Book Title: Dictionary Telgu English
Author(s): Charles Philip Brown, M Venkataratnam, W H Campbell, Rao Bahadur K Veeresalingam
Publisher: Asian Education Service
Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Ko ga
Xasos gananu. (Bkt.] n. A Book, multi. sagaronno, do.) Kuwgom to roww
tudo, or assomblage, tribe, aluss or wound an inab deep. troop. spaw, Water www. A prosodial foot, xa ganoma. [Tel.] n. Frippery. Omer such as PXW* dactyl. Xrowwelry mento, trappings, borns, do, worn by to scan. Kraswers show.o or beyan maakers. The tour good orqat ayo. the metre is importeot. A troop of inferior | Xodus gatan. [Skt.] adj. Lout, gone, deities, coagidered As Siva's attendante,
paat, over, late. పోయిన. ఇతదినము the last and under che specie superintendence
day. Ko persis lous of advantage. Xodendo of Gapšsa : whence his name xhe,
wow who bad lost their lives. Xétur గణపతి or గణాధిపుడు. A body of troops
the past time. Xitou to a family which is consisting of 27 war-chariota, 27 ele
extinot. Kerese toovastato banks for a phants, 81 burs68 and 135 infantry men,
stream that he run dry, « proverb for Xorx gandrchana. n. Worship of
pains taken too late (shutting the stablo the demigods attending on Siva.
door after the bone is stolen.) X o Sao Xeb gani [Skt.] v. Ono who knows the he who has lost his site. "హంకారులై
Vedas completely atrox but toys they being stripped of their pride. Xósin యనము చేసినవాడు. A cunning man, an as | n. Passing away. stor. Xo Bengala-padus. trologer among the lowest castes. by v. n. To pass away. rów. To die sosy. జాతులకు తిథివారాలు చెప్పేవాడు.
Xosh dead. Xosex Bogs or Xborsi yanintsu. [Skt.] v. &. To calcu.
మువదగ్రస్తవద్యము gata-pada-graata. late, or reckon. Nowo. To be mindful of,
padyans. n. A poetical conceit, Cappeal
lines wherein the last word of each lino regard etig wow. Kebobo (Tel. used for!
is repeated at the beginning of the next. X&ow.) v. t. To acquire, or gain, to
Xogati: [Skt.] n. Way. .. Going, make (money): to earn. Xlt gumika.
gait, pace, march, passage. X n. A harlot, because prostituted for
w .
Mems, resource, fund, contrivance, exgain. Sog. Xefe gani-kudu. n. An
podient, remedy. dec . Refuge, accountant, a mathenatician, & calou
robort, belp, wid. Ali. Fate, lot, destiny, lator. 05/ varás, forasw. Xebo soms or
state, bap, condition, situation. 09. An XB6r. ganitamu. n. Arithmetic,
adventure. (In the Lila, the different calculation. Yossos.
cantos are called Xbox.) Salvation,
robova odnow. Ability, power a Xeber gunile. [Tel.] n. A sbrill sound aus
యేమి what is to become of me? ఇందుకు of a bell, xde Claug! Crash! (annk.)
XOR for this there is another With a clanging sound.
remedy. Bax divine providence. Xato Xerod ga-nuti. [Skt.]n. Reckoning. was helpless, destitute, abject. wodt Esteem entig ww.Preise to o sw. Kemudowo
చెల్లించుటకు గతిలేదు he is unable to pay ga-nutinįsh. n. To reckon, count, Jo-30. it, he is without means of payment. To esteem, praise the cow Botoo. Det and Xats the childless ganyanu. adj. Respectable, estimable. bave no hope (or prospect) of beaven. ఎన్నదగిన. గణ్యుడు a man worthy of re- పటుగతి strongly జముగా, గతించు spect JOS%A3%. Jos Krauges. 7 * gatintsi. 1. 2. To pass away, elapse, they are men of no weight.
కడచు. To die. చచ్చు. గతికల్పించు to devise గణుపు, కణుపు or గసుపు anna. Tel.] n. an expedient. గతిశుడు yatikudu. n. He
A joint (of the fingers or toes, or of a who has a resouroc. sagot having
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