Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 339
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1876.] A GRANT OF CHHITTARÅJADEVA. 279 %3 Plate III. (1) क्या प्रतिपादितं । तदस्य सान्वयवधोरपि भुंजतो भोजयतो वा कृषतः कर्षयतो वा (१) न केनापि परिपन्थना करणीया ॥ यत उक्तमेव महामुनिभिः बहुभिर्वसुधा भु. (१) का राजभिः सगरादिभिः ।। यस्ययस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्यतस्य तदा फलं ॥ दखा भूमि भाविनः (.) पाथिवेंद्रान्भूयोभूयो याचते रामभद्रः ! सामान्योयं धर्मसेतुर्नपाणां कालेकाले पालनी(5) यो भवद्भिः ॥ इति महर्षिवचनान्यवधार्य सर्वैरपि समागामिभिर्भूपालै पालनध(°) मफललोभ एव कलनीयः । न पुनस्तलोपनपापकलंकाग्रेसरेण केनापि भवितव्यं ॥ (') यस्त्वेवमभ्यत्थितोपि लोभादज्ञानतिमिरपटलावृतमतिराच्छिद्यादाच्छिद्यमानमनु() मोदेत वा स पञ्चभिरपि पातकैरुपपातकैश्च लिप्तौ रौरवमहारौरवांधतामिस्रा (१) दिनरकांश्विरमनुभविष्यति । तथा चोक्तं व्यासेन || स्वदत्तां परदत्ताम्वा यो हेरत वसं(10) धरां । स विष्ठायां कृमिर्भूत्वा कृमिभिःसह पच्यते ॥ यथा चैतदेवं तथा शासनदाता (1) लेखकहस्तेन स्वमतमारोपयति । यथा मतं मम महामण्डलेश्वरश्रीच्छित्तराजदेवस्य म(") हामण्डलेश्वरश्रीमद्वज्जडदेवराजसूनोर्यदत्र शासने लिखितं । ॥ लिखितं चैतन्मया (15) श्रीमद्राजानुज्ञया भाण्डागारसेनजोगपैयेन भाण्डागारसेनमहाकविश्रीनाग(14) लयभ्रातस्तेन यदत्रोनाक्षरमाधिकाक्षरम्वा तत्सवं प्रमाणमिति ॥ श्रीर्भवत ___Translation Kapardi out of fear of whom all his enemies 1. May that Leader of the Ganas pro-offered libations of water for the welfare of their tect you from misfortune who destroys obsta- kingdoms.** cles, and who by means of worship receives | 6. His son was the illustrious Ghayu consideration in all undertakings. vanta, (called also) Bhuvanaikavira, a 2. May that Siva protect you on whose head | hero on the battle-field. His famous son was Ganga glitters, resembling the brilliant crescent the illustrious Jhanjha; next his brother the of the new moon when it rises over Sumeru's beautiful Goggi became crest. 7. From him sprang a son famed for his as3. The ever-compassionate son of Jimitaketu, tounding and enchanting deeds, the illustrious Jimata váhana, is famed in the three worlds, prince Vajjadadera, a chief of kings. who, valuing his own body not more than a Royal Fortune, suddenly approaching him of straw for another's sake, saved, indeed, San- her own accord on the battle-field, took delight khachada from Garuda.|| (in resting) on the bosom of that (prince), 4. Among his descendants arose Kapardi, whose only force was his strong arm, as if he an ornament of thesilara race, who destroyed | were) the pride of his enemies; and from him sprang ____8. As Jayanta sprang from (Indra) Vritra's & son, called Pula sakti, whose blazing splen- foe, and six-faceu (Kumdra) from (Siva) the foe dour equalled that of the sun. of Pura, so an illustrions, virtuous son, (nanod) 5. Then a son was born to him, that Laghu Aparajita, was born to him, + Line 1, road सान्वयबंधार. L. 5, rend भूपालैः. L7, | to be torn in the victim's place, forms the sabject of the Naganandandfaka, which see. Vide Ind. Ant. vol. I. read भ्यत्यितो . L.8, read लिप्तो.. p. 147. Metre vasantatilaka. The verse contains & yamaka, which obscures its Metre vasantatilaka. meaning. The syllables ganandyakah at the end of the "Metre svagata. 'Laghu Kapardr means 'Kapardi first half-verse must be dissolved into ganandḥ and yakah. junior.' The latter is the relative pronoun yah with infix ak, which Metre vasantatilaka. Regarding the correct form may be inserted before the terminations of all pronouns. of the name Ghayavanta see above. BhuvanaikaMetre amushtubh. vira may be taken also as a simple epithet, and be trans$ Metre anushfubh. lated by the only hero in the world.' || The story of Jimatav hans, who saved the 11 V. 7. Metro sdrd alavikridita. Lakshmi (Fortone) Nagra Sankhach ads from Garuda by allowing himself is the wife of Vishnu (Murfri).


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