JULY, 1876.]
vishaya, and rashtra-a territorial division. I the case. 'Dhravs' or 'Dhrus' are actually at the am, however, not aware that the word occurs present day employed in Kåt hi våd and anywhere else.
Kachh, and are persons who on the part of the The wording of the second part of our grant Râjâ superintend the collection of the royal differs not inconsiderably from that usually share of the produce in grain, which is made by adopted on the Valabhi sasanas. Thus we have the farmers of revenue. Their duty is to see (Pl. II, 1. 2) anudarsayati for samájñápayati that he does not collect more than his prope (Pl. II., 1. 6), anujnatan for atisrishtain or share.t Dhru is also not uncommon as a pratipaditam, the Prakrit-like form karshápa- family name among Gajarktis. In such cases yntah (PI. II., 1. 7) instead of karshayatah, &c. it has, no doubt, come down from an ancestor Two terms, dhruva and sthånddhikarana, which who held the office. The Sthânâdhikaranas' occur in the enumeration of the officials and appear to correspond to the 'Thânadârs' of the functionaries to whom the king addresses him. present day, who in Kathiâvâd and Rajpatana self (Pl. II., 1.1), deserve a word of explanation. combine police and magisterial functions. In translating formerly the grant of Guha- Lastly, the date of the grant-the seventh senat I rendered the equivalent dhruvadhikara- day of the bright half of Kârttika, of Samvat nika, which occurs there, by 'faithful judges,' | 207, which is very distinct, deserves attention. adding, however, that dhruva might be a tech. It makes the plate the oldest Valabhi grant nical term. I have since found that this is really known.
Transcript. । स्वस्ति वलभीतः प्रसभप्रणतामिवाणां मैत्रकाणामतुलबल५ सपन्नमण्डलाभोगसंसक्तसंप्रहारशतलब्धप्रतापः । प्रतापोपनतदा ३ नमानार्जवोपार्जितानुरागानुरक्तमौलभूतमित्रश्रेणीबलावाप्तराज्यश्रीः . रममामाहेश्वरः श्रीसेनापतिभटक्कः तस्य सुतस्तत्पादरजोरुणनतप5 विवीकृतशिराः शिरोवनतशत्रुचूडामाणप्रभाविच्छुरितपादनखपतिदीधि6 ति: दीनानाथजनोपजीव्यमानदिभवः परममाहेश्वरस्सेनापतिधर। सेनस्तस्यानुजस्तत्पादाभिप्रशस्तविमलमालिमणिर्मन्वादिप्रणीतविधिवि8 धानधर्मा धर्मराज इव विहितविनयव्यवस्थापद्धतिरखिलभुवनमण्डलाभोग9 स्वामिना परमस्वामिना स्वयमुपहितराज्याभिषेकमहाविश्राणनावपूतरा10 जश्रीः परममाहेश्वरी महाराजद्रोणसिंहः सिंह इव तस्यानुजस्स्वभुजबलघ11 टानीकानामनेकविजयी शरणैषिणां शरणमवबोद्धा शास्त्रार्थतात्वानां कल्पतरूरि12 व सुहृत्प्रतयिनां यलाभिलषितफलोपभोगद परमभागवतः परमभट्टा15 रकपादानुध्यातो महाराजधुवसेन x कुशली सर्वानेव स्वानायुक्तक
Plate II. .1 विनियुक्तकद्रगिकमहत्तरचाटभटध्रुवस्थानाधिकरनदण्डपाशिकादीनन्याश्च य
. थासंबध्यमानकाननुदर्शयत्यस्तु वस्सविदितं यथा मया हस्तकवप्राहरण्यं कुक्कटग्रा३ मे योतिलप्रत्ययसीतापादावर्त्तशदं कूपश्च हस्तकवप्रवास्तव्यब्रह्मण सचितिशर्मणे • द्रोणयनसगोवायाथर्वणसब्रह्मचारिण मातापित्रोः पुण्याप्यायात्मनश्चैहिकामुष्मि
+ Ind. Ant. vol. IV. p. 175.
L. 10, read it. L. 11, read Tarmi. L. 12, read 2907II owe this explanation to Mr. Dalpatrim Khikhar, | यि यथा द.. Deputy Educational Inspector, Kachh..
1L. 1, read इंगिक धिकरण' न्यांच- L., read Lino 2, read प्रपत्र with the other plates. L.4, dele | वस्संवि . L.3, read ब्रामण . L.4, read द्रोणायनाचारिण; first मा , read भटार्क:- L.6, rend विभव. L.7, read मौलि. | पुण्याच्यायनाया'.