सम्यक् विनय, सम्यक् वैयावृत्त्य, सम्यक् स्वाध्याय, सम्यक् व्युत्सर्ग और सम्यक् ध्यान [उत्तरम्] ये छः प्रकार के अभ्यन्तर तप हैं।
Expiation, reverence, service, study, renunciation, and meditation are the internal austerities.
Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
How are these internal? These are internal as the mind is restrained or subdued in these cases. The removal of sins committed by negligence or under the influence of passions is expiation. Reverence to the holy personages is ‘vinaya'. Service is the help rendered to the saints in difficulty by bodily activity or with things. Contemplation of knowledge or giving up sloth or idleness is study. The giving up of the attitude of 'I' and ‘mine' is renunciation. Checking the ramblings of the mind is meditation.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 263.
जिनपुङ्गवप्रवचने मुनीश्वराणां यदुक्तमाचरणम् । सुनिरूप्य निजां पदवीं शक्तिं च निषेव्यमेतदपि ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (जिनपुङ्गवप्रवचने) जिनश्रेष्ठ श्रीअर्हतदेव के द्वारा प्रतिपादित शास्त्रों में (मुनीश्वराणां) मुनीश्वरों का ( यत् आचरणम् ) जो आचरण ( उक्तं) कहा गया है (एतत् अपि) यह भी (निजां पदवीं) अपनी पदवी को (सनिरूप्य) अच्छी तरह विचार करके (शक्तिं च सुनिरूप्य) तथा अपनी सामर्थ्य को भी भली-भांति विचार करके (निषेव्यम् ) सेवन करने योग्य है।
200. A householder also should practice, depending on his stage of spiritual progress and capacity, the conduct prescribed for the ascetic in the Scripture, propounded by Lord Jina.