Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 257
________________ JEET, 1876.] GRANTS FROM VALABHI. 209 the gurus or religious teachers under whom the In the present stage of our knowledge of the three kings sat, and appeals to the Vengi grant history of the kings of Valabhi, I do not think it of Vijayanan divarma, as well as to un- advisable to hazard any conjecture as to the counpublished Nepal inscriptions, where a Bhatta- | try of king Bå va and king Bappa, or regardraka Bappa is mentioned. I regret that I have ing their relations to those of Valabhi, though to enter my protest against this explanation. For Hiwen Thsang's account of the kingdom as the Báva and Bappa of the Valabhi grants does seem to furnish us with materials for them. are both styled 'kings of kings' and 'supreme | The donee of our grant is Bhataku mara, lords'-in fact receive exactly the same epithets son of Dronaputra,a Brahman of Valab hi, as the rulers of Valabhi-they cannot, it seems an emigrant from Gomitrika, who belonged to to me, have been mere priests or gurus, but must the Bharad vaja gotra and studied the have been real kings. At least I should like to Maitrdyaniya redaction of the Black Yajurveda. see & well anthenticated instance where a guru He also receives the epithet tachchaturvidyareceives exactly the same titles as a king. traividyasamanya, which is not quite clear to Secondly, the Bappa of Vijayanandi me. (Pl. II., 1. 23.) The object granted is could not have been the Bappa of our grant the village of Lona pad raka, which is de--even if the latter were a priest. For Vija- scribed as situated in the Lonâpadrakasthali, yânandivermà styles himself parama- and is qualified by a further unintelligible Bhagavatah, 'the great or ardent worshipper epithet, khodasthalakoparipata kasahita. of Vishnu,' while our kings call themselves The date of the grant is the ninth day of paramamāhefraras, 'great or ardent worship- the dark demi-lanation of Sravana of Samvat pers of Siva.'. The gurue must be of the sect | 342. The second sign of the Samvat is doubtful; of the worshipper, and the Valabhi Bappa | I read it tentatively as 40 on the strength of must therefore have been a Saiva, whilst the | Dr. Bhâu Daji's statements, Jour. Bo. Br. R. Vengi Bappa must have been a Vaishnava. IAs. Soc. vol. VIII. p. 230. Transcript. । स्वस्ति जयस्कन्धावारात् बालादित्यतटाकवासकात् प्रसभप्रणतामित्राणां मत्रकाणामतुलबलसंप नमण्डलाभोगससक्तप्रहारशतलब्धप्रतापा प्रतापोपनत * दानमानार्जवोपाजितानुरागादनुरक्तमौलभृतश्रेणीबलावाप्तराज्यश्रियः परममाहेश्वरश्रीभटा दिव्यवच्छिन्नराजवशान्मातापितृचरणारविंदप्रणतिप्रविधीताशे, पकल्मषः शैशवात्प्रभृति खद्वितीयबाहुरेव समदपरगजघटास्फोटनप्रकाशितसत्वनिकषस्तत्प्रतापप्रण तारातिचूडारत्नप्रभाससक्तपादनख• रश्मिसंहतिः सकलस्मृतिप्रणीतमार्गः सम्यपरिपालनप्रजाहृदयरंजनान्वर्थराजशब्दो रूपकान्तिस्यै र्यगांभीर्यबुद्धिसंपद्भिः स्मरशशाङ्गाद्रिराजोदधिनिदा। गुरुधनेशांनतिशयानः शरणागताभयप्रदानपरतया तृणवदपास्ताशेषस्वकार्यफल प्रार्थनाधिकार्थप्र दानानंदितविद्वत्सुहृत्प्रणयिहृदयः प• दचारिसकलभुवनमण्डलाभोगप्रमोदः परममाहेश्वरः श्रीगुहसेनस्तस्य सुतस्तत्पादानखमयूख संतानविसृतजान्हवीजलौघप्रक्षालिताशेषकल्मष 7 प्रणयिशतसहस्रोपजीव्यमानसंपद्रूपलोभादिवाश्रितः सरभसमाभिगामिकैर्गुणैः सहजशक्तिशिक्षावि शेषविस्मापिताखिलधनुर्द्धरः प्रथमनरप• तिसमतिसृष्टानामनुपालयित धर्मदायानामुपकर्ता प्रजोपघातकारिणामपप्लवानां दर्शयिता श्रीसरस्व. त्योरेकाधिवासस्य संहतारातिपक्षलक्ष्मीप$ " With cultivated land and salt marsh."-ED. L.s, dele anusvara over धनेशान;-read 'फल: L.6, L.1, read मैत्रकाणा-संसक प्रताप . L.2, read read पादचारीव-पादनख"; कल्मष:- L.8, read पालयि राजवंशा.° L. 3, rend संसक्त. L., read मार्गसम्यकप. | ता:-मुपप्रवानां.


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