हुई मर्यादा में क्षेत्र को बढ़ा लेना और [स्मृत्यन्तराधानं] क्षेत्र की की हुई मर्यादा को भूल जाना - ये पाँच दिग्व्रत के अतिचार हैं।
Exceeding the limits set in the directions, namely upwards, downwards and horizontally, enlarging the boundaries in the accepted directions, and forgetting the boundaries set, are the five transgressions of the minor vow of direction.
Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
Exceeding the limits set with regard to directions is a transgression. This, in short, is of three kinds - transgression upwards, transgression downwards, transgression horizontally, such as climbing a mountain, descending into a well and entering a cave, respectively. Enlarging the boundaries in the accepted directions out of greed is the fourth transgression. These transgressions arise from negligence, infatuation or attachment. Forgetting the limits set is the fifth transgression. These are the transgressions of the vow governing the range of one's actions in the ten directions.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 210.
प्रेष्यस्य संप्रयोजनमानयनं शब्दरूपविनिपातौ । क्षेपोऽपि पुद्गलानां द्वितीयशीलस्य पश्चेति ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (प्रेष्यस्य) किसी सेवक को (संप्रयोजनम् ) मर्यादा के बाहर भेजना, (आनयनं ) बाहर से कोई वस्तु मंगा लेना, (शब्दरूपविनिपातौ) शब्द सुना कर अथवा रूप दिखा कर संदेश देना, (पुद्गलानां क्षेपः अपि) और पुद्गलों का मर्यादा के बाहर फेंकना (इति पञ्च) इस प्रकार पाँच (द्वितीयशीलस्य) दूसरे शीलव्रत के अर्थात् देशव्रत के अतिचार हैं।
189. Sending someone, sending for something, indicating by