Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 407
________________ DECEMBER, 1876.] THE THREE ACHARYAS. 345 and one pana on (all) the shops, and one pana This much did the whole city, assembling toon the sellers of betel-leaves and areca-nuts, and gether, bestow. The family of Chå vundaone pana on the dealers in oil, and one pana chôvala shall assist this act of religion. on the palanquin-bearers of the worldt, and ten To him who excellently preserves it in the same vísast on their tenants, and ten visas on the sixty manner in which it has been given there shall Kottalis, and ten visas on the Binungus who befal the attainment of his desires; but (as) to were the Vasavartis of the city, and one pana on him who destroys it, he shall sink into the hell all the rent-free lands, and one pana on the called Maha ghô ra, with all his lineage, being shop of the guild of the Mummuri. And fifty (as guilty as) one who negligently slays Brah. cultivators, headed by the Maharisil, gave onemans, or tawny-coloured cows, or women, or ladleful of oil on the oil-mills, for the perpetual children, or those who wear the linga, at Gange lamp of the god and the lamp of the Matha. or Gaye or Ked å ra or Kurukshetra. ÂCHÂRYA, THE FRIEND OF THE STUDENT, AND THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE THREE ACHARYAS. BY PROF. R. G. BHÅNDÅRKAR, ELPHINSTONE COLLEGE. When I closed my controversy with Prof. no great authority if we can adduce cogent Weber on some points connected with the reasons for differing from him. And I believe Mahabhashya, I said I reserved one question there are such reasons in the present case. The for discussion on a future occasion, and stated passage in which the word occurs is this :my belief that the Vákyapadiya and the Rája- 1. Chap. I. p. 10a, Banaras lith. ed. :tarangini did not afford evidence of the Maha. तेभ्य एवं विप्रतिपत्रबुद्धिभ्योध्येतभ्यः सुहृद्वृत्वाचार्य इदं शासbhashya having been tampered with by Chan. Han ha 497 of The drà charya and others. I am very glad expression आचार्यः सुहृद्भूत्वान्वाचष्टे occurs in several to see that Prof. Kielborn has taken up this places in the Mahabhâshya, in all of which we question, and discussed it in a very able and have to understand Katyayana by the term thorough manner, in the last number of this 1 . For instance :journal. I agree with all that he has said, 2. 1.4, p. 271, Banaras lith. ed. :-aesi fastra thongh I should translate the passage in the Vakyapadiya somewhat differently, but as the नीयास्सर्वमेतद्विकल्पत इति । तदाचार्यः सुहृद्भूत्वान्वाचष्टे व्हरवीdifferences are unimportant, and have no bear चेयुवस्थानौ च प्रवृत्तौ च प्राक्चप्रवृत्तेः सीवचनावेवेति । ing on the main point, it is not necessary to 3. II. 1, p. 316a:- &c, as above 1974: state them. सुहृद्धृत्वान्वाचष्टे चादिभियोगे यथान्यासमेव भवतीति । . There are, however, some points alluded to 4. II. 4. p. 401 :-aleset for t fara by Prof. Kielhorn on which I have been thinking for some time. He has shown that the | मिदमैवानुकथ्यते इति । तदाचार्यः सुहृद्भूत्वान्वाचष्टेन्वादेशश्च कword acharya occurring in the first 240 pages | थितानुकथितमात्रमिति। of the Banâras edition of the Mahabháshya, 5. III. 3, p. 93:-aga parierefreienifera i when it is used to denote a specific individual, तदाचार्यः सुहृद्भूत्वान्वाचष्टे कर्तृकर्मग्रहणं चोपपदसंज्ञार्थमिति । refers to Pânini or. Katya yana, but 6. III. 3, p. 97a :-atatageuka #6: never to Patanjali, except in one instance स्यात्प्राग्वोतापिभ्यां सहवेति । तदाचार्यः सुहृद्भूत्वान्वाचष्टे विभाषा pointed out by Nágojibhatta. Prof. TETTY Tafra Kielhorn expresses his doubts as regards the 7. IV. 3, p. 76:-aye (as in 2 and 3) 1 : correctness of Nâgoji's remark, and I also think Någojibhatta is wrong. In a case of this सुहब्रूत्वान्वाचष्टे दिक्पूर्वपदादर्धायथान्यासमेव भवतीति । kind, the great grammarian, who flourished 8. IV.3, p. 86:-as farefterdarat 174431only about a hundred and fifty years ago, can be वैति । तदाचार्यः सुहृद्भूत्वान्वाचष्ट एतयोरिन्यर्थनिर्देश इति । Pana', particular coin, measure, or weight. Binungu',-meaning not known. + Jagatiya bovugalor-the technical meaning is not I'Méhari',-meaning not known; but possibly it is conapparent. nected with młyu', to gruze, 'mévu, mela', pasluge. 1 Visa', -explained to me as ='duddu', the fourth part of an anna. In Sanderson's Dictionary we have 1 i.e., 'sball ensure the preservation of. visa', a share, portion, one-sixteenth, and 'vise', five seers. Ind. Ant. vol. II. p. 240.


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