No. 15 )
7 तस्य पुत्तस्तत्पादानुसचात इन भट्टारिकामहादेव्यामुत्पन्न- परममाहेश्वरो
mercatfercromatuafrecertifs aterra: [11*]
This epigraph was copied by me in the summer vacation of 1933, when I was a student in the Karnatak College, Dharwar. The stone-slab containing the inscription was kept in a shed in the compound of the Nazar Bag of the Old Palace at Akkalköt, the headquarters of a small state. on the south-eastern border of the Sholapur District, Bombay Presidency. The importance of the record was indicated in my list of inscriptions published in the Karnatak Historical Review, Vol. II. No. 2. I am editing it here in full for the first time.
The record is inscribed in rather indifferent Kannada characters of the 12th century A. D. The language, except for the invocatory and imprecatory portions, which are in Sanskrit verse, is Kannada. The composition is partly in prose and partly in verse.
The document refers itself to the reign of the Western Chalukya king Tribhuvanamalla. döva (Vikramaditya VI) and is dated the Chalukya-Vikrama year 39, Jaya, Pushya ba. 12, Friday, Uttarāyapa-sankramapa, the details of which regularly correspond to A. D. 1114, December 25. The object of the record is to register land and other gifts for the benefit of the temple of Siddhagajjēsvara at [Bistteyana Karamjige by Mahamandalesvara Indarasa in conjunction with other dignitaries.
The donor Indarasa hailed from the family of Selara or the Šilāhāras, of the Jimītavāhana lineage, and bore the epithets Tagarapuratarādhisvara (lord of the foremnost city of Tagara) and
1 The relief in the last two lines has almost faded and they cannot be clearer on the photograph. In line 7 too many letters have been inserted in a comparatively small space. Their size is, therefore, naturally smaller.
The reading is not clear either in the photograph or in the plaque. The form of is made up of ono dot at the top and two below, the former coming almost above the centre of the latter as in in line 2.
Nafaqat has become very blurred in the photograph, but in the original it is quite distinct. Here, too, one can see the right-hand vertical line of quite clearly, is just a line thickened in the middle the loop to the left having merged in the thickness, and traces of free are also visible.
The inscription has been subsequently copied by the office of the Director of Kananda Research, Dharwar. and a brief account of its contents published in the Digest of the Annual Report for 1941-41 of that office (page 18). XVI.1.11