Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 337
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1876.] A GRANT OF CHHITTARÅJADEVA. 277 It is also probable that a king has been omitted The donee, Amadevaiya, son of Vipranodabetween Aparâjita and Vajjad adeva II., maiya, who belonged to the Chhandogasakhả or at least the real name of Aparajita has been left of the Samaveda, must have been a southerner, out; for the verse in which the names of Ke- | as the termination of his name, aiya, shows. sideva and Vajjadadeva II. occurs is mutilated. The same remark applies to the ministers It consists of two pádas only, the second of Siha paiya and Nagan aiya, and the which offends against the metre. Besides, a writer of the sásant, Jogapaiya. comparison with Kesideva's (Arikesari's) grant The field which was granted to Amadevaiya shows that there followed a good deal after v. 8, was situated in the village of Noura, now which is left out in our sásana. Unfortunately Nowohor, belonging to the vishaya or táluka of the latter portion of the facsimile given in the Shatshash thî, the modern Salsette, and inAsiatic Researches and the whole of the transla- cluded in Sristh â na ka or Thâņa. The tion are so untrustworthy as to be useless for village of Gomvaņi is now called Gowhan, the purpose of attempting a restoration. Like and lies a little north of Bhâu đập. Gorapavali nearly all inscriptions read fifty or sixty years is not to be traced on the Trigonometrical ago, Kesideva's grant requires re-deciphering. Survey map, but it may be the old name of The date of the grant is given as Sunday, Bhandup, which occupies nearly the place asKartika Suddha 15, Saka 948 (i.e. 1026 A.D.), and signed to Gorapavali. It is worthy of note it is added that an eclipse of the snn took place | that the " king's highroad" (rajapatha), which, on that day. It is clear that either the date must according to the grant, passed to the west of be wrong, or that instead of an eclipse of the sun' the piece of land granted, followed nearly the an eclipse of the moon' ought to be read. I sus- same line as the present road from Bombay pect that the former is the case, and that, while to Thânâ. It no doubt connected one of the the grant was made on the occasion of an eclipse many harbours of Salsette, or Bombay, with of the sun, it was written on the date mention- Thinit. Regarding the residence of Chhittadeva, ed. A similar discrepancy occurs on the Morvi Puri, I am only able to repeat Mr. Wathen's plate, which ie dated Sudi 5, when an eclipse | conjecture that it may be Girapuri or Eleof the sun is stated to have taken place! phanta.t TRANSCRIPT. Plate I. (') ओं जयश्चाभ्युदयश्च ॥ लभते सर्वकार्येषु पूजया गणनायकः । विघ्नं निघन्स वः पायादपाया. (°) गणनायकः ॥ सवः पातु सिवो नित्यं यन्मौलौ भाति जावी । सुमेरुसिखरोद्गच्छदच्छचंद्रकलोप(२) मा ॥ जोमूतकेनुतनयो नियतं दयालुर्जीमूतवाहन इति त्रिजगत्प्रसिद्धः । देहं निजं तण(') मिवाकलयन्परात्] यो रक्षतिस्म गरुडात्खलु संखचूडं ॥ तस्यान्वये नरपतिः समभूत्कप(२) र्दी सीलारवंसतिलको रिपुदर्पमर्दी । तस्मादभूच तनयः पुलसक्तिनामा मार्तण्डमण्ड(°) लसमानसमिद्धधामा ॥ जातवानथ लघुः स कपर्दी सूनुरस्य सकलैररिवगैः । यद्भ(') येन सलिलाञ्जलिरुचैर्दीयते [स्म निजराज्यसुखाय ।। तस्मादभूच्च तनयो भुवनैकवीर: श्रीघयव(8) न्त इति संगररङवीरः । श्रीझंझ इत्यभवद्यस्य सुतः सुकीर्तिर्भाताथ गोग्गिनृपतिः सम(१) भूत्सुमूर्तिः ॥ तस्माद्विस्मयकारिहारिचरितप्रख्यातकीतिः सुतः श्रीमान्वज्जडदेवभू(10) पतिरभूद्धचक्रचूडामणिः । दाईण्डैकवलस्य यस्य सहसा संग्रामरंगांगणे (1) राज्यश्रीः स्वयमेत्य वक्षसि रति चक्रे मुरारेखि ॥ जयन्त इव वृत्रारेः पुरारे(") वि षण्मुखः । ततः श्रीमानभूत्पुत्रः सच्चरित्रोपराजितः ॥ कर्णस्यागेन यः (13) साक्षात्सत्येन च युधिष्ठिरः । प्रतापाद्दीप्तिमार्तण्डः कालदण्डश्च यो द्विषां ॥ • Ind. Ant. vol. II. p. 258. शीलारवंश. L.7, read रुच्चैर्दीयतेस्म नि. with facsimile + Possibly Rajpuri.-ED. in As. Res. vol. I. p. 313; perhaps वप्युवन or वप्पुवन्त for + Line 2, read शिवो शिखर'. L.4, read शंखचूडं. L.B, read | घयुवन्तः compare facsimile As. Res. loc. cit. L.8, read धाता.


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