पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपाय बाँध कर रखना, (समधिकस्य भारस्य आरोपणं) बहुत अधिक भार का लाद देना (पानान्नयोश्च रोधः) पानी और अन्न का नहीं देना अथवा समय पर नहीं देना, (इति) इस प्रकार ( अहिंसाव्रतस्य पञ्च) अहिंसाव्रत के पाँच अतिचार हैं।
183. The five transgressions of the vow of ahimsā are: mutilating limbs, beating, binding, overloading, and withholding food and drink.
Five transgressions of the small vow of ahimsā Āchārya Umasvami’s Tattvārthsūtra: बन्धवधच्छेदातिभारारोपणान्नपाननिरोधाः॥
(Ch. '7 - 25) [बन्धवधच्छेदातिभारारोपणान्नपाननिरोधाः] बन्ध, वध, छेद, अधिक भार लादना और अन्न-पान का निरोध करना - ये पाँच अहिंसाणुव्रत के अतिचार हैं।
Binding, beating, mutilating limbs, overloading, and withholding food and drink.
Āchārya Pujyapada’s Sarvārthasiddhi:
Fastening with cord or the like restrains movement from place to place as one desires. A blow is beating with a stick, a whip or a cane. It is not injury of vitalities. That has been given up already. Mutilation is cutting off of limbs such as the ear and the nose. Overloading is putting more weight than an animal or a human being can reasonably carry. Withholding food and drink is denying these to the animals when they feel hunger and thirst. These are the transgressions of the small vow of non-violence.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 207.