Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 398
________________ 336 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [DECEMBER, 1876. point of the Pab range of mountains. Bára, or Mela-Tubero. These authors mention anBari, nieans a roadstead or haven; and Moranta other river in connection with the Tomerus, - is evidently connected with the Persian Mard, a | the Arosapes or Aruba ces. man, of which the feminine is still preserved in XXV. Malana.-Its modern representative Kasmiri, as Mahrin, a woman: From the dis- is doubtless Rås Malin or Malen. tances given by Arrian, I am inclined to fix The Length of the Voyage, 1600 stadia.--In it at the mouth of the Bahar rivuletup a small reality the length is only between 1000 and stream which falls into the sea about midway be- 1100 stadia, even when allowance is made for tween Cape Monze and Sonmiyani." Women's the winding of the coast. Probably the diffiHaven is mentionda by Ptolemy and Ammianus culty of the navigation made the distances apMarcellinus. There is in the neighbourhood a pear much greater than the reality. mountain now called Mor, which may be a CHAP. XXVI. The Gedrosian s.-Their remnant of the name Morontobari. The channel country, which corresponds generally to Mekthrough which the fleet passed after leaving this rån, was called Gedrosia, Kedrosia, Gadrosia, or place no longer exists, and the island has of Gadrusia. The people were an Arianian race course disappeared. akin to the Arachosii, Arii, and Drangiani. Haven at the mouth of the Arabis. -The Bagisara.-" This place," says KempPurali discharges its waters into the bay of thorne,"is now known by the name of Ar&Sonmiyani, as has been already mentioned. bah or Hormara h Bay, and is deep and con"Sonmiyâni," says Kempthorne,"is a small modious with good anchorage, sheltered from all town or fishing village situated at the mouth of winds but those from the southward and easta creek which runs up some distance inland. ward. The point which forms this bayis very high It is governed by a sheikh, and the inhabitants and precipitous, and runs out some distance into appear to be very poor, chiefly subsisting on dried the sea.....? Rather a large fishing village fish and rice. A very extensive bar or sandbank is uituated on a low sandy isthmus about one runs across the mouth of this inlet, and none mile across, which divides the bay from another. but vessels of small burden can get over it even .... The only articles of provision we could at high water, but inside the water is deep." obtain from the inhabitants were a few fowls, The inhabitants of the present day are as badly off some dried fish, and goats. They grow no for water as their predecessors of old. "Every kind of vegetable or corn, a few water-melons thing," says one who visited the place, "is being the only thing these desolate regions scarce, even water, which is procured by digging bring forth. Sandy deserts extend into the ina hole five or six feet deep, and as many in terior as far as the eye can reach, and at the diameter, in a place which was formerly a swamp; back of these rise high mountains." and if the water oozes, which sometimes it does The Rhapua of Ptolemy corresponds to the not, it serves them that day, and perhaps the Bagisara or Pasira of Arrian, and evidently next, when it turns quite brackish, owing to the survives in the present name of the bay and the nitrous quality of the earth." headland of Araba. CHAP. XXIII. Pagali.-Another form is Kolta.- A place unknown. It was situated Pegada, met with in Philostratus, who wrote al on the other side of the isthmus which connects work on India. Ras Araba with the mainland. Kabana-To judge from the distances Kalybi.-A different form is Kalami or Kagiven, this place should be near the stream now lame. Situated on the river now called Ka called Agbor, on which is situated Harka na. la mi, or Kumra, or Kurmnt. It is probably the Kæamba of Ptolemy. Karnine (other forms-Karbine, Karmina). Kokala must have been situated near the The coast was probably called Karmin, if Karmis headland now called Ras Katchari. is represented in Kurmat. The island lying CHAP. XXIV. Tomeros.-From the dis- twelve miles off the mouth of the Kalami is now tances given, this must be identified with the called Astola or Sanga-dip, which KempMaklow or Hingal river; some would, thorne thus describes :-“ Ashtola is a small however, make it the Bhusal. The form of desolate island about four or five miles in cirthe name in Pliny is. Tomber 18, and incumference, situated twelve miles from the coast


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