Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 413
________________ DECEMBER, 1876.] CHÅVADÅ SETTLEMENTS IN GUJARAT. 351 - unanimously to attack the Kolis next day, and of Beru and Derru. He was succeeded by prophesied that he would infallibly be victorious, his son Jayasingh R Å val, who had three and deputed one of the number to accompany sons,-Isardas, Surajmalji, and Simantsingh,him. Punjaji promised to accept the Brahman who divided the paternal estate, and set up their as his spiritual adviser and family priest gadis at Ambod, Warsoda, and Mansa (gor), and next morning, starting at daybreak, respectively, and for a few years the two elder marched suddenlyon Då bra, where he surprised sons made Jota n k and Lech their chief seats. and slew the Koli chief Visaldeva; from Dabra Lech is a village of the Kadi parganî, but the hemarched to Gojpa riu and there slew Gopal: gadi was soon moved to Warso da. The from thence he advanced to Lodra, where he Chåvadà chiefs of Mânsâ and Warsoda, however, killed Lal; and from Lodrá to Warso da, to this day hold wántás in Lech and Ambasan. where he killed Wachrâj. By these successive In the Ambod house, Isardas was succeeded by defeats he entirely subdued the Kolis, and re- Ins son Varansi, who was succeeded by his son duced the district between Visalnagar and Kadi Singhoji. Singhoji had seven sons, who divided (then called Vis alv å d a) to order. his chorá si among them, each taking twelve On his return to Patan the viceroy bestowed villages. Thus Jayamalji, Kanji, and Adáji took on him 248 villages under Visalnagar, and 52 Àmbod and thirty-six villages among them;. other villages, in all 300 villages. Panjaji now Jesaji received twelve villages and took up his established his gadi at À bâsan (or Ambasan) residence at Vasaji; Sujoji received twelve and resided there. He granted the villages of villages and resided at Bhota nå; Hânsji Devrà san and Subhâsant to Chårans, received twelve villages and resided at Karâ; and gave twelve villages to his half-brother and Sängoji received twelve villages and resided Viramdeva. He gave also twelve villages to at Kam â nâ. The above are the principal one of his followers called Rana Bhim. These divisions of the Chavadis of Ambod. were situated in the Meu (?) district. On an. Surajmalji, of the Warsod branch, had a other follower, called Vijal Dabhi, he bestowed son named Punjaji, who dug the Rawaliu Talão fourteen villages, while to Jetsi Parmar he gave at Mes în å. Punjaji had two sons, Sâv: the village of Gakh u-Delwar. He gave dåsji and Sisaji, of whom the latter succeeded also the village of Hilwu to his Solanki fol- him. Sisaji was succeeded by his son Sadul lowers, and bestowed many fields on other men Råval, whose son was Gangåji. Gangaji was a of less repute. devotee of the goddess Uma, who told him to Raja Punjaji reigned for forty-six years at ask for a boon, on which he asked for a son. Ambasan; he had two sons, Mesaji and Van- The goddess replied that he would obtain a son virji. Mesaji built the town of Meså nå, if he moved bis seat from Mesånå to Warsoda, and his mother Padmavati constructed the large and bathed daily in the Såbarmati river for one tank called the Padams à gar at that place. month. Gangaji accordingly left Mesând and Mesiji had no male issue, and was succeeded by established his seat at Warso dâ, and there his brother Van virji, who also had no son in Samvat 1565 (A. D. 1509) two sons were until he consulted a Brâhman whose surname was born to him, whom he named Askaranji and Råval. The Brâhman told him he was sonless Jagtoji, of whom Askaranji succeeded him. through Mahadeva's anger, whom he had of Jagtoji's descendants are now in the village of fended, but that he would intercede for him on Poth A. Askaranji had four sons, viz. Ramdas, condition that if he obtained a son through his Kaloji, Ratansingh, and Wachrâj. In Kaloji's intercession he should call him Rival. Van- branch one Khumansingh, who settled at Mavirji agreed to this, and about a year afterwards nikpur, was a famous man in his time. The a son was born to him, whom he named descendants of Ratansingh are to be found at Narbadsingh Raval, and from that day Wadu, and those of Wachrâj at A hijol. the Châ va då Rå vals have continued the Râmdâs had three sons, viz. Mânsinghji, Puramtitle. math, and Keshavji. Two of these had no issue, Narbadsingh granted to Bhâts the two villages and the estate fell to Keshavji, who adopted • Àmbisan is a village of Kadi under II. H. the + Dewrasan and Sabhasan are villages of the Kadi Gaikwa. pargans, and are still held by Ch&rans.


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