परमागमस्य बीजं* निषिद्धजात्यन्धसिन्धुरविधानम् । सकलनयविलसितानां विरोधमथनं नमाम्यनेकान्तम् ॥
अन्वयार्थ - ( परमागस्य) उत्कृष्ट आगम अर्थात् जैन सिद्धान्त का (बीजं) प्राण-स्वरूप, (निषिद्धजात्यन्धसिन्धुरविधानम् ) जन्म से अन्धे पुरुषों द्वारा होने वाले हाथी के स्वरूप-विधान का निषेध करने वाले, (सकलनयविलसितानां) समस्त नयों की विवक्षा से विभूषित पदार्थों के (विरोधमथनं) विरोध को दूर करने वाले (अनेकान्तम् ) अनेकान्त धर्म को (नमामि) मैं (श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रसूरि) नमस्कार करता हूँ। 2. I bow to Anekānta (the doctrine of manifold points of view - relative pluralism), the root of unmatched Jaina Scripture, that reconciles the partial viewpoints of men, born blind, about the elephant, and which removes all contradictions about the nature of substances by apprehending the ultimate reality through multiplicity of viewpoints.
Parable of the blind men and the elephant Six persons, born blind, once upon a time, went out to 'see' an elephant which had come to their village. They all touched different parts of the elephant's body; one touching its trunk, another its ear, a third its leg, and so forth. After the departure of the animal, they all began to talk of their knowledge concerning its form. The blind man who touched the trunk said that the elephant was like a tree branch, the one who touched the ear said that the elephant was like a hand fan, the one who touched the leg said that the elephant was like a pillar, the one who touched the tail said that the elephant was like a rope, the one who touched the belly said that the elephant was like a
* पाठान्तर : जीवं