45. Therefore, a person following right conduct, due to the absence of passions like attachment, does not commit slightest of injury (himsā) although he may have occasioned severance of vitalities.
Himsā arises from passionate activity
Achārya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
The qualifying phrase ‘arising from passionate activity' is intended to indicate that mere severance of the vitalities is not wicked. "Even with the severance of life one is not stained with the sin of injury." Again it has been said thus in the scriptures: "When a monk goes on foot with carefulness, sometimes small insects get crushed under his feet and die. Still there is not the slightest bondage of sin in his case. From the spiritual standpoint, infatuation is called attachment.”
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 196,197.
व्युत्थानावस्थायां रागादीनां वशप्रवृत्तायाम् । म्रियतां जीवो मा वा धावत्यग्रे ध्रुवं हिंसा ॥
अन्वयार्थ (रागादीनां ) रागादिकों के ( वशप्रवृत्तायाम् ) वश में प्रवर्त्तित ( व्युत्थानावस्थायां ) प्रमाद अवस्था में ( जीवः ) जीव ( म्रियतां ) मर जाये (मा वा) अथवा नहीं मरे (ध्रुवं ) नियम से ( हिंसा ) हिंसा (अग्रे ) आगे ( धावति ) दौड़ती है।
Infatuated by passions like attachment, when a person acts carelessly, he commits himsā, whether a living being is killed or not.