Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ 272 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1876. dQkaram. tamcha anuvidhiyatan etakaya Devanampiyo Pi. Savata vijitamhi Dev&nampiyasa Piyadasino yadasi râjâ yaso va kiti va ichhati, ya tu kichiraño, evamapi pâchamtesu yatha Choda Pada paråkamate Devanam Piyadasi råjå ta savam Satiyaputo Ketalaputo a Tarba -patņi, Antiyako pâratik&ya kirti sakale apaparisåve asa esa tu Yonarâjâ, yevapi tasa Antiyasa samipamrájáno, parisave ya apuñam, *dakaram tu kho etam savatá Devånampiyasa Piyadasino raão dve chi. chhudakena vi janena usatena vê añata agena kichhå kata, manusachikichha; pasuchikichhd. par&kamena savam parichajiptâ eta tu kho usatena cha; osudhânicha yâni manusopaganicha pasopa gânicha yata-yata nâsti, savatâ hârâpitânicha Prof. Kern's revised text and translations are:- ropâpitânicha ' mulânicha pbalânicha yata yata Devanampiyo Piyadasi raja yaso vê kiti(m) va nisti, savata hârâpitânicha rop&pitanicha ; panna mahathavahî mañata alata tadáptane digh- thesd kupacha khanapitâ, vachhacha ropapità pari yacha me jano, dharmasusdsâm susûsatam bhogya pasumanus&namn. I dhammavutamcha anuvidhiyatâm. Etakâya De Dr. Kern translates this literally into Sanskrit vânampiyo Piyadasi râjâ yaso vê kitim va ichhati. as*Ya tu kichi para kamate Devananpiyo Piyadasi Sarvatra rashţre Devânâmpriyasya Priyadarsino rája ta savarn påratik&ya; kimti sakalo apapa- råjnas, tathaivo pratyanteshu, yatha Chodah, Pan. risavo asa ; esa tu parisavo ya apuriiñam. "DQ- dyah Satyaputrah, Keralaputra A Tamraparnim karam tu kho etar chhudakena va janena, usatena Antiyoko Yavanarajo, yechápi tasya sAmanta, ràva, aslata agena paråkamena savam parichajiptê. jánah, sarvatra Devânâmpriyasya Priyadarsino Eta tu kho usatena dakarar. rajno dvayi chikitsa kritâ, manushyachikitsa pasuIn Sansksit : chikitsacha; Aushadhânicha yâni manushyopaganiDevânâmpriyah Priyadarsi raja yaśo vê kirtim vå cha paspaganicha yatra-yatra na santi, sarvatri. na maharthavaham, amarsyata, yadi na tatâdve håritânicha tadropanañcha käritam, malanicha dirghêyacha taijano dharmasuśrushåm suśrusheta phalanicha yatra-yatra na santi, sarvatråhåritáni. dharmoktañchânuvidhiyeta. Etavata eva Deva- cha tadropanaficha karitar, kapascha pathishn nâmpriyah Priyadarát raja yaso vå kirtim vech- khånitâ, vșikshananaficha ropanarh karitar pari. chhati. Yat tu kifichit paråkramate Devånâmpri- bhogaya pasumanushyanam. yaḥ Priyndarsi raja, tat sarvam påratrikåya; kimitip Translation. sakalo 'påsravas sy&t. Esha tvåsravo yad apun. yam. • Dushkaran tu khalv etat kshudrakena vå In the whole dominion of King Devanam. janenonnatona vångatrågryeņa pårakramena sarvam priya Priyadaréin, as also in the adjacent parityajya. Etat tu khaldnnatena dushkaram. countries, as Chola, Pandya, SatyaTranslation of No. X. putra, Kerala putra, as far as Tamra. King Devânâmpriya Priyadarsin does parņi, the kingdom of Antiochus the not deem that renown and great name bring ad- Grecian king and of his neighbour kings, Il vantage greatly, if, at the same time, his people, the system of caring for the sick, both of men for the present and afterwards, were not prac- and cattle, followed by King De vân âm tising right obedience, and following exhorta- priya Priya darsin, has been everywhere tion to virtue. In so far only, King Devânâm- brought into practice, and at all places where priya Priyadarsin desires renown and great useful healing herbs for men and cattle were name. All, therefore, that king Devânâmpriya wanting he has caused them to be brought and Priyadarsin strenuously strives after, is for the planted ; and at all places where roots and life hereafter, so that he may be wholly and fruits were wanting he has caused them to be altogether free from blemish. Now blemish brought and planted; also he has caused wells is the same as sinfulness. But such a thing is to be dug and trees to be planted, on the roads, indeed diffioult to anyone, whatever be he, a for the benefit of men and cattle. person of low degree or of high station, unless No. IV. on the Dehli Pillar, reads thus : with the utmost exertion of power, by sacrificing Devânampiye Piyadasi lêja hevaṁ aba: dueverything. But this is indeed most difficult vâ dasavasâbhisitena me dhammalipi likhâpita for a person of high station. lokasa hitasuk hâye. Se tam âpahata** tam-tam The only now readings are:- In line 1 jano for jand; in line 4, tu kho for ta kho. • Kapurdigirt ha" without blemish." + That is, by self-sacrifice and self-denial in all re. specte. The corrections supplied here are four :-In lines ! and 3 4 Tambapanhnf for a Tambapani; in line 3 raja for rája ; and in line 4 rájáno for rdjano, Dhauli-pratibhog dya. In the first place, Baktria. TT Jour. As. Soc. Beng. vol. VI. p. 580. *Variant: apahata, i.e. appahafta.


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