and so on. Excreting waste matter from the system in a place without inspecting and cleaning it, taking materials such as sandal-wood paste, flowers, incense etc. intended for the worship of the Lord (Arhat) and the Preceptor, and cloth etc. for personal use without inspecting and cleaning these, and spreading mats and garments without cleaning the place, are three. Lack of earnestness in one's essential duties when tormented by hunger, and lack of concentration are the other two. These five are the transgressions of the vow of fasting.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 211-212.
आहारो हि सचित्तः सचित्तमिश्रः सचित्तसम्बन्धः । दुःपक्वोऽभिषवोऽपि च पञ्चामी षष्ठशीलस्य ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (हि) निश्चय से (सचित्त आहारः) सचित्त आहार - चित्त नाम जीव का है, जीव सहित आहार को सचित्त आहार कहा जाता है, (सचित्तमिश्रः) सचित्त से मिला हुआ आहार, (सचित्तसम्बन्धः) सचित्त से सम्बन्ध रखने वाला आहार, (दुःपक्वः) अच्छी तरह पाचन नहीं हो सकने वाला आहार, (च अभिषवोऽपि) और पुष्ट-गारिष्ठ आहार, (अमी पश्च) ये पाँच अतिचार (षष्ठशीलस्य ) छठे शील के अर्थात् भोगोपभोग-परिमाण व्रत के हैं।
193. Taking food containing organisms, mixed with organisms, placed near organisms, ill-cooked, and aphrodisiacal, are the five transgressions of the vow of limiting the use of consumable and non-consumable objects (bhogopabhoga parimāņa).