
To Fagta, Ishwa, holy ones, 'I've made A third divinity, associate
With you. The earth a god I make; that done My work is done. Let there be light in it.' He said, 'The wonder I would see.' But up Spake Fagta, Ishwar, Who is this whom thou A third divinity associate
With us hast made? Has he, repeating hymns For ages six and thirty worshipped thee? All things are known to thee, Almighty One.' God brought the gods, the three, to Bâlâ priest, Who rose, and six times worshipped. 'Peace to thee,
O man of God.' This said the Lord. 'Peace be' Said Bâlâ priest, 'to all the world.' So brought The Lord these three together. So a god The earth He made, a habitation fit
For all His creatures. Lo, the sky He hung Without ropes and chains; the stars were placed
Like jewels in the sky, that God's bright light Might dwell within them. Then a pinch of dust
The Lord put in Muhammad's hand, and then In Bâbâ Nanak's, but they threw it down, And muddy made the water: thus no sign Appeared. There was no Granth nor yet Qords.