पुरुषार्थसिद्धयुपाय Vulgar jokes, vulgar jokes accompanied by gesticulation, garrulity, unthinkingly indulging in too much action, keeping too many consumable and non-consumable objects, are the five transgressions of the vow of desisting from unnecessary sin.
Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
Employing vulgar language mixed with laughter out of excessive attachment is the first transgression. The same accompanied by undesirable gesticulation is the second. Indulging in meaningless and unrestrained talk out of arrogance is the third. Indulging in too much action without considering the object is the fourth. Accumulation of consumable and non-consumable things beyond one's needs is the fifth. These are the five transgressions of the vow of refraining from purposeless sin.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 211.
वचनमनःकायानां दुःप्रणिधानं त्वनादरश्चैव । स्मृत्यनुपस्थानयुताः पञ्चेति चतुर्थशीलस्य ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (वचनमनःकायानां) वचन, मन और काय की (दुःप्रणिधानं) खोटी प्रवृति करना, (तु अनादरः) सामायिक में अनादर करना, (च स्मृत्यनुपस्थानयुताः) और सामायिक के समय आदि को भूल जाना (इति पञ्च चतुर्थशीलस्य) इस प्रकार पाँच अतिचार चतुर्थ शील - सामायिक - के हैं।
191. Misdirected activity of the speech, mind, and body, lack of earnestness, and absent mindedness, are the five transgressions of the vow of periodic concentration (sāmāyika).