206-208. The following twenty-two hardships should ever be endured, without anguish, by the ascetics who wish to get rid of all tribulations: hunger, thirst, cold, heat, nakedness, determination not to beg for favours, absence of pleasures, lack of gain, insect-bites, abuse or insult, illness, uncleanliness of the body, pain inflicted by blades of grass, despair or uneasiness arising from ignorance, lack of faith, non-appreciation of learning, reverence and honour (good as well as bad reception), sleeping on hard ground, pain arising from roaming, ill treatment or assault, discomfort of posture, and feminine attractiveness.
The twenty-two hardships to be endured (parişaha jaya)
Áchārya Umasvami's Tattvārthsūtra:
प्रज्ञाऽज्ञानादर्शनानि ॥
(Ch. 9 - 9)
ऽलाभरोगतृणस्पर्शमलसत्कारपुरस्कारप्रज्ञाऽज्ञानादर्शनानि ] क्षुधा, तृषा, शीत, उष्ण, दंशमशक, नाग्न्य, अरति, स्त्री, चर्या, निषद्या, शय्या, आक्रोश, वध, याचना, अलाभ, रोग, तृणस्पर्श, मल, सत्कारपुरस्कार, प्रज्ञा, अज्ञान और अदर्शन, ये बाईस परीषह हैं।
Hunger, thirst, cold, heat, insect-bites, nakedness, absence of pleasures, women, pain arising from roaming, discomfort of postures, uncomfortable couch, scolding, injury, begging, lack of gain, illness, pain inflicted by blades of grass, dirt, reverence and honour (good as well as bad reception), (conceit of)