things are offered to the guest - food, implements, medicine and shelter. Pure food must be offered by the householder with a pure heart to the ascetic on the path to emancipation, who is earnest in practising restraint and discipline. Implements such as books which promote right faith and so on must be presented to him. Wholesome and proper medicine must be given to him. Shelter also must be provided for the ascetic with great devotion.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 204.
संग्रहमुच्चस्थानं पादोदकमर्चनं प्रणामं च ।। वाक्कायमनः शुद्धिरेषणशुद्धिश्च विधिमाहुः ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (संग्रहम् ) उत्तम पात्रों का भले प्रकार समीचीन रीति से ग्रहण करना, इसी का नाम प्रतिग्रहण-पडगाहन भी है, (उच्चस्थान) उन्हें ऊंचा आसन देना, (पादोदकम् ) उनके पाद-प्रक्षालन करना, (अर्चनं) उनकी पूजा करना (च प्रणामं) और प्रणाम करना, (वाक्कायमनः शुद्धिः) वचनशुद्धि रखना, कायशुद्धि रखना, मनःशुद्धि रखना (च एषणशुद्धिः) और एषणाशुद्धि रखना अर्थात् भोजन की शुद्धि रखना, (विधिम् आहुः) इनको दान देने की विधि कहते हैं।
168. And the right manner for giving of gift consists in: respectful welcome, a high seat, washing the feet, worshipping, bowing, purity of mind, speech and body, and purity of food.
ऐहिकफलानपेक्षा क्षान्तिनिष्कपटतानसूयत्वम् । अविषादित्वमुदित्वे निरहङ्कारित्वमिति हि दातृगुणाः ॥ (169)