Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 45
________________ FERUARY, 1876.] CHRONICLE OF TORAGAL. 35 king of kings; who was the king of great kings; And the rent-free service-lands of the village. who was the receptacle of glory; who was a headmen and the accountants and the others very sun among kings; who was worshipped by of the eight officers are 252 mdrus. Thus we kings; who was a very lion of a king; who was have given, with libations of water, 4008 márus resolute in the warfare of kings; who was the of land. The boundaries of this land are:--On supreme lord of the throne which, located on the the east, his share; on the west side, a stone summit of the mountain of Pârâsaraparvata, ex. with emblems on it near the road; on the tends over the Karnataka and other countries south-east, a stone called Khajtgallu in front up to the southern bank of the river Nar- of the village of Alaügavadi; on the south, madá, - gave a charter as follows to ono (the village of) Gammagol; on the north, (the thousand and two Brahmans - god) Basavanna of Kalakêri; on the south-west. Onr mother and father obtained fipal eman. (the big rock called) Navalapladi on the cipation in the neighbourhood of the sacred cast side of Bettasura; between the south-west shrine of Agastyé śvara of Nagatirtha and the west, the spring called Nagajbari; after of Pll vallit and became residents of Kai- that, the gate called Kamavivágila of Suganlåsa. On their account, and for the sake of religi- dhipattana; on the west the altar of the god) ous inerit, we have given, as an agrahára grant, Hanumanta of Kadehalli on the bank of the the village of Pavalli, including (a radius of) Malápahari; on the north-west, the god Hafive kos. The details of this grant are as follows: numantadova on the road to the Navalatîrtha We have specified separately the names of those near the bank of the river; in the centre of who hold the eight offices. We have giver the the north, the hill called Ratnamókaliparvata ; two posts of astrologers and of village priest to between the north and the north-east the god Śridharaśarmii and Sahasraśarma, who are the Brahmadova of Kanavi; on the north-east, the astrologers and priests of the boundaries of temple of the goddess) Kilakantumma. Thus, Toragal. We have given the duty of superin- placing (as boundary-marks) at the cight points tending religious matters & to Anantabhatta of of the compass the peaks of the hill of Mônésidda, the lineage of Visvamitra. We have given the and having made this land, marked out by post of village-headman | to Somalayya and a circle of five kos, to be enjoyed by sons and Vallabhayya and Tirmalayya of the lineage of grandsons in succession as long as the sun and Bharadvája. We have given the post of ac- moon may last, and having effected for our countant of the agrahára to Sankara of the mother and father final emancipation by means lineage of Kasyapa. We have given the post of of identification with the divine essence, we shall director of sacrifices** to Châmararasayya of | acquire nniversal sovereignty. We have writthe lineage of Maunabhârgava. We have given ten this stone-inscription close to the god Lak. the astrologership of the boundaries of Toragal shmi-Narayana in the Saiva temple of Agasand the village priestship of Haralâpura, of the tye svara. Those of our royal lineage who Chandriya Tarph, of the Sindôgi Tarph, of the may injure it, shall incur the crime of having Kadukõlada Tarph, of the Gôvanakop Sammat, slain a mother or a father at Kasi. If Brahmans of the Hali Tarph, of the Sugandhipattanatt injure it, they shall incor the crime of baving Karyeti, of the Asudi Tarph, and of the boun- slain a cow at Kasi. And if Sudras and others daries of the Belagâm ve Tarph, to Sridhara- injure it, they shall incur the crime of slaying śarma and Sahasraéarma. The details of the a spiritual preceptor. May prosperity attend ownership of land given to them are :-(The this deed of gift! With a religious object we share of) each post consists of four márus less have concealed treasure in the treasure of Naby & fourth; in this way 375611 márus have garakindi. (This is) the embellishment of the been given to one thousand and two Brahmans. writing! tie, the modern Hubballi. There are several places I sinabhoga- Titti. Yajamana-vritti. of this name in the Belgaum and Dharwd Districte; tt A corruption of Sugandhavarti, the old form of apperontly Mughatkhan Hubballi, on the Malápaberi or Savand hatti or Suundatti, the chief towa of the Malajrabh & near Belgaum, is intended here. l'arasgad Taluks of the Belgaam District. I Ashtadhikarigaļu. 11 The correct calculation is 8757märus ; in modern & Dharmadhikara. Canarese maru' is equivalent to a fathon. Il Gaudakiya-vritti. $$ Gurdasánabhögara manya.


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