Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 332
________________ 274 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1876. vå svatantrah kritaḥ. Eshtavyâ hy eshâ kirtir a respite of three days, no more and no less; yad vyavahârasamaticha syâd dandasamatâcha. out of consideration that they must be deprived Yavad ito 'picha madivrittir yad bandhana- of life, and in order to forsake every attachbaddhanam manushyâņam tiritadandanám prap- ment to other things, shall they give alms, and tavadhânîm trayo divasi maya yautakam dat- prepare themselves for the life hereafter. For tam, anyûnadhikâh, kshapayishyanti jîvitam iti; thus is my wish, that they, even in the time of nànåsangancha kshapayitum dânam dasyanti imprisonment, may secure to themselves the paratrikam upavasañcha karishyanti. Ichchha happiness of an hereafter, and the practice of hi madiyaivam nirodhasyapi kale påratryam virtue in every kind of respect, self-control, and ârâdhayeyur iti, janasyacha vardhate vividha generous liberality, may increase among the dharmacharanam samyamo danasamvibhaga iti. people. Translation of No. II. on the Dehli Pillar. No. I. of the Dhauli rock inscriptions Treads King Devânâ mpriya Priyadarsinthus :speaks thus: Twenty-six years after my corona- (Deva)nampiyasa (vacha) nena Tosaliyam mation I have caused this righteousness-edict hâmâtî nagalavi(yo)hAlaka (va)taviya ar kichhi to be written. I have appointed sheriffs over de(khâm)i hain namtam ichhamim kalinam many hundred thousands of souls in the land ; enam pativedaye ham duvâlatecha alabhe ham I have granted to them free power of instituting esacha me mokhyamataduvâsle etasi atha)si arn legal prosecution and inflicting punishment, tuphe anusathi tuphehi bahûsu panasahasesu with intent that the sheriffs undisturbed and ayata janame gachhacha sumusisanam save suundismayed shall discharge their functions ; munise paja mama atha pajâye ichhami haka ka further the interest and the happiness of the savamna sitasukhona hidalo(kika pålalonineya inhabitants of town and country; take cogni- 1 y(ujevati). zance, with benevolence in their manner of speak. This is first corrected by Dr. Kern thus :ing, of what awakens satisfaction or dissatisfac- Devânampiyasa vuchanena Tosaliya mahîtion; and with justice shall pronounca judgment mâtâ nagalaviyohalaka vataviya: a kichhi among the residents in town and country, so that dekhâmi ham nitam ichámi, kâlinam enam patithey may receive reward here and hereafter. vedaye ham, duvålatecha alabhe ham; esacha And the sheriffs must serve nue, and, at the me mokhyamatadavâle etasi athasi am taphe same time, they shall take cognizance of the anusatha. Taphe hi bahůsu på nasahasesu ayati wishes of my men. || They shall also pronounce jane me gachhecha sumunisanam. Save sumujudgment in the provinces, and there with shall nise pajâ mama; atha pajâya ichậmi hakam te the sheriffs be pleased to satisfy me. Because, savena hitagakhena hidalokikapalalokikâye yuas any one who entrusts his offspring to a nurse 1 jevůti. is at rest, thinking "an efficient nurse will And translated into Sanskrit this becomes.:-- take care of my offspring diligently and well," so | Devânâmpriyasya vachanena Tosalyam mahahave I appointed sheriffs for the advantage and mâtra nagaravyavaharaka* vaktavykh : yat kifihappiness of the natives, so that they, feeling chit pa yamy aham nitam ichchhami, ka riņam themselves undisturbed and undismayed, may enah prativedaye 'ham; etachcha mama muwithout reluctance prosecute their business. khyamatadvaram etasminn arthe yad yûyam For this end I have committed to the sole anusishtah; yûyaṁhi bahushu jivasahasreshv power of the sheriffs both legal prosecution and ayukta majjane gachchhecha sujanânâm. Sarvas imposition of punishment. Because it is an sujanaḥ prajâ me; yathå prajâyây ichchhâmy enviable renown for a prince) that there is aham te sarvena hitasukhenaihalokikapáralokiequality of law and equity of punishment. Up kaya yajyeyur iti. to the present day it has also been a steadfast Translation of No. I. of the Dhauli Inscriptions. custom of mine to grant to the prisoners who In the name of De vânâmpriya be it said to have been condemned to the utmost punish- the magistrates charged with the jurisdiction ment, and have reached the time of execution, of the city of Tosali. Every cause which is It is not quite certain whether this means subordinate | Magadhi of the edicta, munise, not pulise. functionaries, or subjects in general. We may remark that See Burnouf, Lotus de la Bonne Loi, p. 672. the word for "men" in the widest signification is in the Better vydvandrika.


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