body, and having reached the topmost part of the universe, remain there in eternal bliss. The whole of the region below this abode of the Pure Souls is the region of transmigration, known as samsara, which is to be crossed with the aid of the Supreme Teacher.
मुख्योपचारविवरण निरस्तदुस्तरविनेयदुर्बोधाः । व्यवहारनिश्चयज्ञाः प्रवर्त्तयन्ते जगति तीर्थम् ॥
अन्वयार्थ - ( व्यवहारनिश्चयज्ञाः ) व्यवहार नय और निश्चय नय को जानने वाले ( मुख्योपचारविवरण निरस्तदुस्तरविनेयदुर्बोधाः ) मुख्य और गौण कथन की विवक्षा से शिष्यों के गहरे मिथ्याज्ञान को दूर करने वाले महापुरुष ( जगति ) संसार में (तीर्थम्) धर्म को ( प्रवर्त्तयन्ते) फैलाते हैं।
Those Teachers who understand both the empirical point of view (vyavahara naya) as well as the transcendental point of view (niśchaya naya), and remove the misapprehensions of the disciples by espousing the absolute as well as the relative standpoints, promulgate the teachings of the Omniscient Lord in this world.
Both, the empirical point of view (vyavahāra naya), and the transcendental point of view (nischaya naya), are worth knowing.
Achārya Kundkund's Samayasāra:
सुद्धा सुद्धादेो णादव्वो परमभावदरिसीहिं। ववहारदेसिदा पुण जे दु अपरमे ठिदा भावे ॥