Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 239
________________ JULY, 1876.] REMARKS ON THE SIKSHAS. REMARKS ON THE SIKSHAS. BY DR. F. KIELHORN, DECCAN COLLEGE, PUNA. (Concluded from p. 144.) I NOW proceed to give a short account of tho | ( तथा चापिालि : शिक्षामधीते । नाभिप्रदेशास्प्रयत्नप्रेरित 2 नाम वायुरित्यादि), and its contents are given in the Sikshadhyaya of the Bharatabháshya mentioned Sikshā treatises which I have been able to collect up to the present. Owing to the imperfect condition of my MSS., this account will not in every case be as accurate or complete as I could wish it to be. I nevertheless venture to hope that it will not be considered entirely useless or void of interest. 1. The AMOGHANANDINI SIKSHA belongs to the Madhyandina bibid of the Yajurveda. My गणपतिमभिवन्द्यावद्यजातामय MS. of this work contains 57 slokas, which, so -- far as I can make out from the very incorrect text, trept of the pronunciation of cerisin letters, The treatise begins प्रणम्य शिरसा स्थाणुं त्रिलोकेशं विलोचनम् । विपुरमं वयमूर्ति शिक्षेप कियते मया ।। १ ।। यथादचा यजुर्वेदे सोमेश्वरप्रसादतः माध्यंदिनस्य शाखायामुदाहरणसंयुता ॥ २ ॥ पाणिनीयादिशिक्षाभ्यो यत्साक्षानोपलभ्यते । शिष्याणामुपदेशाय तदशेषं मयोच्यते ॥ ३ ॥ and it ends : क्षा [लक्ष्य ?] नुसारिणी ह्येषा कृता वाजसनेयिनाम् अमोघनन्दसंज्ञेयं पूजनीया मनीषिभिः || ५७ ॥ The Library of the Asiatic Society at Calcutta possesses a work entitled Amoghanandini Sileshd, which contains only 17 Ślokas, all of which are found in my own copy. Dr. Rajendralal Mitra (Notices of Sanskrit MSS. No. I. p.. 72) mentions another work which bears the same title, but contains 120 Blokas. 2. The APISALI SIKSHA treats of the classification and pronunciation (sthana and prayatna) of the letters of the alphabet. It is written in prose, but ends with three slokas which give a résumé of the preceding prose portion. My MS. contains 44 lines each of about_42 aksharas. A very large portion of this Siksha is quoted by Hemachandra in the commentary on his Satra तुल्यस्थानास्यप्रयत्नः स्वः See also Jinendrabuddhi's Kasika-vivaranapanjika on P.I, 1, 9, where the Apisalt siksha has likewise been made use of.-Patanjali, in his comment on the Varttika सिद्धमनच्त्वातू on P. I, 1, 10, appears (in the words स्पृष्टं करणं स्पर्शानाम् । ईषत्स्पृष्टमन्तस्थानाम् । विवृतमूष्मणाम् । 193 above.* 3. The ARANYA-SIKSHA treats chiefly of the peculiar accentuation of Vedic passages met with in the Taittiriya Aranyaka: it professes to have been based on nine other Sikshâs. It begins स्वरपदमिति वर्णोद्बोधनं ( 2 ) शीलनेन । चितिसुरगण हेतोरेतदारण्यशिक्षा मृतमिह नवशिक्षावारिधेरुद्धरामि ॥ आदातानि वाक्यानि चैकद्वित्र्यादिसंख्यया । विविधानि तु वृन्दानि विस्पष्टान्यत्न कृत्स्नशः । उदाड्रियन्ते अपेतॄणां संदेहानां निवृत्तये ॥ आदिमध्यान्तग्रहणं क्रियते यत्र तत्र तु । वाक्यानामिति मन्तव्यं श्रुतिस्नेकश्रुतेरिति ॥ भवेतामा सुदानी च यत्तच्छब्दी तु सर्वतः । योषित्तमाचेम हमे नियं परं न चेत् ॥ । and it ends : इत्थं निरूप्य सकलं स्वरवर्णजालं प्रश्रेषु पञ्चसु मुदे निगमे पदूनाम् । आरण्यके यदिह किंचन नन्यरूपि (?) तद्बुद्धिमद्भिरखिलं स्वयमूहनीयम् ॥ This Siksha is accompanied by an anonymous commentary. Both the text and the commentary fill in my MS. 60 pages, each of which contains 9 lines with about 35 aksharas in each line. 4. The KESAVA-SIKSHA belongs to the Mádhyandina Sakhá of the Yajurveda. It treats, like the Pratijnásútra 9-27, of the pronunciation of the letters व्, य्, ब् (to be pronounced as ख्, ०.५. इषे इखे ) र ( to be pronounced as रे, eg. दर्शत= दरेशत), ल् (to be pronounced as ले, eg. शतवल्श शतवलेश), Anusvára, the doubling of consonants, the - स्वराणां च विवृतम् । ) to quotes Siksha which may have resembled the Apisal,-unless indeed the rules given by him should have been quoted from the Atharvavedapratisakhya I, 29-38 ( स्पृष्टं स्पर्शानां करणम् । ईषत्स्पृष्टमन्तःस्थानाम् । ऊष्मणां विवृतं च । स्वराणां च । ).


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