No. 19] PHERAVA GRANT OF SAMANTAVARMAN, KING OF KALINGA, YEAR 185 113 probable until we have more definite information about the location and extent of the Svētaka kingdom. The village Phërava and the river Mēghāvati cannot be identified, but the latter may be one of the small tributaries of the river Tel.
In conclusion, reference may be made to two peculiarities in this grant. In the first place there is no reference to the officials of whom a long list is found in the grants of all other kings of the dynasty. In this respect the simple formula "yatha-kala-vyavahārinaḥ sa-karanān" of the grant No. 1, and "yathā-nivāsi-janapadam" of the present grant offer a striking contrast to the enumeration of officials in grant No. III, and the still longer list of officials in No. IV. This, also, may be regarded as an indication that Sämantavarman flourished earlier than the other kings. Secondly, verse 5 in the imprecatory formula is a new one, and evidently replaces the well-known verse Iti kamala-dal-ambu-vindu-lolām, etc.
First Plate i Om svasti [l *] vijaya-Schötaka-ādhishthānād=bhagavatas-char-achara-gurorna-saker 2 la-saßārka-sēkhara-dharasya sthity-utpatti-pralaya-hētör=Mmahendr-ãoha3 la-sikhara-niväsinaḥ Sri-Gökarņņēsvara-svāminas-charana-kamal-ārā4 dhanad=avặpta-punya-nichayũ Găng-ămala-kul-ãmbara(-)ndu[*] Sva-bhuja-va(ba)5 la-parākkram-ākkrānta-Kaling-adhirājyaḥ sakti-ttraya-prakarsh-anurañjit-āsē6 sha-sämantaḥ parama-māhēsvarā mātā-pitsi-pād-ānudhyātas=s&
Second Plate; First Side 7 kala-Kaling-adhipatir=mmahārājah Sri-Samantavarmmā kusali Lauhakti 8 ngăra-vishaya-sambandha(ddha)-Phõrava-grāmē yathā-nivāsi-janapadań samājñā9 payati [l *) viditam=astu bhavatām yath=āyam grāmõgvatthachchhoda-sahi10 tas=sarva-kara-bharān=apaniya Bhāradvāja-sagottra-VājasanĒya-Kirttisa11 sarmmaņē tat-puttra-Dāvasarmma-Ravisarmma-Divakarasarmmabhyasacha
chaturbhyo brāhmaṇā. 12 grēbhyas=salila-dhārā-pūrvvam-ā-chandr-ārkka-kāla-pratishtham=agrahāra kritvā mi
Second Plate: Second Side 13 tā-pittror=ātmanaś=cha puny-abhivsiddhayē sampuattörgya cha grāmasya sima-linga14 ni bhavanti pūrvvēņa sushka-nadi dakshiņēna samvaidya paschimēna sarit-Mö(n=Mö)ghava15 ti uttarēņa kõdrava-kbāli dakshiņēna ga[r*]ttā pūrvv-õttarēna yāvat-parvvataḥ [1] 16 viditv=aivam na kēnachit=svalp-äpy=āvā(bā)dhā kāryyā bhavishyatas-cha räjña[h*) prati17 võ(bo)dhayati [l*) dharmma-kkrama-vikkramēņa n=āvāpya mahim=anubāsadbhirwayam
1 According to Mr. Sarma, "Phērava is no doubt the modern Barus in the Sompēta taluq and the river Meghavati is no other than the Mahendratanaya that rises in the Mahendragiri mountains and falls into the was near Barus". (J.O.R., Vol. XI, p. 58.) These identifications are doubtful, particularly as there is no hill in the immediate neighbourhood of Barua as we would expect from 1.15 of the present grant.
* See introductory remarks.
• Mr. Sarma reads 'khali' and translates it as a threshing floor. He has also draw from it important re, ferences about the system of land-tenure (op. cit. p. 67). The reading bhak is, however, quite sloop.
Read vikkrameniväpya. Vl.1-12