Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 265
________________ JULY, 1876.] TRANSLATION FROM THE RAMAYANA OF TULSI DÅS. 215. Chaupai. gods of all their happiness. Knowing neither "To-day if you will hear my words, I have age nor death, he was invincible; and the powers thought of an excellent bridegroom for you, of heaven were vanquished in innumerable batso beautiful and honourable, so pleasant and tles. At last they all went and cried to the amiable, that even the Veda hymns his praise- Creator, and he seeing them so dismayed, the faultless and all-perfect lord of Lakshmi, Dohá 92. who reigns at Vaikuntha. He is the husband that Reassured them, saying, “The demon shall I will bring you." On hearing this Bhavani die when a son is born of the seed of Sambhu, smiled and replied, “You said true that I in- who shall conquer him in fight." herit a rock-nature, and would sooner die than Chaupai. yield. Gold, again, is another product of the “Having heard what I say, devise a plan by rock, that cannot be chenged by any amount of which such a lord may arise and assist you. After burning. Nor will I change my faith in Nirada's Satî quitted the body at Dakshia's sacrifice, she word; whether my house be full or desolate I was born again as the daughter of the Himafear not: whoever doubts the word of his spiri- laya, and has been practising penance in the Anal adviser must never dream of obtaining either hope of obtaining Sambhu to husband. He, on happiness or riches. the other hand, has left all, and sits absorbed in Doha 90. contemplation. Though the disparity is great. "Mahadeva is full of faults, while Vishnu is yet list to what I propose. Send Kama, the god all-perfect; but love is governed by caprice. of love, to Siva, to agitate his soul, and then I Chaupai 91. will appronch with bowed head and arrange the "if, reverend sirs, I had met you sooner, I marriage, and in this way your object will be would have submitted to your advice; but now attained." All exclaimed that the plan was good. that I have given my life for Sambhu, it is too and heartily applauded it. Then came the god late to weigh his merits and defects. If you with the five arrows and the fish-standard, are firmly resolved and cannot rest without mak Dola 93. ing a match, there is no dearth of lovers, the And they told him their distress. He heard, world is full of young men and maidens; but as and after reflecting a little replied with a smile, for me, though I hold out for a million lives, I "Sambhu's displeasure will work me no good. will either wed Sambhu or remain a virgin. I Chaupai. will not forget Narada's admonition, who told me "Yet I will do you this service. The scripagain and again of Mahadeva. I, who am styledtures say charity is the highest of virtues, and the mother of the world, fall at your feet and one who gives his life for another is over the bid you return home; your time is lost." When praise of the saints." So saying he bowed and the sages beheld her devotion they cried, "Glory, took his leave, he and his attendant, with his glory, glory to the great mother Bhavânî, bow of flowers in his hand. And as he went Dola 91. he thought within himself: Siva's displeasure - United as Mayî to the god Siva, the parents will surely be my death. Therefore he hastened of the universe !" then bowing their heads at her to exhibit his power, and for a time reduced feet and thrilling with rapture they left, to subjection the whole world. If Love is proChapái. voked, the stepping-stones of the law are swept And sent king Himavant, and with many away in a moment; religions vows and obligaentreaties brought Girija back. When they re- tions, self-control, ceremonial observances, knowturned to Siva and told him Umâ's whole his- ledge and philosophy, virtuous practices, prayer. tory, he was delighted to hear of her affection, penance, self-mortification, the whole spiritual and they went gladly home. Then the all- army, is panic-stricken and put to flight. wise Sambhu, firmly directing his intention, Chhand. 3. began a meditation on Rama. Now at that Virtue's grand force is routed in panic and tiine was a demon Taraka, of gigantic strength dismay, of arm and high renown, who had subdued the And in dark nooks of holy books her champions sovereigns of every region, and despoiled the skulk away. I Kamadeva's attendant is Rituraja, or Basanta, the spring season.


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