Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 27
Author(s): Hirananda Shastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 63
________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA [VOL. XXVII 3 nami vriddhidő vah suyakshah || [3 | *] .sid=dharmma-parāyang=timahati proddāma-kirtty ujva(jjvallē vansē(varsē) Dhūsara-samjnakē guṇavati khyāto Yasovarddhanah Vusy==ūst-akhila-dosha unnata-bhujah putro=bhavat=satya-väg=Ramah srēshthi Varő va(ba)bhuva cha yatah srishthi suto Mandanalı 11 [4 | * Asichch=imalini' pra kasa-vasusi srimaI ty=wari suchau vansē(vanıśē) Dharkkata-nāmani prati-dinam Sakr-arddhi-visparddhini uchchair=mmanditam=ådaran=nija-kulam yên=ödayam gachchhatā śrēshthi Mandana-namakan-ramabhavachchhreshthi yato Madvanah || [5 ] Tasyäpy-abhūt =sutaḥ śrēshthi Garggo dharmma-parāyaṇaḥ kulinaḥ śila-sampannas= satatam priya-darśanah! 16 !! ] Sreshthaḥ śrēshthi Manda5 [-akhyah prabhūtām prāpnotva=atyartha Gargga-nāmā cha lakshmim(kshmim) | yau srishthitvan narvva-satvā(ttv-a)nukampām samyak kurvvānau nitavantau samaptin (ntim) i 17 * Tathi Bhattiyakaś=chrasid=' vanig-Dharkkata-vansa(vansa)jah sūnus=tasyapy=abhūd=dhimän=l'arddhanaḥ khyata-sad-gunah | [8 | ] Tanya putrau mahātmānau satya-sauch-árjjav-ánvitan va(ha)bhūvatur=gGanaditva-Devall-akhyāv=ana(ni)nditau! [9 |*] Tatha vanikchhi(k=Si)vas=chrasīt=Tatta putro jit-ondriyah Sankarö Vishnuvākasya tath=&sitetanayah suchih! [101] Āditvavarddhana-suto Mandubākõ=bhavat=sudhih V öddasy=Ādityaväg-akhyab putra asin=mahad(ha)dyutih ||[11| *] Bhadr-ākhyö Naddhakasy=ābhūt=putrö matimatām varaḥ | tath=Odyo. 7 [tana ?]-tarnjñaś=scha Jēullasy=ābhavat=sutah || [12 1 *] Sankara[h*) Sõndhak-akhyasya sūnur= Asid=akalmashah susrūsh=ānanya-manasā pitror=yên=āsakrit=krita || [13! *] Tair=ayan göshthikair=bhūtvă surāņām maņdap-ottamaḥ kāritah Sarkarīdēvyāḥ puratuh punya-vriddhayē || [14 K *] Samvat 699 dvir-Ashadha su di. TRANSLATION Om ! V. 1. May the face of Mahäganapati, radiant with the (gold) dust diffused from the mount) Sumēru by his pounding at it with his jingling tusk, resonant with the (humming of the) bees exhilarated by the ichor which to them) is a fragrant wine, with its temples pierced by the din of numerous war drums, bestow many blessings on you ! V. 2. May those hands of Chandikā-dancing with (proper) gesticulation, having thoroughly agitated the earth by the weight of her feet, (and) having dispelled the darkness by the flashes of her nails glittering in the night bereft of moonlight-, that have annihilated the foes (and) that, with the palms sportively tossed up, make the quarters appear to be extending offerings of lotusflowers, shower prosperity on you ! V. 3.. May the principal yaksha, Dhanada by name, of the hue of fully expanded blue waterlily, with his eyes producing spirituous intoxication, iridescent with the rays (emanating) from the jewels in his diadem, having & yellow robe on (thus), resembling the cloud interspersed with lightning and rainbow, confer affluence on you ! 1 The right word would be amalt. The writer has evidently taken the word amala as a noun in the sone of purity' (na malam wamalam), and from that derived the adjective amalin pure'. The metrical exigency must have been responsible for this round-about expression. 1 The intended reading seems to be praprotiv=atyarthen. The elision of one of the two t's beforo v may be oxplained in the light of the form satva for salbue, as notioed above. • The syllable dua looks more like duri. Soe above, p. 31, n. 2. The god buing Gajanana Elephant-faged,' the description naturally applies to an olopbant-houd.


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