them and safeguarding them, the ascetic takes several kinds of useful food in order to keep the body intact, just as lubricating the axle of the wheels or application of ointment to a wound is indispensable. Sometimes, owing to unsuitable food and drink, he is afflicted with hundreds of diseases such as gout at the same time. Still he does not come under their control. He may even possess extraordinary powers of cure acquired by his austerities. Still he does not utilize these powers to get himself cured, as he has no attachment towards the body. This must be understood as the endurance of the affliction of disease. (16)
'Grass' implies anything which causes pain. When dried blades of grass, hard pebbles, thorns, sharp stones, spears, etc. cause pain to the soles of the feet, the ascetic does not give his attention to it. He carefully avoids injury to minute organisms during walking, sitting and sleeping. This is conquest of the affliction caused by blades of grass etc. (17)
The ascetic takes the vow of non-bathing until death for the sake of avoiding injury to organisms with water-bodies. He perspires profusely in the extreme heat of the sun, and particles of dust wafted by the wind adhere to his body. And even when itching prevails owing to scab, eczema or ringworm, he does not scratch or rub his body. When the dirt on his body accumulates and that on another's decreases, there is no thought of envy in his heart. He is engaged in cleansing the soul from the mire of karmic impurities which clog the soul with the pure water of right knowledge and conduct. And naturally he overcomes the discomfort or affliction caused by dirt. (18)
‘Satkāra’ is reverence and commendation. “Puraskāra' is giving the place of honour or offering welcome. 'In these respects I am disregarded. I have practised celibacy for long and I am a great ascetic. I have a clear knowledge of my religion and other religions. I have won over my disputants on several