Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 329
________________ SeptemBER, 1876.] ASOKA INSCRIPTIONS. 271 sådhu bamhanasamaninam sadhudånarn etacha galam yâvat tasyarthasya nishthâyAh. Asticha asiecha etárisan dhammamangalam nama ta vata- | praguktam “zâdhudanam" iti; na tvetâdsisam vyaan pita va putena va bh&tâ và svâmikens vê asti danam vânugraho vâ, yâdrisath dharmadAnar idan sådhu idam katavya mangalar áva tasa vâ dharmanugraho vâ. Tat tu khalu mitrena va nthasn nistânâya asticha påvutan' sådhudanam suhridayena, jñatina vå, sahâyena vavavaditavyan iti na tu etárisan asti danam va anagaho va tasmirstasmin prakarane; idaın kartavyam, idam yarisam dhammadânam va dhammanugaho va ta sadhviti. Imâni sakalani kurvant svargam Ardtu kho mitena va suhadayena íiatikena va saha- dhayeteti ksityanimâni kuryattarán yathê svaryana va ovaditavyam tamhi-tamhi pakarane idam gâradhi. kachain idarn sådha imini saka ... svagam Translation of No. IX. Aradhetu iti kâcha imini katavyataram yathi svaga radhi. King Devânâ mpriya Priyadarsin Professor Kern's amended text and translations speaks thus:-It is a fact that men do all kinds are as follows: of things which are thought to assure luck, as Devânampiyo Piyadasi raja evam &ha: asti ja- well in sicknesses as at betrothals and marriages, no uchvachar mangalam karote Abadhesa va at the getting of children, or at going from home. * Avahavivahesu va putalâbhesu vå pavasamhi vâ; On these and other occasions men do all kinds etamhicha alamhicha jano uchávacham mangalam of things which are thought to bring proskarote. Eta tu mahâdâyo bahukamcha bahuvi. perity. But he is a great fool who does all darncha chhudarcha niratharcha mangalam those manifold, multifarious, vain and useless karote. Ta katavyameva tu mangalan apaphalam things. This, however, does not indeed retu kho * etårisar mangalarn; ayam tu mahåphalain move the necessity of a man's doing something ya dhammamangalam; tateta; dasabhatakamhi samyapatipati, gurunar apachiti sadhu, paņesu which will bring prosperity, Il but such a kind sayamo sadhu, bamhanasamangnam sådhudanam. as has been named is of little use, while of Etacha añacha dhammamangalam nama; ta vata- great use is true piety. To that belongs vyari pita va putena va bhata v svåmikena va ; proper treatment of servants and subordinates, idarn sådhu; idam katavyam mangalar (y)âva sincere reverence for elders and masters, sintasa athasa nistânâya. Asticha påvuta 'sadhu- cere self-restraint towards living beings, sindinain iti ; na tu etarisan anti dânam và anugaho cere charity to Brâhmans and monks. These vů yarisam dhammadhanam vê dhammanugahova. and other such like actions--that is called true Ta tu kho mitena vê suhadayena, "Tiatikena va, piety. Every man must hold that forth to sahâyena vâ ovaditavyam tamhi-tamhi pakarane : idarn kacharii, idam sådhu iti. Imâni saka-(lani others, whether he is a father, or a son, a karonito) svagar aradhetu iti kâchani() imâni brother, a lord; this is noble; this must a man katavyataram yatha svagârâdhi. do as something that assures luck, until his In Sansksit : aim has been fully attained. Mention was Devânâmpriyah Priyadarsi rajaivam Aha: asti made just now of "sincere charity;" now there jana uchchavacham mangalam kurata abadheshu is no charity, no affection to be compared to vävahaviväheshu va putralâbheshu vâ pravåse va. charity or affection springing from true piety. Etastaimśchânyasmimscha jana uchchivacham It is just this which a well-meaning friend, mangalam kurute. Etat tu mahâmàdho bahu. relative, or companion must, at every occurring kañcha bahuvidhañcha kshudraficha nirarthatcha opportunity, impress on another, that this mangalam kurute. Tat kartavyam eva tu manga is duty, this is proper. By doing all this, a man lam; alpaphalan tu khalv et&dpisam mangalami, idan tu mahậphalam mangalam yad dharmaman. can merit heaven; therefore let him who wishes galam; tatraitat: dâsabhsitakeshu samyakprati to gain heaven for himself fulfil, above all pattir, gurtnim apachitis sadhur, jiveshu samya things, these his duties. mas sâdhur brahmanaśramanebhyas sådhudånam. No. X. reads thus:Etachchânyachchaitadpisam dharmamangalam na-1 Devinampiyo Piyadasi râjâ yaso va kiti(m) va na ma; tad vaktavyam pitrå vå putrena va bhritra mahathavahî maliate añata tad&ptano dighayacha va svâmina vå: idam sadhu, idar kartavyam man- me jano, dharmasusumsa sususatâm dharmavu. $ The new readings here are :-Line 2, vidhesu for himself ernsed it. L. 4, gurinar for gujunan. L. 6. suamikena for suamikend. vludhesu, and etamhi for etamht. L. 3, chhudarcha for | If the reading of Kapurdigiri Katavo amangala is chhudarva. L. 4, tata for tateta. There is a trace of a 2, not a mistake, caused by carelessness, for añamangalo, or perhaps rather K ; but it appears as if the sculptor had the writer of Kapurdigirt has not understood the meaning. Dhault is unintelligible.


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